Authors: Live Up to Your Full PR Potential #3

opened 9 months ago by Smithpublicity · 0 comments

Author media training is a significant asset to writers who publish books. The inevitable book publicity campaign will require interviews and appearances, helped by excellent speaking and interviewing skills. Even if you're relaxed in front of an audience and camera, can you get your key points in even if the host veers off the expected topic? When you learn from a trainer, you'll practice and master techniques to lead and control interviews to suit your advantage. Doing it well means conversing and answering the host's questions but bringing things to your preferred topics.

It works similarly for speaking engagements and event presentations. When you're more accomplished, you'll get your points across and build rapport with the audience better. If any authors you compete with are outstanding speakers, improving your skills will help you do better. There is no specific formula; what works for you will be unique. Part of what you do with a trainer in practice is receive professional feedback and improvement suggestions. In time, better presentation skills will become automatic, and you'll be able to enjoy yourself when speaking and being interviewed in public.

Your new skills are transferrable as virtual book tours and appearances continue to go strong in the post-pandemic world. Part of becoming an accomplished public speaker is gaining confidence and becoming more relaxed. When you're nervous, audiences can sense it, interfering with your ability to be yourself and do your best. Gaining confidence improves things naturally, and you'll look forward to things you might have previously dreaded. The PR value of books is long-term, and as an author, you become a respected thought leader welcomed and sought after by many audiences.

Everything you do with events and the media is excellent for online content. If you make a media appearance, they'll post it, and you can post links to it on your social media. For your events, have someone shoot video and still pictures. You can put the video on a sharing site and let people from anywhere worldwide attend your event online. It also extends the value of media coverage because the posts stay forever and turn up in search results. It's pretty standard for people to watch a video of one of your interviews or speeches five years later – why book PR campaigns have long-term value.

Author media training is a significant asset to writers who publish books. The inevitable **[book publicity](** campaign will require interviews and appearances, helped by excellent speaking and interviewing skills. Even if you're relaxed in front of an audience and camera, can you get your key points in even if the host veers off the expected topic? When you learn from a trainer, you'll practice and master techniques to lead and control interviews to suit your advantage. Doing it well means conversing and answering the host's questions but bringing things to your preferred topics. It works similarly for speaking engagements and event presentations. When you're more accomplished, you'll get your points across and build rapport with the audience better. If any authors you compete with are outstanding speakers, improving your skills will help you do better. There is no specific formula; what works for you will be unique. Part of what you do with a trainer in practice is receive professional feedback and improvement suggestions. In time, better presentation skills will become automatic, and you'll be able to enjoy yourself when speaking and being interviewed in public. Your new skills are transferrable as virtual book tours and appearances continue to go strong in the post-pandemic world. Part of becoming an accomplished public speaker is gaining confidence and becoming more relaxed. When you're nervous, audiences can sense it, interfering with your ability to be yourself and do your best. Gaining confidence improves things naturally, and you'll look forward to things you might have previously dreaded. The PR value of books is long-term, and as an author, you become a respected thought leader welcomed and sought after by many audiences. Everything you do with events and the media is excellent for online content. If you make a media appearance, they'll post it, and you can post links to it on your social media. For your events, have someone shoot video and still pictures. You can put the video on a sharing site and let people from anywhere worldwide attend your event online. It also extends the value of media coverage because the posts stay forever and turn up in search results. It's pretty standard for people to watch a video of one of your interviews or speeches five years later – why book PR campaigns have long-term value.
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