forked from stefatorus/LagAssist
4 years ago
87 changed files with 11156 additions and 0 deletions
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# _ _ _ |
# | | /\ (_) | | |
# | | __ _ __ _ / \ ___ ___ _ ___| |_ |
# | | / _` |/ _` | / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __| |
# | |___| (_| | (_| |/ ____ \\__ \__ \ \__ \ |_ |
# |______\__,_|\__, /_/ \_\___/___/_|___/\__| |
# __/ | |
# |___/ By Stefatorus |
# |
# This is the default configuration. I suggest using it as it is. |
# If you need help configuring it, please add me on discord. |
# DISCORD: Stefatorus#9382 |
# |
# The Client-Side tweaks offer a nice way to improve your player's experience. |
# It offers ways to hide some laggy features in minecraft and thus simplify the game |
# for the players, while the server still works as normally. |
# |
settings: |
# The client-side tweaks are currently experimental. They have been tested decently, |
# but not against a large range of systems and minecraft versions. Please take care. |
enabled: false |
# Set the command that players will use to open the client-side optimizer. |
command: "optimize" |
# Set the permission required for players to be able to use the client optimizer. |
permission: "lagassist.clientoptimize" |
# The GUI name for the client-side optimizer. |
gui-name: "&0&lPerformance Settings" |
# The prefix of client-side optimizer messages. |
prefix: "&c&lOptimize &e» &f" |
# The default cliet-side tweaks that will be enabled |
defaults: |
tnt: true |
sand: true |
particles: false |
pistons: false |
language: |
tnt: |
name: "&cTNT Optimization" |
lore: |
- "&f" |
- "&fHides TNT entities to greatly reduce lag when" |
- "&fthere's a lot of TNT exploding at the same time" |
- "&f" |
sand: |
name: "&eFalling Block Optimization" |
lore: |
- "&f" |
- "&fHides sand entities to improve performance" |
- "&fwhen there is a lot of sand falling around." |
- "&f" |
particle: |
name: "&dParticle Optimization" |
lore: |
- "&f" |
- "&fDisables server-side particles" |
- "&fso the client doesn't have to render them." |
- "&f" |
piston: |
name: "&8Piston Optimization" |
lore: |
- "&f" |
- "&fDisables Piston Animations" |
- "&fin order to optimize piston extensions." |
- "&f" |
toggleon: |
name: "&aEnable this" |
lore: |
- "&f" |
- "&fClick Here to enable this feature." |
- "&f" |
toggleoff: |
name: "&cDisable this" |
lore: |
- "&f" |
- "&fClick Here to disable this feature." |
- "&f" |
# This allows the system to update the config if the plugin is updated. |
version: 4 |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
name: LagAssist |
author: Stefatorus |
version: 2.23.2 |
api-version: 1.13 |
description: LagAssist is an advanced anti-lag solution that allows server owners find and remove lag using multiple advanced and efficient methods. |
main: cx.sfy.LagAssist.Main |
softdepend: [Vault] |
commands: |
lagassist: |
description: The main command of LagAssist, a Performance Analysis and Optimization Tool. |
@ -0,0 +1,740 @@ |
# _ _ _ |
# | | /\ (_) | | |
# | | __ _ __ _ / \ ___ ___ _ ___| |_ |
# | | / _` |/ _` | / /\ \ / __/ __| / __| __| |
# | |___| (_| | (_| |/ ____ \\__ \__ \ \__ \ |_ |
# |______\__,_|\__, /_/ \_\___/___/_|___/\__| |
# __/ | |
# |___/ By Stefatorus |
# |
# This is the default configuration. I suggest using it as it is. |
# If you need help configuring it, please add me on discord. |
# DISCORD: Stefatorus#9382 |
# |
# Mobs that will be removed by the smart cleaner. |
# |
# TIP: This will not remove named mobs, even if they are in the list. |
# This follows the vanilla rule - don't despawn named entities, which |
# players are allready acustom to. |
smart-cleaner: |
# Do you want the system to be in whitelist or blacklist mode? |
# TIP: Whitelist - All except these get deleted ; Blacklist is the opposite |
whitelist: false |
# Automatic Physics disabler will occur if tps is under this value. |
# EG: If tps is under 16, lagassist will disable the physics that are |
# TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it. |
maxtps-cull: 16.0 |
# Automatically disable mob spawning if tps is under this value. |
# EG: If tps is under 14, lagassist will disable mob spawning. |
maxtps-disablespawn: 14.0 |
# List of the mobs that will get removed by the smart-cleaner. |
# Mob names: |
mobs: |
- "ZOMBIE" |
- "SQUID" |
- "SPIDER" |
- "GHAST" |
- "HUSK" |
- "EVOKER" |
- "BAT" |
- "BLAZE" |
# For Creative Servers |
# For Factions Servers |
# The smart stacker system allows you to efficiently stack mobs in a chunk based on a |
# cubic chunk splitting system. This algorithm is extremely light-weight compared |
# to past stacking algorithms, which means more performance left for your server. |
smart-stacker: |
# Should we enable the smart stacker system? |
enabled: false |
checks: |
# Run stack check when a mob spawns. |
spawn-check: true |
# (!) Way more efficient than spawn check, but only works on custom tailored paper forks. You can use both for |
# best performance. |
pre-spawn-check: false |
# Should we try to stack mobs when they change splits? |
# Disabling it may improve performance, but it's not recommended since it disables |
# stacking when moving from one chunk to another. |
split-change-check: true |
gameplay: |
# Should players always see stacked mob tags? |
# (!) Setting to false will make it so you can only see mob stacking when hovering over a mob |
tag-visibility: true |
# Size is required if you want stacking to work. |
tag-format: "&f{type} &cx{size}" |
# What entity types don't you want to be stackable. |
stackable: |
# - "SKELETON" |
# - "ZOMBIE" |
# - "BLAZE" |
# - "VILLAGER" |
# - "WITCH" |
# - "SPIDER" |
# - "EVOKER" |
technical: |
# The amount of vertical splits per chunk (Must divide 256). A lower amount makes the stacking area go down and thus |
# improve compatibility with farms. |
# (!) Setting it under 4 is not recommended. 8, 16 recommended. |
splits: 8 |
# Should we remove all stacked mobs when the plugin is disabled? (DISABLED FEATURE) |
# (!) Highly suggested to be left on true, since it can help a lot with TPS. It |
# also prevents the algorithm having to search the old mobs when the chunk issue |
# empty which is a huge bonus. |
# (!) If left on false, the system will do stacking on chunk enable. |
# shutdown-clean: false |
# Should we amplify drops to get the approximate value of what those mobs would drop |
# if they were to be killed one by one? |
drops-fix: true |
# What's the highest amount a stack can get to? Since there's a limit of 1 stack per |
# split, it's useful to keep this higher. |
max-stack: 500 |
# This section deals with custom handling for damage for stacked mobs. |
damage: |
# What damage causes should be multiplied by the stack count. |
# (!) This helps with farms. For example, multiplying fall damage fixes |
# drop farms. |
multiply: |
- "FALL" |
- "VOID" |
- "DRYOUT" |
# Entity Comparison is used to prevent 2 similar entities from being stacked together. |
# Extremely useful when you want to retain vanilla-like gameplay. |
comparison: |
sheep: true |
pig: true |
slime: true |
villager: false |
tameable: true |
horse: true |
# Checks for the age of the mob approximatively |
ageable: false |
# This is a simple mob modifier. It changes how some mobs behave to improve the server |
# performance. |
mob-manager: |
# Disable armorstand gravity. This might help with creative servers which have a lot of armorstands. |
no-armorstand-gravity: false |
# Disable slime splitting, approximating the drops and health of a vanilla confrontation. This is very |
# useful for larger than vanilla slimes. |
# NOTE: This also helps for vanilla slimes, but shouldn't (in my opinion) be used unless there is lag from |
# NOTE: slimes. |
simple-slime: false |
# Micro features represent simple yet effective ways to reduce lag. It generally includes simple to implement |
# features that would otherwise not need their own section. |
microfeatures: |
# Optimize farms by automatically destroying crops that are near a piston facing them. |
# Helps reduce the need of redstone for these farms. Really useful on 1.8.8 factions servers. |
optimize-growable-farms: |
enable: false |
blocks: |
# Two versions (flattening and pre) |
- "MELON" |
# Laggy Chunk detection. You can fiddle around and find the best settings for your |
# server. |
# |
# TIP: Find what kind of tiles or entities lag your server and set them a proper lag score |
# here. The default values should be fine, but finding the best settings for yourself is allways |
# the best way. |
chunkanalyse: |
# Teleport command that will be issued when you click the text. |
# PLACEHOLDERS: {x}, {y}, {z}, {chunkx}, {chunkz} {world} |
# |
# TIP: Set it to a command that you like. This can be used to automatically clear lag in chunks, unload it, etc. |
tp-cmd: "lagassist tpchunk {world} {chunkx} {chunkz}" |
# Score at wich the server will consider the chunk laggy and make it appear in the list. You should fiddle around with it so it only shows |
# the chunks that you want it to find. |
# |
# TIP: The amount of chunks /lagassist chunkanalyse will show. |
# (It will always show the top (amount value) laggiest chunks.) |
ammount: 10 |
# Entity & Material names for laggy values. |
# |
# materials: |
# entities: |
# tile entities: |
# |
# TIP: Only detects Tile entities & entities. Normal blocks aren't ticked. This means that it would lag if i were to check the normal blocks. |
# At the same time, normal blocks don't lag the server. |
values: |
# ------------- |
# ------------- |
chest: 1 |
trapped_chest: 2 |
burning_furnace: 3 |
sign: 1 |
# Beacons don't really lag the server, but they usually appear in laggy chunks due to them being placed near grinders & automatic farms. |
# High score due to their rarity. |
beacon: 35 |
hopper: 6 |
note_block: 4 |
piston_extension: 5 |
dispenser: 10 |
# Mob spawners really lag the server. I suggest setting a high score related to them. |
mob_spawner: 60 |
# -------------- |
# -------------- |
# Players themselves. They have a decent score due to them being a lag cause (they create farms, afk at them, etc) |
player: 15 |
# Normal mobs that are found in a chunk. Set the value to a moderate one. They don't lag the server so much. |
# Creeper score slightly higher due to the explosion that could lag the server a bit. |
zombie: 2 |
spider: 2 |
skeleton: 2 |
creeper: 3 |
# Passive mobs. Might signal some custom spawner farms. They are pretty optimised in AdvancedSpigotTweaks though. |
cow: 1 |
pig: 1 |
# Thrown items. Don't pose a huge issue due to them being optimised by AdvancedSpigotTweaks. The endereye (ender_signal) might |
# mean there is a end portal nearby, that might mean more activity (and thus, lag). Egg can spawn mobs and such has a higher score. |
ender_signal: 5 |
egg: 3 |
fishing_hook: 2 |
ender_pearl: 2 |
snowball: 2 |
arrow: 1 |
# Static entities might lag the server, but it all depends. They usually signal a big player city, and such is related to lag. |
painting: 2 |
item_frame: 3 |
armor_stand: 4 |
# Stacked items & XP do not lag the server as much. If you use AdvancedSpigotTweaks, keep that in mind. |
# Fireworks might lag the server, especially if they have big explosions. |
dropped_item: 2 |
experience_orb: 3 |
firework: 8 |
# Bosses have complex abilities that might lag your server. The ability entities can also offer additional proof the |
# bosses are actively fighting. |
ender_dragon: 85 |
ender_crystal: 10 |
wither: 55 |
wither_skull: 20 |
# Tnt is a severe lag issue. I recommend setting primed tnt (activated tnt) to a higher score. Remember that a tnt by |
# itself doesn't lag as much, but they are used in mass numbers in cannons, etc. |
# Minecart-TNTS are evem bigger of an issue due to their moving mechanics. |
primed_tnt: 7 |
minecart_tnt: 15 |
# Highly active entities. Includes entities that do many checks, and are used for mechanics. |
minecart_hopper: 20 |
minecart_mob_spawner: 80 |
endermite: 5 |
# Chunk-Manager System. |
chunk-manager: |
# Should we enable the chunk-manager? It can highly help with memory issues if you have too many loaded chunks. |
# NOTE: You need to have the max view distance set in your file. |
# |
# (!) This feature will only work on PaperSpigot servers. |
enabled: false |
# How many chunks should all players load at the same time. |
# TIP: The view distance is calculated using this formula: |
# EG: If the max chunks are at 6500, and you have 100 players online |
# your view distance would be at 4. |
# (!) In order for this to work, please set your view distance in |
# both & spigot.yml to the minimum view distance you |
# want to set. |
max-chunks: 5000 |
# (!) Try making it larger progressively. Sometimes it's safe to limit it |
# at a smaller view distance. |
max-view: 12 |
#LagMeasures Config |
lag-measures: |
# Lag measures automatically runs anti-lag actions if the server has |
# under a set amount of TPS. To configure the tps values, look for |
# the maxtps setting in all lagassist systems. |
# |
# Announce the lag cleaning in the console and chat. |
announce: |
# Show players that the lag-cleaning has occured. |
enabled: false |
# Should we show the staff a different, more exact message of lag-measures? |
# Permission node: lagassist.notify |
staffmsg: true |
message: "&c&lLag&f&lAssist &e» &fRemoving server lag..." |
# Set the time between the lag-cleaning cycles. |
# I suggest keeping it on 6000 as the fact that it disables redstone |
# machines might annoy some players if it is done too often. |
# |
# TIP: Time is measured in ticks. 1 second has a tick |
# (For 10 second interval, set to 200) |
timer: 6000 |
# RedstoneCuller Tweaks |
redstone-culler: |
# Chance from 1 to 100 for the redstone to break. If you don't think |
# redstone could lag your server, disable it. |
# |
# The breaker system griefs some redstone from Players' contraptions in |
# order to prolongue the effect of the cull. If it is set to 0, it will |
# be harder to get rid of redsotne lag, because players can just start |
# their farms & Lag Machines back up in a matter of seconds. |
# |
# TIP: The chance doesn't need to be too big in order for their farms to |
# break. The system triggers for all of the active redstone trails and will |
# break X percent of the track. Remember that even if you have chance 2, if |
# we have 100 redstone, you will still have an effect on them. |
# |
# (!) TO disable set chance to 0. |
chance: 3 |
# |
# What blocks do you want to be affected by the redstone culler. This allows you |
# to prevent pressure plates or other valuable blocks that don't necessarily cause |
# lag to be protected from the culler. |
affected-materials: |
- "DIODE" |
# |
# How many ticks should the redstone be culled if the signal changes. A too small value |
# will not stop clocks, and a too large value will make destructive checks less effective. |
# |
# TIP: The recommmended value for destructive checks is 10-30; and 50-70 without. |
ticks: 60 |
# Destructive checks. Implemented to combat Observer lagmachines, which can bring |
# a I7-4770k machine to it's knees quite easily. It listens for singal changes and |
# removes all observers that go over a set value. |
# Lag-Machine example: |
# |
# (!) This should be safe, but at the same time, don't enable it without any reason. |
# These lag machines are not found very often, and there is no reason to try fix them |
# if everything works fine. |
destructive: |
# Should we enable destructive checks? |
enabled: false |
# How many updates should the observer do in order to remove it? I recommend the default value. |
value: 16 |
# |
# Automatic Redstone culling will occur if tps is under this value. |
# EG: If tps is under 19, lagassist will cull redstone each time the monitor runs. |
# TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it. |
maxtps: 19.0 |
# Disable hopper crafting. Hoppers are one of the issues non-minigame server owners have to face. Enabling this |
# check allows you to make hoppers more rare. This won't really affect farms, but will make them more efficient. |
# |
# Hoppers are easy to craft in vanilla minecraft, and this makes them to get overused (>100 HOPPERS/FARM) |
hopper-check: |
enabled: false |
reason: "&c&lLag&f&lAssist &e» &fHopper crafting has been disabled." |
# Sabotage hoppers in order to defer players from using them. This |
# will break huge farms in a while, and has a bigger chance of destroying |
# large hopper lines instead of single hoppers. (multyply by how many) |
# |
# TIP: This is is not percent, it is per10mille (X in 10000 chance). |
# Don't set it too big. If you set it to 1 or 2, it will make sure |
# huge afk farms will break and won't lag your server for actually |
# active players, while also not annoying the less-extreme players. |
# |
# Disable by setting it to 0. |
chance: 0 |
# Make item drops go directly into hoppers. This was designed with |
# factions servers in order to replace plugins like crophoppers and |
# in general improve performance for many hopper drops. |
chunk-hoppers: |
# Should we enable chunk hoppers? They will catch all items |
# that aren't dropped by players and are ine items list and |
# place it in the chosen hopper. |
enabled: true |
# What mode do you want to use for chunk hopper additions |
# FIRST - Uses first hopper that is available |
# RANDOM - Get a random hopper (may help with logistic speed) |
# CLOSEST - Uses hoppers in ordered by their range to the item. |
mode: "RANDOM" |
# How do you want chunk-hoppers to be defined? |
# DEFAULT - All hoppers become chunk-hoppers. Useful for already |
# established servers that haven't used them in the current |
# season or wipe. |
# NAME - Hoppers being named customly are chunk-hoppers. Will reduce |
# the amount of hoppers that need sorted and thus will possibly |
# improve performance (if they are properly advertised on the server) |
define: "&eChunk &fHopper" |
# The filter system allows you to give players the ability to filter what items the chunk hoppers will pick. It is really useful |
# for creating simple & performance efficient filters, along with incentivizing people to use chunk hoppers. |
filter: |
# The default items that chunk hoppers should pick up. This is used in case a hopper doesn't have a custom filter.\ |
# (!) In case you use the custom hopper filter, please make sure to set the slots larger than the amount of slots in default. |
default: |
- "IRON_ORE" |
- "BONE" |
- "ARROW" |
gui: |
# The name that the filtering GUI should have. This can be used to customize the looks of the |
# filter system. |
name: "&d&lHopper Filter" |
# This represents the size of the GUI that the filter represents. Tweaking these settings allows |
# you to choose how complex a filter can get. |
# (!) Must be a multiple of 9. |
size: 18 |
# Mob hoppers allow people to instanly funnel spawner mob drops to chunk hoppers. It works using the filter that is found above. |
# Players will have to add a mob spawnegg to the hopper to allow it to catch the respective mob. |
mob-hopper: |
# (!) Note: Mob Hoppers currently only work on 1.13+ servers. |
# |
# This check can be used to alleviate lag during extreme lag sessions, or used temporarily. While i suggest |
# keeping it on all the times, if your players don't mind having to have their grinder account for it, you can |
# make it only run when the server lags. |
# (!) To disable mob hoppers from working, just set max-tps to 0. |
# I suggest 17 if you want it temporary, or 20 if you want it permanent. |
maxtps: 0.0 |
# The reasons that the mob hopper will work for. This allows you to exclude normal mob |
# spawns from being funneled to the chunk hopper. |
spawn-reasons: |
# Multiplying the drop amount can help you fiddle with mob spawns without changing the |
# amount players win from a hopper, effectively tuning performance drastically without |
# negatively affecting the players. |
multiplier: 1 |
# Entity Materials represent the materials that will allow their respective mobs to |
# get caught in mob hoppers. |
filter-items: |
zombie: "ROTTEN_FLESH" |
creeper: "GUNPOWDER" |
skeleton: "BONE" |
# Automatically sell items that appear in this list before attempting to place them in the chunkhopper. |
# Useful and efficient replacement for autosell chests. Requires Vault to function. |
sell-hopper: |
# Should we enable the sellhopper system? |
# (!) To enable, please also add the "lagassist.sellhopper.PERCENTAGE" permission to the player. |
# Example: lagassist.sellhopper.70 gives the player 70% of the price. |
# |
enabled: false |
# The amount users will be paid at the end of the payout session. The payout session is used to prevent |
# lag. |
prices: |
BONE: 1 |
# The limiter allows you to limit the amount of mobs & tiles there are on a single chunk. |
# This system can be used to deny abusing spawning mobs, minecarts, etc. |
# |
# The soft-limit represents the limit to where mobs will be allowed to spawn in the chunk. |
# The hard-limit represents the limts to where mobs will be removed when brought from other chunks (eg: Water slides or rails) |
# |
# This allows you to limit mobs while also allowing them to move between chunks. |
limiter: |
# The amount of time between chunk cleans. Setting it to a small amount can make your server have more lag, while a larger amount may mean slower |
# responses |
timer-time: 1200 |
mobs: |
# The maximum limit of mobs that can spawn per chunk. Set this to a larger number, and use |
# the per-limit system to set limits for certain types of mobs. |
total-limit: -1 |
soft-limit: |
# Dropped items are here because we don't want dropped items not to spawn. |
dropped_item: 200 |
entity2: -1 |
#armor_stand: 20 |
hard-limit: |
entity1: 100 |
#armor_stand: 100 |
tiles: |
# The maximum limit of tile entities that can be placed per chunk. Note that there are |
# very many types of tile entities, and they don't produce so much lag. This has limited |
# uses for lag prevention, but may be used for other tasks. |
# (!) Set to '-1' to disable it. |
total-limit: -1 |
per-limit: |
#crafthopper: 16 |
#craftchest: 128 |
tileentity1: -1 |
tileentity2: -1 |
# Anti Spawner-Lag implementation for large servers with a lot of spawners. |
spawner-check: |
# Should we enable the spawner check? |
enabled: true |
# Should we break spawners with a set chance (permille)? This highly helps |
# severs where spawners are very easily procured. |
breaker: false |
# What chance (permille) should we have. |
# EG: If you set it to 5, the chance will be 5/1000 which is 1/200; |
chance: 5 |
# Custom spawner implementation. This should work with all spawner |
# plugins, like EpicSpawners or SilkSpawners. |
custom-settings: |
# Delay in ticks between mob spawner spawns. |
delay: 300 |
# (!) 1.12 ONLY FEATURES |
# How many mobs should we spawn. This can greatly lower the mob lag |
# from mob-spawners. |
amount: |
min: 1 |
max: 2 |
# How spread out we should spawn the entities. I recommend keeping it lower. |
spawnrange: 3 |
# The maximum distance a player can be in order for the spawner to be active. |
player-range: 10 |
# Automatic Spawner-Check activator. This will have no effect if the check is |
# disabled. |
# EG: If tps is under 19, lagassist will start modifying how the spawners work. |
# TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it. |
maxtps: 16.0 |
# The Physics system disables laggy or ununsed game mechanics that might lag your server. The physics system can |
# be set to be enabled on start or by using /lagassist. |
# |
# TIP: Disabling it here won't actually remove the checks when you use /lagassist. If you want some checks to |
# work, please add them here. |
deny-physics: |
# Should we disable physics just as the server starts? |
# TIP: It can be used to modify gameplay features. |
# For example, you can disable decay, fire & melting for a build server. |
enabled: false |
# Automatic Physics disabler will occur if tps is under this value. |
# EG: If tps is under 16, lagassist will disable the physics that are |
# TIP: Set to 0.0 to disable it. |
maxtps: 17.0 |
# What should we disable? Please make sure this fits your game perfectly. If you have a cannoning server, |
# disabling explosions would be useless. At the same time, you shouldn't enable them for a survival server. |
systems: |
physics: false |
explosions: true |
grassspread: true |
melting: true |
pistons: true |
fire: true |
liquidspread: true |
decay: true |
redstone: true |
# Had reports of noteblock & observer machines to lag the server significantly |
noteblock: true |
benchmark: |
# Benchmarking can be used to approximate the max players your server will be able |
# to sustain. |
# |
# TIP: If you want more accurate results (and don't mind waiting longer), change the |
# ftp link under here. |
# Placeholders: %RND% - Generate random name (useful for upload testing). |
# |
# (!) The size for upload is in bytes. A MB = 1.000.000 bytes. Default is 50MB |
download: |
link: "" |
upload: |
link: "" |
size: 50000000 |
blacklisted-worlds: |
# Worlds where this plugin will have no effect. All lag-measures will simply be disabled. |
# (!) Analysis features are not disabled. (LagMonitor, LagMap) |
enabled: false |
list: |
- blacklisted1name |
- blacklisted2name |
safety-manager: |
# The safety manager tries to lower the chances of a server crash when the server |
# is under extreme load or doesn't have enough resources to run. |
# |
# It will safely shut down the server whenever the respective settings are met. |
# (!) This is an experimental feature and is still not recommended by default. |
enabled: false |
# Triggered when the system's space is not enough for a minecraft server. Shutting |
# down the server prevents glitched chunks from forming. |
no-space: |
# Space for the server to start up in bytes. The default is 50 MB. |
startup-space: 50000000 |
# Threshold under which server will safely shutdown th server. Default is 20MB. |
shutdown-space: 20000000 |
# The anti-crasher module helps prevent players from crashing the server by spamming packets. |
# |
# It does so by limiting the amount of packets sent per second, along with their size. |
anti-crasher: |
# Useful against book crashers. |
settings: |
# When debug mode is on, you can see the serialized packets. Useful for analysing crash clients |
# and solving them properly. |
# (!) Only shows for packets that have a config location. |
debug: false |
packets: |
packetplayinsetcreativeslot: |
# The amount of packets recorded before the player gets dropped. |
drop-threshold: 350 |
# The amount of packets to 'forget' each second. |
decay: 80 |
# The max size of packet allowed. Useful for huge pages, etc. |
size: 10000 |
# Illegal values in the packet. The values are found using deserialzation. |
illegals: |
# Fixing custom payload spam. May cause issues with bungee if you have some strange plugins. (Check size) |
packetplayincustompayload: |
drop-threshold: 25 |
decay: 15 |
size: 15000 |
illegals: [] |
packetplayinuseentity: |
drop-threshold: 25 |
decay: 21 |
size: 5500 |
illegals: [] |
packetplayinuseitem: |
drop-threshold: 25 |
decay: 21 |
size: 5500 |
illegals: [] |
packetplayinblockdig: |
drop-threshold: 25 |
decay: 21 |
size: 2500 |
illegals: [] |
packetplayinblockplace: |
drop-threshold: 25 |
decay: 21 |
size: 22000 |
illegals: [] |
packetplayinwindowclick: |
drop-threshold: 25 |
decay: 21 |
size: 19000 |
illegals: [] |
packetplayinchat: |
drop-threshold: 30 |
decay: 20 |
size: 10000 |
illegals: [] |
logcleaner: |
# The Log-Cleaner cleans old logs from the directories that you select. You can use this feature to get rid of old |
# logs. |
# |
# maxsize = Max size (in megabytes) that the log needs to have in order to be cleaned. |
# maxage = Max time (in days) that the log needs to have in order to get removed. |
# |
# (!) Both of these settings are independent. If any of these conditions are met, the |
# (!) file will get removed. |
enabled: true |
list: |
- "logs/" |
conditions: |
maxsize: 30 |
maxage: 7 |
# (!) Highly Experimental! - May cause irreversible damage to your server. Please use with care. |
super-loader: |
# The super loader feature allows LagAssist and other plugins to implement so called "NMS Expansions". |
# NMS Expansions allow the modification of minecraft classes during runtime. |
enabled: false |
stats-bar: |
# The statsbar can be accessed using /lagassist statsbar. You can configure it to better show your server |
# performance, or to better resemble your server's design choices. |
message: "&c&l⬛ &fTPS: &a{TPS} &7&m|&r &fMEM: &a{MEM}GB &7&m|&r &fCHKS: &a{CHKS} &7&m|&r &fENT: &a{ENT} &c&l⬛" |
# The interval in which the tps average is created. A lower value will be more acurrate but will fluctuate a lot. |
# I suggest setting it around 6-12 for it to be the most precise. |
tps-interval: 10 |
# How often should we refresh the statsbar? A lower value will look nicer and is more accurate, but might take more |
# (yet a minuscule difference) processing power to show. |
show-delay: 5 |
# The system that creates the lagmap. |
lag-map: |
# Do you want us to fully reserve filled_map:0? This will allow for placing lagmaps in spawns and giving them to players. |
fully-reserve: false |
# The lagassist API provides tools for other plugins to get information from your server using |
# unconventional methods such as server-icon serialization. This provides several improvements |
# over plugin messaging. |
# |
# (!) Currently used in the Monitoring tool. |
api: |
# Config section for server icon data. |
server-icon: |
# THE IPS allowed to use this api. Empty to disable |
# this feature. |
# (!) Star matches everything |
allowed-ips: |
- "" |
- "*" |
# This system allows you to configure the SmartUpdater Reminder. This |
# system was developed to better notify users of important changes to |
# the plugin and alert people using old and maybe inefficient ways of |
# using the plugin. |
smart-updater: |
# This feature allows you to choose which updates you will get |
# notified for. The default should only announce stable versions. |
enabled: true |
announce: |
# Don't announce updates that have been flagged as unsafe due to |
# major issues that have been detected. |
unsafe: false |
# Minimum likes received for the update post. Likes are usually |
# given when a large bug has been fixed or i've added a new feature. |
min-likes: 1 |
# Minimum downloads to announce the update. |
min-downloads: 10 |
# Minimum rating. Note that unrated counts as 5 stars. |
min-rating: 3.95 |
settings: |
# Tooltips notify you when something may be broken in the current LagAssist version along with |
# information to help you to remedy the issue. |
tooltips: true |
# The untested system notifies you if you are using the plugin on untested versions in order |
# to prevent misuse. |
untested: true |
# Controls for plugins lagassist hooks into. |
hooks: |
# Vault is used for paying money to users. |
vault: |
# How much should the money be cached before being paid. A smaller value means faster payments at the expense of performance. |
cache-duration: 1200 |
# What message should show up to players that get paid. %amount% for paid amount. |
message: "&c&lLag&f&lAssist &e» &fYou were paid %amount% in the paywave." |
# This allows the system to update the config if the plugin is updated. |
version: 29 |
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ |
package cx.sfy.LagAssist; |
import; |
import; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.HashSet; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Set; |
import java.util.UUID; |
import org.bukkit.Bukkit; |
import org.bukkit.Location; |
import org.bukkit.Material; |
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; |
import org.bukkit.block.Hopper; |
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; |
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; |
import org.bukkit.entity.Player; |
import; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.hoppers.SellHoppers; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.packets.Reflection; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.utils.WorldMgr; |
public class Data { |
private static File dataf = new File(Main.p.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"); |
private static FileConfiguration data = new YamlConfiguration(); |
public static void Enabler() { |
try { |
if (!dataf.exists()) { |
dataf.createNewFile(); |
} |
data.load(dataf); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
e.printStackTrace(); |
} |
if (!data.contains("version")) { |
if (data.contains("hoppers")) { |
for (String rawh : data.getConfigurationSection("hoppers").getKeys(false)) { |
String loc = "hoppers." + rawh; |
List<String> values = data.getStringList(loc); |
data.set(loc, null); |
data.set(loc + ".materials", values); |
} |
} |
data.set("version", 1); |
saveData(); |
} |
} |
private static void saveData() { |
// if (System.currentTimeMillis() - last < 1000) {
// return;
// }
// Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(Main.p, () -> {
try { |
|||; |
} catch (IOException e) { |
e.printStackTrace(); |
} |
// });
} |
private static short genMapId() { |
MapView newe = Bukkit.createMap(Bukkit.getWorlds().get(0)); |
short mapid = (short) Reflection.getId(newe); |
data.set("data.mapid", mapid); |
saveData(); |
return mapid; |
} |
public static short getMapId() { |
if (data.contains("data.mapid")) { |
int mapid = data.getInt("data.mapid"); |
// if (Reflection.getMapView(mapid) == null) {
// return genMapId();
// } else {
// return mapid;
// }
return (short) mapid; |
} else { |
return genMapId(); |
} |
} |
public static void deleteHopper(Hopper h) { |
String cloc = "hoppers." + WorldMgr.serializeLocation(h.getLocation()); |
data.set(cloc, null); |
saveData(); |
} |
public static boolean isSellHopper(Location loc) { |
String cloc = "hoppers." + WorldMgr.serializeLocation(loc); |
return data.getBoolean(cloc + ".sellhopper", false); |
} |
public static boolean toggleSellHopper(Player p, Location loc) { |
String cloc = "hoppers." + WorldMgr.serializeLocation(loc); |
String owner = data.getString(cloc + ".owner", "NONE"); |
if (!(p.getUniqueId().toString().equals(owner) || p.hasPermission("lagassist.hopper.bypass"))) { |
p.sendMessage(Main.PREFIX + "You can't toggle selling for a hopper not owned by you"); |
return false; |
} |
String percentage = "§e" + SellHoppers.getMultiplierPercentage(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(p.getUniqueId())) + "%"; |
if (isSellHopper(loc)) { |
data.set(cloc + ".sellhopper", false); |
p.sendMessage(Main.PREFIX + "This sellhopper has been §cdisabled§f at " + percentage + "§f."); |
saveData(); |
return true; |
} else { |
data.set(cloc + ".sellhopper", true); |
p.sendMessage(Main.PREFIX + "This sellhopper has been §aenabled§f at " + percentage + "§f."); |
saveData(); |
return true; |
} |
} |
public static OfflinePlayer getOwningPlayer(Location loc) { |
String cloc = "hoppers." + WorldMgr.serializeLocation(loc); |
if (data.contains(cloc + ".owner")) { |
return Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(UUID.fromString(data.getString(cloc + ".owner"))); |
} |
return null; |
} |
public static void setOwningPlayer(Location loc, OfflinePlayer owner) { |
String cloc = "hoppers." + WorldMgr.serializeLocation(loc); |
data.set(cloc + ".owner", owner.getUniqueId().toString()); |
saveData(); |
} |
public static Set<Material> getFilterWhitelist(Location loc) { |
String cloc = "hoppers." + WorldMgr.serializeLocation(loc); |
List<String> found = null; |
if (data.contains(cloc + ".materials")) { |
found = data.getStringList(cloc + ".materials"); |
} |
Set<Material> allowed = new HashSet<Material>(); |
if (found == null) { |
return allowed; |
} |
for (String stg : found) { |
allowed.add(Material.getMaterial(stg)); |
} |
return allowed; |
} |
public static void saveFilterWhitelist(Location loc, Set<Material> mats) { |
String cloc = "hoppers." + WorldMgr.serializeLocation(loc) + ".materials"; |
if (mats == null) { |
data.set(cloc, null); |
saveData(); |
return; |
} |
List<String> allowed = new ArrayList<String>(); |
for (Material mat : mats) { |
allowed.add(; |
} |
data.set(cloc, allowed); |
saveData(); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
package cx.sfy.LagAssist; |
public class ExactTPS implements Runnable { |
public static int TICK_COUNT = 0; |
public static long[] TICKS = new long[600]; |
public static long LAST_TICK = 0L; |
public static double getTPS() { |
return getTPS(100); |
} |
public static double getTPS(int ticks) { |
if (TICK_COUNT - 1 < ticks) { |
return 20.0D; |
} |
int target = (TICK_COUNT - 1 - ticks) % TICKS.length; |
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - TICKS[target]; |
return ticks / (elapsed / 1000.0D); |
} |
public static long getElapsed(int tickID) { |
if (TICK_COUNT - tickID >= TICKS.length) { |
} |
long time = TICKS[(tickID % TICKS.length)]; |
return System.currentTimeMillis() - time; |
} |
@Override |
public void run() { |
TICKS[(TICK_COUNT % TICKS.length)] = System.currentTimeMillis(); |
TICK_COUNT += 1; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ |
package cx.sfy.LagAssist; |
import; |
import org.bukkit.Bukkit; |
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; |
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; |
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; |
import org.bukkit.entity.Player; |
import org.bukkit.event.Listener; |
import; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.api.APIManager; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.chunks.ChkAnalyse; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.chunks.ChkLimiter; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.chunks.DynViewer; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.client.ClientMain; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.cmd.CommandListener; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.cmd.CommandTabListener; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.cmd.StatsAnalyse; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.economy.EconomyManager; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.gui.DataGUI; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.hoppers.HopperManager; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.logpurger.PurgerMain; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.metrics.MetricsManager; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.microfeatures.MicroManager; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.mobs.SmartMob; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.mobs.SpawnerMgr; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.packets.PacketInjector; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.packets.PacketMain; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.packets.Reflection; |
import; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.stacker.StackManager; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.updater.SmartUpdater; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.utils.Others; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.utils.VersionMgr; |
import cx.sfy.LagAssist.utils.WorldMgr; |
public class Main extends JavaPlugin implements Listener { |
public static String USER = "%%__USER__%%"; |
public static final String PREFIX = "§c§lLag§f§lAssist §e» §f"; |
public static JavaPlugin p; |
public static boolean paper = false; |
// Debug mode means people will get verbose info.
public static int debug = 0; |
private static File file; |
public static FileConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); |
@Override |
public void onEnable() { |
p = this; |
file = new File(getDataFolder(), "server.yml"); |
config = Others.getConfig(file, 29); |
paper = VersionMgr.isPaper(); |
// Start Smart updater to check for updates.
SmartUpdater.Enabler(); |
Bukkit.getLogger().info(Main.PREFIX + "Enabling Systems:"); |
EnableClasses(false); |
getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this); |
getCommand("lagassist").setExecutor(new CommandListener()); |
getCommand("lagassist").setTabCompleter(new CommandTabListener()); |
} |
private static void EnableClasses(boolean reload) { |
EconomyManager.Enabler(reload); |
SafetyManager.Enabler(reload); |
Reflection.Enabler(); |
Data.Enabler(); |
SmartMob.Enabler(reload); |
MicroManager.Enabler(reload); |
HopperManager.Enabler(reload); |
StackManager.Enabler(reload); |
Redstone.Enabler(reload); |
Physics.Enabler(reload); |
Monitor.Enabler(reload); |
MonTools.Enabler(reload); |
WorldMgr.Enabler(); |
ChkAnalyse.Enabler(); |
ChkLimiter.Enabler(reload); |
StatsAnalyse.Enabler(reload); |
PurgerMain.Enabler(); |
SpawnerMgr.Enabler(reload); |
DynViewer.Enabler(reload); |
ClientMain.Enabler(); |
DataGUI.Enabler(reload); |
MetricsManager.Enabler(reload); |
PacketMain.Enabler(reload); |
APIManager.Enabler(reload); |
} |
public static void ReloadPlugin(CommandSender s) { |
config = Others.getConfig(file, 29); |
Bukkit.getLogger().info(Main.PREFIX + "Reloading Systems:"); |
EnableClasses(true); |
s.sendMessage(Main.PREFIX + "Reloaded the config successfully."); |
} |
@Override |
public void onDisable() { |
if (PacketMain.isPacketEnabled()) { |
PacketInjector.Disabler(); |
} |
StackManager.Disabler(); |
} |
public static void sendDebug(String msg, int mindebug) { |
if (mindebug > debug) { |
return; |
} |
for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { |
if (!p.hasPermission("lagassist.debug")) { |
continue; |
} |
p.sendMessage(msg + "(MINDEBUG: " + mindebug + ")"); |
} |
if (debug == 2) { |
try { |
throw new Exception(msg); |
} catch (Exception e) { |
e.printStackTrace(); |
} |
return; |
} |
} |