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Final server.yml config update

elliot 4 years ago
  1. 26


@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ redstone-culler:
# we have 100 redstone, you will still have an effect on them.
# (!) TO disable set chance to 0.
chance: 3
chance: 0
# What blocks do you want to be affected by the redstone culler. This allows you
# to prevent pressure plates or other valuable blocks that don't necessarily cause
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ redstone-culler:
# How many ticks should the redstone be culled if the signal changes. A too small value
# After how many ticks should the redstone be checked if the signal changes? A too small value
# will not stop clocks, and a too large value will make destructive checks less effective.
# TIP: The recommmended value for destructive checks is 10-30; and 50-70 without.
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ redstone-culler:
# Automatic Redstone culling will occur if TPS is under this value.
# EG: If TPS is under 19, LagAssist will cull redstone each time the monitor runs.
# TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it.
maxtps: 19.0
maxtps: 0.0
# Disable hopper crafting. Hoppers are one of the issues non-minigame server owners have to face. Enabling this
@ -428,9 +428,9 @@ hopper-check:
# improve performance (if they are properly advertised on the server)
define: "&eChunk &fHopper"
# The filter system allows you to give players the ability to filter what items the chunk hoppers will pick. It is really useful
# for creating simple & performance efficient filters, along with incentivizing people to use chunk hoppers.
# for creating simple & performance efficient filters, along with incentivising people to use chunk hoppers.
# The default items that chunk hoppers should pick up. This is used in case a hopper doesn't have a custom filter.\
# The default items that chunk hoppers should pick up. This is used in case a hopper doesn't have a custom filter.
# (!) In case you use the custom hopper filter, please make sure to set the slots larger than the amount of slots in default.
@ -495,8 +495,8 @@ hopper-check:
# This allows you to limit mobs while also allowing them to move between chunks.
# The amount of time between chunk cleans. Setting it to a small amount can make your server have more lag, while a larger amount may mean slower
# responses
# The amount of time between chunk cleans. Setting it to a small amount can make your server have more lag,
# while a larger amount may mean a longer time between checks
timer-time: 1200
# Should the limiter ignore named mobs?
ignore-named-mobs: false
@ -549,10 +549,10 @@ spawner-check:
# How spread out we should spawn the entities. We recommend keeping it lower.
spawnrange: 3
# The maximum distance a player can be in order for the spawner to be active.
player-range: 10
player-range: 12
# Automatic Spawner-Check activator. This will have no effect if the check is
# disabled.
# EG: If TPS is under 19, LagAssist will start modifying how the spawners work.
# EG: If TPS is under 16, LagAssist will start modifying how the spawners work.
# TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it.
maxtps: 16.0
@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ deny-physics:
# For example, you can disable decay, fire & melting for a build server.
enabled: false
# Automatic Physics disabler will occur if TPS is under this value.
# EG: If TPS is under 16, LagAssist will disable the physics that are
# EG: If TPS is under 17, LagAssist will disable Physics
# TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it.
maxtps: 17.0
# What should we disable? Please make sure this fits your game perfectly. If you have a cannoning server,
@ -609,7 +609,6 @@ blacklisted-worlds:
- blacklisted1name
- blacklisted2name
# The safety manager tries to lower the chances of a server crash when the server
@ -693,7 +692,7 @@ logcleaner:
# (!) Both of these settings are independent. If any of these conditions are met, the
# (!) file will get removed.
enabled: true
enabled: false
- "logs/"
@ -715,7 +714,7 @@ stats-bar:
message: "&c&l⬛ &fTPS: &a{TPS} &7&m|&r &fMEM: &a{MEM}GB &7&m|&r &fCHKS: &a{CHKS} &7&m|&r &fENT: &a{ENT} &c&l⬛"
# The interval in which the TPS average is created. A lower value will be more acurrate but will fluctuate a lot.
# We suggest setting it around 6-12 for it to be the most precise.
tps-interval: 10
tps-interval: 8
# How often should we refresh the statsbar? A lower value will look nicer and is more accurate, but might take more
# (yet a minuscule difference) processing power to show.
show-delay: 5
@ -779,5 +778,6 @@ hooks:
cache-duration: 1200
# What message should show up to players that get paid. %amount% for paid amount.
message: "&c&lLag&f&lAssist &e» &fYou were paid %amount% in the paywave."
# This allows the system to update the config if the plugin is updated.
version: 31