package cx.sfy.TheBridge; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.cmds.SetupCMD; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.controllers.WorldController; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.database.Cosmeticbase; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.database.Database; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.database.PlayerStat; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.hooks.PlaceholderHook; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.kit.Hotbar; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.kit.Kit; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.leaderheads.TheBridgeFourGoals; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.leaderheads.TheBridgeFourKills; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.leaderheads.TheBridgeFourWins; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.leaderheads.TheBridgeNormalGoals; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.leaderheads.TheBridgeNormalKills; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.leaderheads.TheBridgeNormalWins; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.listeners.PlayerListener; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.listeners.SetupListener; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.listeners.SpectatorListener; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.ArchiManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.CageManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.FileManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.GameManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.GlassManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.LocationManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.ScoreboardManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.SetupManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.SignManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.TitleManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.managers.TopManager; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.menus.AchievementsMenu; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.menus.GameMenu; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.menus.GlassMenu; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.menus.ShopMenu; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.menus.SpectOptionsMenu; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.menus.SpectPlayerMenu; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.menus.TeamMenu; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.nms.GenericNMS; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.nms.NMS; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.packets.PacketMain; public class Main extends JavaPlugin { private static Main instance; private PacketMain refl; private SpectOptionsMenu som; private SpectPlayerMenu spm; private TeamMenu tem; private boolean placeholder; private TitleManager tm; private GameManager gm; private GameMenu gmu; private WorldController wc; private Settings lang; private Settings cages; private Settings signs; private Settings sounds; private Settings achievement; private Settings killsounds; private NMS nms; private FileManager fm; private SetupManager sm; private GlassManager glm; private LocationManager lm; private Location mainLobby; private Kit kit; private Database db; private TopManager top; private SignManager sim; private Hotbar hotbar; private boolean stop; private ScoreboardManager sb; private ArchiManager am; private AchievementsMenu archimenu; private CageManager cm; private GlassMenu glam; private boolean isCage = false; private boolean archiDisabled = false; private ShopMenu shop; private Cosmeticbase cb; public static Main get() { return instance; } @Override public void onEnable() { refl = new PacketMain(this); instance = this; stop = false; getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); saveConfig(); File s = new File(getDataFolder() + "/cages"); if (!s.exists()) { s.mkdirs(); } saveResources(); lang = new Settings(this, "lang"); signs = new Settings(this, "signs"); cages = new Settings(this, "cages"); sounds = new Settings(this, "sounds"); achievement = new Settings(this, "achievement"); //killsounds = new Settings(this, "killsounds"); if (getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("FastAsyncWorldEdit")) { if (!getConfig().getBoolean("cages")) { Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "You have " + ChatColor.RED + "FAWE installed." + ChatColor.GREEN + "Cage System Enabled"); } else { cm = new CageManager(this); isCage = true; } } else { if (getConfig().getBoolean("cages")) { Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "You don't have " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "FAWE installed." + ChatColor.RED + "Cage System Disabled"); isCage = false; } } archiDisabled = getConfig().getBoolean("archievements.disable"); if (getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("PlaceholderAPI")) { placeholder = true; new PlaceholderHook(this).register(); } loadNMS(); File a = new File(getDataFolder() + "/arenas"); if (!a.exists()) { a.mkdirs(); } File a1 = new File(getDataFolder() + "/maps"); if (!a1.exists()) { a1.mkdirs(); } db = new Database(this); cb = new Cosmeticbase(this); kit = new Kit(); lm = new LocationManager(this); fm = new FileManager(this); wc = new WorldController(this); tm = new TitleManager(this); sim = new SignManager(this); gm = new GameManager(this); gmu = new GameMenu(this); sm = new SetupManager(this); glm = new GlassManager(); top = new TopManager(this); tem = new TeamMenu(this); som = new SpectOptionsMenu(this); spm = new SpectPlayerMenu(this); hotbar = new Hotbar(this); sb = new ScoreboardManager(this); am = new ArchiManager(this); archimenu = new AchievementsMenu(this); glam = new GlassMenu(this); shop = new ShopMenu(this); lm.reloadLocations(); top.updateTops(); if (getConfig().getString("mainLobby") == null) { Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "The main lobby hasn't been set up. Please use " + ChatColor.YELLOW + "/bridges setmainlobby"); } else { mainLobby = getStringLocation(getConfig().getString("mainLobby")); } getCommand("bridges").setExecutor(new SetupCMD(this)); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SetupListener(this), this); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new PlayerListener(this), this); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SpectatorListener(this), this); new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { top.updateTops(); } }.runTaskTimer(this, 6000, 6000); new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Game game : getGM().getGames()) { if (game.isState(State.WAITING) || game.isState(State.STARTING) || game.isState(State.PREGAME)) { game.updateGame(); } } for (GameFour game : getGM().getGamesFour()) { if (game.isState(FState.WAITING) || game.isState(FState.STARTING) || game.isState(FState.PREGAME)) { game.updateGame(); } } } }.runTaskTimer(this, 20, 20); if (getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("LeaderHeads")) { new TheBridgeNormalKills(); new TheBridgeNormalWins(); new TheBridgeNormalGoals(); new TheBridgeFourKills(); new TheBridgeFourWins(); new TheBridgeFourGoals(); } } @Override public void onDisable() { stop = true; getTOP().removeHolo(); getServer().getScheduler().cancelTasks(this); for (InventoryData inv : InventoryData.getInventoryData().values()) { inv.restore(); } for (GameFour gamef : getGM().getGamesFour()) { for (PlayerData pd : gamef.getPD().values()) { pd.restore(); } } for (Game gamef : getGM().getGames()) { for (PlayerData pd : gamef.getPD().values()) { pd.restore(); } } for (Player on : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { getDB().saveData(PlayerStat.getPlayerStat(on)); getCB().saveData(PlayerStat.getPlayerStat(on)); } } public boolean isArchiDisabled() { return archiDisabled; } public Settings getSounds() { return sounds; } public Cosmeticbase getCB() { return cb; } public boolean isCage() { return isCage; } public Settings getKS() { return killsounds; } public ShopMenu getShop() { return shop; } public GlassMenu getGLAM() { return glam; } public CageManager getCM() { return cm; } public boolean isStop() { return stop; } public AchievementsMenu getArchiMenu() { return archimenu; } public ArchiManager getAM() { return am; } public Hotbar getHotbar() { return hotbar; } public ScoreboardManager getSB() { return sb; } public SpectPlayerMenu getSPM() { return spm; } public SpectOptionsMenu getSOM() { return som; } public TeamMenu getTEM() { return tem; } public void loadNMS() { // Replaced with reflection. nms = new GenericNMS(); } public void saveResources() { saveResource("clear.schematic", false); saveResource("normal-red.schematic", false); saveResource("normal-blue.schematic", false); saveResource("normal-green.schematic", false); saveResource("normal-yellow.schematic", false); File cage = new File(getDataFolder(), "cages"); File c = new File(getDataFolder(), "clear.schematic"); File r = new File(getDataFolder(), "normal-red.schematic"); File b = new File(getDataFolder(), "normal-blue.schematic"); File g = new File(getDataFolder(), "normal-green.schematic"); File y = new File(getDataFolder(), "normal-yellow.schematic"); copyFiles(c, new File(cage, "clear.schematic")); copyFiles(r, new File(cage, "normal-red.schematic")); copyFiles(b, new File(cage, "normal-blue.schematic")); copyFiles(g, new File(cage, "normal-green.schematic")); copyFiles(y, new File(cage, "normal-yellow.schematic")); c.delete(); r.delete(); g.delete(); b.delete(); y.delete(); } public void copyFiles(File file, File file2) { try { if (!new ArrayList(Arrays.asList("uid.dat", "session.dat")).contains(file.getName())) { if (file.isDirectory()) { if (!file2.exists()) { file2.mkdirs(); } String[] list; for (int length = (list = file.list()).length, i = 0; i < length; ++i) { String s = list[i]; copyFiles(new File(file, s), new File(file2, s)); } } else { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream; try (FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file)) { fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file2); byte[] array = new byte[1024]; int read; while ((read = > 0) { fileOutputStream.write(array, 0, read); } } fileOutputStream.close(); } } } catch (IOException ex) {} } /*public boolean isOnePointNine() { return onepointnine; }*/ public SignManager getSIM() { return sim; } public Settings getSigns() { return signs; } public TopManager getTOP() { return top; } public Kit getKit() { return kit; } public void reloadMainLobby() { mainLobby = getStringLocation(getConfig().getString("mainLobby")); } public Database getDB() { return db; } public LocationManager getLM() { return lm; } public Location getMainLobby() { return mainLobby; } public GlassManager getGLM() { return glm; } public FileManager getFM() { return fm; } public SetupManager getSM() { return sm; } public WorldController getWC() { return wc; } public NMS getNMS() { return nms; } public GameMenu getGMU() { return gmu; } public GameManager getGM() { return gm; } public TitleManager getTM() { return tm; } public Settings getAchievement() { return achievement; } public Settings getLang() { return lang; } public Settings getCages() { return cages; } public boolean getPlaceholder() { return placeholder; } public Location getStringLocation(String location) { String[] l = location.split(";"); World world = Bukkit.getWorld(l[0]); double x = Double.parseDouble(l[1]); double y = Double.parseDouble(l[2]); double z = Double.parseDouble(l[3]); float yaw = Float.parseFloat(l[4]); float pitch = Float.parseFloat(l[5]); return new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch); } public PacketMain getRefl() { return refl; } public void setRefl(PacketMain refl) { this.refl = refl; } }