mainLobby: null server: ServerName update: true cages: false permFormat: pex user add defaultCage: "default" chat: enabled: true lobby: "&b[TheBridge] &e: &7" ingame: "[] : &7" global: "&6[GLOBAL] : &7" commands: enabled: true list: - /myCommand archievements: disable: false remove: absorption: false regeneration: false bow: seconds: 3 shop: size: 27 glass: slot: 4 icon: STAINED_GLASS data: 0 amount: 1 close: slot: 22 icon: BARRIER data: 0 amount: 1 coins: normal: kill: 2 win: 50 goals: 0 four: kill: 2 win: 50 goals: 0 xp: normal: kill: 1 win: 10 goals: 0 four: kill: 1 win: 10 goals: 0 items: shop: enabled: false material: DIAMOND data: 0 amount: 1 slot: 3 nameItem: "&aThe Bridge | Shop" loreItem: |- &7Click to open &7shop of the bridge. hotbar: enabled: false material: CHEST data: 0 amount: 1 slot: 5 nameItem: "&aHotbar Editor" loreItem: |- &7Click to open &7hotbar editor. menu: enabled: false material: BOOK data: 0 amount: 1 slot: 4 nameItem: "&aGame Selector" loreItem: |- &7Click to open &7menu of select games. random: enabled: false material: FEATHER data: 0 amount: 1 slot: 8 nameItem: "&eRandom Join" loreItem: |- &7Click to random &7join a game. names: red: "Red" blue: "Blue" yellow: "Yellow" green: "Green" signs: waiting: 5 starting: 4 pregame: 6 ingame: 14 finish: 11 restart: 15 MySQL: enabled: false username: Insider password: spigot database: Martu host: port: 3306 stats: null tops: normal: kills: null wins: null goals: null four: kills: null wins: null goals: null title: prestart: fadein: 0 stayin: 21 fadeout: 0 start: fadein: 0 stayin: 21 fadeout: 0 restart: fadein: 0 stayin: 21 fadeout: 0 kit: null