size: 27 title: '&aThe Bridge - Particles' unlocked: - - '&7' - '&eClick to select!' noPerm: - - '&7' - '&aPrice: &6' - '&7' - '&cYou dont have permission!' locked: - - '&7' - '&aPrice: &6' - '&7' - '&eClick to buy this!' trails: arrow: title: '&aThe Bridge - Arrow Trails' size: 36 effects: default: icon: ARROW data: 0 amount: 1 slot: 0 price: 0 isBuy: true name: "Default Arrow Effect" effect: type: EMPTY ammount: 10 permission: bridges.arrow.default description: - '&fDefault effect to all' - '&fplayers' feet: title: '&aThe Bridge - Feet Trails' size: 36 effects: default: icon: IRON_BOOTS data: 0 amount: 1 slot: 0 price: 0 isBuy: true name: "Default Feet Effect" effect: type: EMPTY ammount: 10 permission: bridges.feet.default description: - '&fDefault effect to all' - '&fplayers'