package cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.Main; import; import; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; public class GameManager { private ArrayList normalGames; private ArrayList fourGames; private HashMap playerGame; private HashMap playerGameFour; private Inventory kit; Main plugin; public GameManager(Main plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; this.normalGames = new ArrayList<>(); this.fourGames = new ArrayList<>(); this.playerGame = new HashMap(); this.playerGameFour = new HashMap(); this.kit = Bukkit.getServer().createInventory(null, InventoryType.PLAYER); if (plugin.getConfig().getString("kit") == null) { Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You don't have a default kit set up. Use " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "/bridges setkit"); } else { try { kit.setContents(plugin.getKit().fromBase64(plugin.getConfig().getString("kit")).getContents()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.loadGames(); } public void reloadKit() { try { kit.setContents(plugin.getKit().fromBase64(plugin.getConfig().getString("kit")).getContents()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Inventory getKit() { return kit; } public void resetNormalGame(String file) { Game prev = null; for (Game game : normalGames) { if (game.getName().equals(file)) { prev = game; } } normalGames.remove(prev); File arena = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas/" + file + ".yml"); FileConfiguration yml = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(arena); String name = yml.getString("name"); if (yml.getString("locations.lobby") == null) { Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The map " + ChatColor.YELLOW + name + " " + ChatColor.RED + "doesn't have lobby location set up."); } if (yml.getString("locations.spect") == null) { Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The map " + ChatColor.YELLOW + name + " " + ChatColor.RED + "doesn't have spectator location set up."); } Location hRed = null; Location hBlue = null; if (yml.get("") != null) { hRed = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("") != null) { hBlue = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } plugin.getWC().resetWorld(name); int min = yml.getInt("minPlayers"); int teamSize = yml.getInt("teamSize"); int starting = yml.getInt("timers.starting"); int prestart = yml.getInt("timers.prestart"); int restart = yml.getInt("timers.restart"); String lobby = yml.getString("locations.lobby"); String spect = yml.getString("locations.spect"); String buildMin = yml.getString(""); String buildMax = yml.getString(""); String spawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String spawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); String respawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String respawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); ArrayList portalRed = new ArrayList(); for (String locRed : yml.getStringList("")) { portalRed.add(getStringLocation(locRed)); } ArrayList portalBlue = new ArrayList(); for (String locBlue : yml.getStringList("")) { portalBlue.add(getStringLocation(locBlue)); } normalGames.add(new Game(plugin, name, min, 2 * teamSize, teamSize, starting, prestart, restart, getStringLocation(lobby), getStringLocation(spect), getStringLocation(buildMin), getStringLocation(buildMax), getStringLocation(spawnsRed), getStringLocation(spawnsBlue), portalRed, portalBlue, getStringLocation(respawnsRed), getStringLocation(respawnsBlue), hRed, hBlue)); } public void resetFourGame(String file) { GameFour prev = null; for (GameFour game : fourGames) { if (game.getName().equals(file)) { prev = game; } } fourGames.remove(prev); File arena = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas/" + file + ".yml"); FileConfiguration yml = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(arena); String name = yml.getString("name"); plugin.getWC().resetWorld(name); Location hRed = null; Location hBlue = null; Location hGreen = null; Location hYellow = null; if (yml.get("") != null) { hRed = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("") != null) { hBlue = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("") != null) { hGreen = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("locations.holograms.yellow") != null) { hYellow = getStringLocation(yml.getString("locations.holograms.yellow")); } int min = yml.getInt("minPlayers"); int teamSize = yml.getInt("teamSize"); int starting = yml.getInt("timers.starting"); int prestart = yml.getInt("timers.prestart"); String lobby = yml.getString("locations.lobby"); String spect = yml.getString("locations.spect"); String buildMin = yml.getString(""); String buildMax = yml.getString(""); String spawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String spawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); String spawnsGreen = yml.getString(""); String spawnsYellow = yml.getString("locations.spawns.yellow"); String respawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String respawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); String respawnsGreen = yml.getString(""); String respawnsYellow = yml.getString("locations.respawns.yellow"); ArrayList portalRed = new ArrayList(); for (String locRed : yml.getStringList("")) { portalRed.add(getStringLocation(locRed)); } ArrayList portalBlue = new ArrayList(); for (String locBlue : yml.getStringList("")) { portalBlue.add(getStringLocation(locBlue)); } ArrayList portalGreen = new ArrayList(); for (String locGreen : yml.getStringList("")) { portalGreen.add(getStringLocation(locGreen)); } ArrayList portalYellow = new ArrayList(); for (String locYellow : yml.getStringList("locations.portal.yellow")) { portalYellow.add(getStringLocation(locYellow)); } fourGames.add(new GameFour(plugin, name, min, 4 * teamSize, teamSize, starting, prestart, getStringLocation(lobby), getStringLocation(spect), getStringLocation(buildMin), getStringLocation(buildMax), getStringLocation(spawnsRed), getStringLocation(spawnsBlue), getStringLocation(spawnsGreen), getStringLocation(spawnsYellow), getStringLocation(respawnsRed), getStringLocation(respawnsBlue), getStringLocation(respawnsGreen), getStringLocation(respawnsYellow), portalRed, portalBlue, portalGreen, portalYellow, hRed, hBlue, hGreen, hYellow)); } public void loadGames() { File folder = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas"); File[] listFiles = folder.listFiles(); for (int f = 0; f < listFiles.length; f++) { if (listFiles[f].isFile()) { File arena = listFiles[f]; FileConfiguration yml = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(arena); if (yml.getString("mode").toLowerCase().equals("normal")) { String name = yml.getString("name"); if (yml.getString("locations.lobby") == null) { Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The map " + ChatColor.YELLOW + name + " " + ChatColor.RED + "doesn't have lobby location set up."); continue; } if (yml.getString("locations.spect") == null) { Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The map " + ChatColor.YELLOW + name + " " + ChatColor.RED + "doesn't have spectator location set up."); continue; } plugin.getWC().resetWorld(name); Location hRed = null; Location hBlue = null; if (yml.get("") != null) { hRed = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("") != null) { hBlue = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } int min = yml.getInt("minPlayers"); int teamSize = yml.getInt("teamSize"); int starting = yml.getInt("timers.starting"); int prestart = yml.getInt("timers.prestart"); int restart = yml.getInt("timers.restart"); String lobby = yml.getString("locations.lobby"); String spect = yml.getString("locations.spect"); String buildMin = yml.getString(""); String buildMax = yml.getString(""); String spawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String spawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); String respawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String respawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); ArrayList portalRed = new ArrayList(); for (String locRed : yml.getStringList("")) { portalRed.add(getStringLocation(locRed)); } ArrayList portalBlue = new ArrayList(); for (String locBlue : yml.getStringList("")) { portalBlue.add(getStringLocation(locBlue)); } normalGames.add(new Game(plugin, name, min, 2 * teamSize, teamSize, starting, prestart, restart, getStringLocation(lobby), getStringLocation(spect), getStringLocation(buildMin), getStringLocation(buildMax), getStringLocation(spawnsRed), getStringLocation(spawnsBlue), portalRed, portalBlue, getStringLocation(respawnsRed), getStringLocation(respawnsBlue), hRed, hBlue)); } if (yml.getString("mode").toLowerCase().equals("four")) { String name = yml.getString("name"); plugin.getWC().resetWorld(name); int min = yml.getInt("minPlayers"); Location hRed = null; Location hBlue = null; Location hGreen = null; Location hYellow = null; if (yml.get("") != null) { hRed = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("") != null) { hBlue = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("") != null) { hGreen = getStringLocation(yml.getString("")); } if (yml.get("locations.holograms.yellow") != null) { hYellow = getStringLocation(yml.getString("locations.holograms.yellow")); } int teamSize = yml.getInt("teamSize"); int starting = yml.getInt("timers.starting"); int prestart = yml.getInt("timers.prestart"); String lobby = yml.getString("locations.lobby"); String spect = yml.getString("locations.spect"); String buildMin = yml.getString(""); String buildMax = yml.getString(""); String spawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String spawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); String spawnsGreen = yml.getString(""); String spawnsYellow = yml.getString("locations.spawns.yellow"); String respawnsRed = yml.getString(""); String respawnsBlue = yml.getString(""); String respawnsGreen = yml.getString(""); String respawnsYellow = yml.getString("locations.respawns.yellow"); ArrayList portalRed = new ArrayList(); for (String locRed : yml.getStringList("")) { portalRed.add(getStringLocation(locRed)); } ArrayList portalBlue = new ArrayList(); for (String locBlue : yml.getStringList("")) { portalBlue.add(getStringLocation(locBlue)); } ArrayList portalGreen = new ArrayList(); for (String locGreen : yml.getStringList("")) { portalGreen.add(getStringLocation(locGreen)); } ArrayList portalYellow = new ArrayList(); for (String locYellow : yml.getStringList("locations.portal.yellow")) { portalYellow.add(getStringLocation(locYellow)); } fourGames.add(new GameFour(plugin, name, min, 4 * teamSize, teamSize, starting, prestart, getStringLocation(lobby), getStringLocation(spect), getStringLocation(buildMin), getStringLocation(buildMax), getStringLocation(spawnsRed), getStringLocation(spawnsBlue), getStringLocation(spawnsGreen), getStringLocation(spawnsYellow), getStringLocation(respawnsRed), getStringLocation(respawnsBlue), getStringLocation(respawnsGreen), getStringLocation(respawnsYellow), portalRed, portalBlue, portalGreen, portalYellow, hRed, hBlue, hGreen, hYellow)); } } } } public void addPlayerGame(Player p, Game game) { playerGame.put(p, game); game.addPlayer(p); } public void addPlayerGameFour(Player p, GameFour game) { playerGameFour.put(p, game); game.addPlayer(p); } public void removePlayerGame(Player p, Game game) { game.removePlayer(p); playerGame.remove(p); plugin.getSB().update(p); } public void removePlayerGameFour(Player p, GameFour game) { game.removePlayer(p); playerGameFour.remove(p); plugin.getSB().update(p); } public void removePlayerAllGames(Player p) { for (Game game : normalGames) { if (game.getGamePlayers().contains(p)) { game.removePlayer(p); playerGame.remove(p); plugin.getSB().update(p); } } } public void removePlayerFourGames(Player p) { for (GameFour game : fourGames) { if (game.getPlayers().contains(p)) { game.removePlayer(p); playerGameFour.remove(p); plugin.getSB().update(p); } } } public Game getGameByPlayer(Player p) { if (playerGame.containsKey(p)) { return playerGame.get(p); } return null; } public GameFour getGameFourByPlayer(Player p) { if (playerGameFour.containsKey(p)) { return playerGameFour.get(p); } return null; } public Game getGameByName(String name) { for (Game game : normalGames) { if (game.getName().equals(name)) { return game; } } return null; } public GameFour getGameFourByName(String name) { for (GameFour game : fourGames) { if (game.getName().equals(name)) { return game; } } return null; } public Location getStringLocation(String location) { String[] l = location.split(";"); World world = Bukkit.getWorld(l[0]); double x = Double.parseDouble(l[1]); double y = Double.parseDouble(l[2]); double z = Double.parseDouble(l[3]); float yaw = Float.parseFloat(l[4]); float pitch = Float.parseFloat(l[5]); return new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch); } public ArrayList getGames(){ return normalGames; } public ArrayList getGamesFour(){ return fourGames; } }