#!/bin/bash safety_list="https://api.entryrise.com/minewall/" # Make sure to change protect port to your own protect port. # $6 > X means the packet count before validating user. # Recommending a value for X between 10k (~100 seconds) and 50k (~500 seconds) for validation) command_check=$(conntrack -L | awk '{if ($6 > 300000 && $4 == "ESTABLISHED" && $8 == "dport=20003") print $5}'); #command_check=$(conntrack -L | awk '{if ($6 > PACKETS_TO_WHITELIST && $4 == "CONNECTION FULLY RUNNING" && $8 == "dport=PORT OF SERVER") print $5}'); echo "Updating blacklist for firewall." for ip in $(curl -L $safety_list/{others}.iplist); do ipset -A mw_blacklist $ip done echo "Updating whitelist for the firewall." for ip in $(curl -L $safety_list/{wireless,residential,business}.iplist); do ipset -A mw_whitelist $ip done echo "Sending actual players to remote database." for data in $command_check; do if [[ $data == "src="* ]] then curl -X POST -d 'ip='$(echo $data | cut -c 5-) $safety_list fi done echo "Done" # # # # # # PUT THIS ON A CRONTAB TO RUN EACH 5 MINUTES!!!!