prefix: "&6&lTheBridge &7:" error: "&c&lERROR!" signs: normal: line-1: "&lTheBridge Normal" line-2: line-3: "Map: " line-4: "&7/" four: line-1: "&lTheBridge Four" line-2: line-3: "Map: " line-4: "&7/" states: waiting: "&aWaiting..." starting: "&eStarting" pregame: "&cPre-Game" ingame: "&4In-Game" finish: "&9Finishing" restarting: "&5Restarting" shop: title: "&aThe Bridge | Shop" glass: nameItem: "&aCage Shop" loreItem: |- &7Click to open &7the cage Shop. close: nameItem: "&cClose" loreItem: |- &7Click to close &7this shop holograms: your: "Your" portal: you: - "&l Goal" - "&7Defend!" enemy: - "&l Goal" - "&eJump in to score!" tops: normal: kills: - "&b&lTop TheBridge Kills" - "&aNormal mode" - wins: - "&b&lTop TheBridge Winners" - "&aNormal mode" - goals: - "&b&lTop TheBridge Goal scorers" - "&aNormal mode" - four: kills: - "&b&lTop TheBridge Kills" - "&aFour mode" - wins: - "&b&lTop TheBridge Winners" - "&aFour mode" - goals: - "&b&lTop TheBridge Goal scorers" - "&aFour mode" - stats: - "&a%player_name% &6&lThe Bridge &astatistics" - "&aNormal Kills: &6%bridges_normal_kills%" - "&aNormal Wins: &6%bridges_normal_wins%" - "&aNormal Goals: &6%bridges_normal_goals%" - "&aFour Kills: &6%bridges_four_kills%" - "&aFour Wins: &6%bridges_four_wins%" - "&aFour Goals: &6%bridges_four_goals%" - "&aBlocks Placed: &6%bridges_blocks_placed%" - "&aBlocks Broken: &6%bridges_blocks_broken%" - "&aCoins: &6%bridges_coins%" - "&aXP: &6%bridges_xp%" deathMessages: void: &7was thrown into the void damage: &7was killed custom: &7was death player: "&7 by &7." none: . messages: noPermission: "&cYou dont have permissions to run this command." noBreak: "&cYou can only break blocks allowed blocks." noPlace: "&cYou are not allowed to build here." starting: "&eThe game starts in &b