package cx.sfy.TheBridge.cmds; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.Main; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.fanciful.FancyMessage; import; import; import; import; import cx.sfy.TheBridge.utils.ItemBuilder; public class SetupCMD implements CommandExecutor { Main plugin; public SetupCMD(Main plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) { if (sender instanceof Player) { final Player p = (Player)sender; if (args.length < 1) { sendHelp(p); return true; } switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) { case "hotbar": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.hotbar")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (plugin.getConfig().getString("kit") == null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noHaveKit")); return true; } plugin.getHotbar().createHotbarMenu(p); break; case "archievements": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.archievements")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (plugin.isArchiDisabled()) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.archiDisabled")); return true; } if (args.length < 1) { sendHelp(p); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null || plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.alreadyGame")); return true; } plugin.getArchiMenu().createArchievementsMenu(p, 1); break; case "ach": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.archievements")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (plugin.isArchiDisabled()) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.archiDisabled")); return true; } if (args.length < 1) { sendHelp(p); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null || plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.alreadyGame")); return true; } plugin.getArchiMenu().createArchievementsMenu(p, 1); break; case "menu": if (!p.hasPermission("")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 1) { sendHelp(p); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null || plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.alreadyGame")); return true; } plugin.getGMU().openGameMenu(p); break; case "shop": if (!p.hasPermission("")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 1) { sendHelp(p); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null || plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.alreadyGame")); return true; } plugin.getShop().openShopMenu(p); break; case "cages": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.cages")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 1) { sendHelp(p); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null || plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.alreadyGame")); return true; } if (plugin.isCage()) plugin.getGLAM().createGlassMenu(p); else p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noEnabedGlass")); break; case "random": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.random")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null || plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.alreadyGame")); return true; } switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) { case "normal": for (final Game game : plugin.getGM().getGames()) { Game g = null; int alto = 0; if (game.isState(State.FINISH) || game.isState(State.INGAME) || game.isState(State.RESTARTING) || game.isState(State.PREGAME)) continue; if (game.getPlayers() == game.getMax()) continue; if (game.getPlayers() <= alto) { g = game; alto = game.getPlayers(); } if (g != null) plugin.getGM().addPlayerGame(p, game); else p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noGames")); } break; case "four": for (final GameFour game : plugin.getGM().getGamesFour()) { GameFour g = null; int alto = 0; if (game.isState(FState.FINISH) || game.isState(FState.INGAME) || game.isState(FState.RESTARTING) || game.isState(FState.PREGAME)) continue; if (game.getPlayers().size() == game.getMax()) continue; if (game.getPlayers().size() <= alto) { g = game; alto = game.getPlayers().size(); } if (g != null) plugin.getGM().addPlayerGameFour(p, game); else p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noGames")); } break; } break; case "settop": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) { case "normal": if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "kills": final String kills = plugin.getLM().getLocationString(p.getLocation()); plugin.getConfig().set("tops.normal.kills", kills); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getLM().reloadLocations(); p.sendMessage("§aNormal TOP Kills setted."); break; case "wins": final String wins = plugin.getLM().getLocationString(p.getLocation()); plugin.getConfig().set("tops.normal.wins", wins); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getLM().reloadLocations(); p.sendMessage("§aNormal TOP Wins setted."); break; case "goals": final String goals3 = plugin.getLM().getLocationString(p.getLocation()); plugin.getConfig().set("tops.normal.goals", goals3); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getLM().reloadLocations(); p.sendMessage("§aNormal TOP Goals setted."); break; } break; case "four": switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "kills": final String kills2 = plugin.getLM().getLocationString(p.getLocation()); plugin.getConfig().set("tops.four.kills", kills2); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getLM().reloadLocations(); p.sendMessage("§aFour TOP Kills setted."); break; case "wins": final String wins2 = plugin.getLM().getLocationString(p.getLocation()); plugin.getConfig().set("tops.four.wins", wins2); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getLM().reloadLocations(); p.sendMessage("§aFour TOP Wins setted."); break; case "goals": final String goals2 = plugin.getLM().getLocationString(p.getLocation()); plugin.getConfig().set("tops.four.goals", goals2); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getLM().reloadLocations(); p.sendMessage("§aFour TOP Goals setted."); break; } break; } break; case "setstats": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } final String stats = plugin.getLM().getLocationString(p.getLocation()); plugin.getConfig().set("stats", stats); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getLM().reloadLocations(); p.sendMessage("§aStats setted."); break; case "help": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } switch (args[1].toLowerCase()) { case "player": sendPlayerCommands(p); break; case "lobby": sendLobbyCommands(p); break; case "all": sendAllTypesCommands(p); break; case "normal": sendNormalTypeCommands(p); break; case "four": sendFourTypeCommands(p); break; } break; case "leave": if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) == null && plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) == null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noGame")); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null) { final Game game = plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p); plugin.getGM().removePlayerGame(p, game); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { final GameFour game = plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p); plugin.getGM().removePlayerGameFour(p, game); return true; } break; case "setmainlobby": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } plugin.getLM().setMainLobby(p); break; case "setkit": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } final Inventory inv = Bukkit.getServer().createInventory(null, 36); for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) { if (p.getInventory().getItem(i) == null || p.getInventory().getItem(i).getType() == Material.AIR) { inv.setItem(i, new ItemStack(Material.BARRIER, 1, (short)0)); continue; } inv.setItem(i, p.getInventory().getItem(i)); } final String kit = plugin.getKit().toBase64(inv); plugin.getConfig().set("kit", kit); plugin.saveConfig(); plugin.getGM().reloadKit(); p.sendMessage("§aKit saved and reloaded."); break; case "join": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.join")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name100 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name100)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByPlayer(p) != null || plugin.getGM().getGameFourByPlayer(p) != null) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.alreadyGame")); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameByName(name100) != null) { final Game game = plugin.getGM().getGameByName(name100); if (game.getPlayers() >= game.getMax()) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.gameFull")); return true; } plugin.getGM().addPlayerGame(p, game); return true; } if (plugin.getGM().getGameFourByName(name100) != null) { final GameFour game = plugin.getGM().getGameFourByName(name100); if (game.getPlayers().size() >= game.getMax()) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.gameFull")); return true; } plugin.getGM().addPlayerGameFour(p, game); return true; } break; case "create": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name = args[1]; if (Bukkit.getWorld(name) != null) if (Bukkit.getWorlds().contains(Bukkit.getWorld(name))) { plugin.getFM().createNewFile(name); final File c = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c); config.set("enabled", false); config.set("name", name); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aArena §e" + name + "§a has been created."); return true; } if (plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena already exists."); return true; } plugin.getWC().createEmptyWorld(p, name); plugin.getFM().createNewFile(name); final File c = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c); config.set("enabled", false); config.set("name", name); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aArena §e" + name + "§a has been created."); break; case "save": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } plugin.getWC().copyWorld(p.getWorld()); p.sendMessage("§aArena §e" + p.getWorld().getName() + "§a has been saved."); break; case "wand": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } final ItemStack wand = ItemBuilder.item(Material.BLAZE_ROD, 1, (short)0, "§eSetup TheBridge", ""); p.getInventory().addItem(wand); break; case "settype": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name1 = args[1]; switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "four": final String type1 = args[2].toLowerCase(); if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name1)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c1 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name1 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config1 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c1); config1.set("mode", type1); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aArena type of §e" + name1 + "§a has been setted to §e" + type1 + "§a."); break; case "normal": final String type2 = args[2].toLowerCase(); if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name1)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c2 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name1 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config2 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c2); config2.set("mode", type2); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aArena type of §e" + name1 + "§a has been setted to §e" + type2 + "§a."); break; } break; case "setspawn": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name2 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name2)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c3 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name2 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config3 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c3); switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "blue": config3.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aSpawn location for §eBLUE §ahas been setted."); break; case "red": config3.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aSpawn location for §eRED §ahas been setted."); break; case "green": config3.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aSpawn location for §eGREEN §ahas been setted."); break; case "yellow": config3.set("locations.spawns.yellow", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aSpawn location for §eYELLOW §ahas been setted."); break; } break; case "setrespawn": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name3 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name3)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c4 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name3 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config4 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c4); switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "blue": config4.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aRespawn location for §eBLUE §ahas been setted."); break; case "red": config4.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aRespawn location for §eRED §ahas been setted."); break; case "green": config4.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aRespawn location for §eGREEN §ahas been setted."); break; case "yellow": config4.set("locations.respawns.yellow", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aRespawn location for §eYELLOW §ahas been setted."); break; } break; case "setportal": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name4 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name4)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c5 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name4 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config5 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c5); if (!plugin.getSM().getSelect().containsKey(p)) { p.sendMessage("§cYou have not selected anything."); return true; } if (!plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).containsKey("MIN")) { p.sendMessage("§cYou have not selected the minimum."); return true; } if (!plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).containsKey("MAX")) { p.sendMessage("§cYou have not selected the minimum."); return true; } switch (args[2].toLowerCase()) { case "red": final ArrayList portal = new ArrayList<>(); final Location location = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MIN"); final Location location2 = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MAX"); final int n = Math.min(location.getBlockX(), location2.getBlockX()); final int n2 = Math.max(location.getBlockX(), location2.getBlockX()); final int n3 = Math.min(location.getBlockZ(), location2.getBlockZ()); final int n4 = Math.max(location.getBlockZ(), location2.getBlockZ()); final int n5 = Math.min(location.getBlockY(), location2.getBlockY()); final int n6 = Math.max(location.getBlockY(), location2.getBlockY()); for (int i = n; i <= n2; ++i) for (int j = n5; j <= n6; ++j) for (int k = n3; k <= n4; ++k) { final Location location3 = new Location(p.getWorld(), i, j, k); if (location3.getBlock().getType() == Material.AIR) continue; if (location3.getBlock().getType() == Material.OBSIDIAN) portal.add(getLocationString(location3)); } config5.set("", portal); config5.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } plugin.getSM().getSelect().remove(p); p.sendMessage("§aPortal location for §eRED §ahas been setted."); break; case "blue": final ArrayList bportal = new ArrayList<>(); final Location blocation = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MIN"); final Location blocation2 = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MAX"); final int bn = Math.min(blocation.getBlockX(), blocation2.getBlockX()); final int bn2 = Math.max(blocation.getBlockX(), blocation2.getBlockX()); final int bn3 = Math.min(blocation.getBlockZ(), blocation2.getBlockZ()); final int bn4 = Math.max(blocation.getBlockZ(), blocation2.getBlockZ()); final int bn5 = Math.min(blocation.getBlockY(), blocation2.getBlockY()); final int bn6 = Math.max(blocation.getBlockY(), blocation2.getBlockY()); for (int i = bn; i <= bn2; ++i) for (int j = bn5; j <= bn6; ++j) for (int k = bn3; k <= bn4; ++k) { final Location location3 = new Location(p.getWorld(), i, j, k); if (p.getWorld().getBlockAt(location3).getType() == Material.OBSIDIAN) bportal.add(getLocationString(location3)); } config5.set("", bportal); config5.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } plugin.getSM().getSelect().remove(p); p.sendMessage("§aPortal location for §eBLUE §ahas been setted."); break; case "green": final ArrayList gportal = new ArrayList<>(); final Location glocation = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MIN"); final Location glocation2 = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MAX"); final int gn = Math.min(glocation.getBlockX(), glocation2.getBlockX()); final int gn2 = Math.max(glocation.getBlockX(), glocation2.getBlockX()); final int gn3 = Math.min(glocation.getBlockZ(), glocation2.getBlockZ()); final int gn4 = Math.max(glocation.getBlockZ(), glocation2.getBlockZ()); final int gn5 = Math.min(glocation.getBlockY(), glocation2.getBlockY()); final int gn6 = Math.max(glocation.getBlockY(), glocation2.getBlockY()); for (int i = gn; i <= gn2; ++i) for (int j = gn5; j <= gn6; ++j) for (int k = gn3; k <= gn4; ++k) { final Location location3 = new Location(p.getWorld(), i, j, k); if (p.getWorld().getBlockAt(location3).getType() == Material.OBSIDIAN) gportal.add(getLocationString(location3)); } config5.set("", gportal); config5.set("", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } plugin.getSM().getSelect().remove(p); p.sendMessage("§aPortal location for §eGREEN §ahas been setted."); break; case "yellow": final ArrayList yportal = new ArrayList<>(); final Location ylocation = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MIN"); final Location ylocation2 = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MAX"); final int yn = Math.min(ylocation.getBlockX(), ylocation2.getBlockX()); final int yn2 = Math.max(ylocation.getBlockX(), ylocation2.getBlockX()); final int yn3 = Math.min(ylocation.getBlockZ(), ylocation2.getBlockZ()); final int yn4 = Math.max(ylocation.getBlockZ(), ylocation2.getBlockZ()); final int yn5 = Math.min(ylocation.getBlockY(), ylocation2.getBlockY()); final int yn6 = Math.max(ylocation.getBlockY(), ylocation2.getBlockY()); for (int i = yn; i <= yn2; ++i) for (int j = yn5; j <= yn6; ++j) for (int k = yn3; k <= yn4; ++k) { final Location location3 = new Location(p.getWorld(), i, j, k); if (p.getWorld().getBlockAt(location3).getType() == Material.OBSIDIAN) yportal.add(getLocationString(location3)); } config5.set("locations.portal.yellow", yportal); config5.set("locations.holograms.yellow", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } plugin.getSM().getSelect().remove(p); p.sendMessage("§aPortal location for §eYELLOW §ahas been setted."); break; } break; case "setbuild": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name5 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name5)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c6 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name5 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config6 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c6); if (!plugin.getSM().getSelect().containsKey(p)) { p.sendMessage("§cYou have not selected anything."); return true; } if (!plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).containsKey("MIN")) { p.sendMessage("§cYou have not selected the minimum."); return true; } if (!plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).containsKey("MAX")) { p.sendMessage("§cYou have not selected the minimum."); return true; } final Location l1 = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MIN"); final Location l2 = plugin.getSM().getSelect().get(p).get("MAX"); config6.set("", getLocationString(l1)); config6.set("", getLocationString(l2)); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } plugin.getSM().getSelect().remove(p); p.sendMessage("§aBuild location has been setted."); break; case "setlobby": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name6 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name6)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c7 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name6 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config7 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c7); config7.set("locations.lobby", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aLobby location has been setted."); break; case "setspect": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 2) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name7 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name7)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final File c8 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name7 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config8 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c8); config8.set("locations.spect", getLocationString(p.getLocation())); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aSpect location has been setted."); break; case "setmin": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name8 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name8)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final int min = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final File c9 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name8 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config9 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c9); config9.set("minPlayers", min); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aMin players has been setted. To §e" + min + "§a."); break; case "setstarting": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name13 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name13)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final int starting = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final File c13 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name13 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config13 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c13); config13.set("timers.starting", starting); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aStarting time has been setted. To §e" + starting + "§a."); break; case "setprestarting": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name14 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name14)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final int prestart = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final File c14 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name14 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config14 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c14); config14.set("timers.prestart", prestart); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aPrestart time has been setted. To §e" + prestart + "§a."); break; case "setrestart": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name15 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name15)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final int restart = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final File c15 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name15 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config15 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c15); config15.set("timers.restart", restart); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aRestart time has been setted. To §e" + restart + "§a."); break; case "setteamsize": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name9 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name9)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final int teamSize = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final File c10 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name9 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config10 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c10); config10.set("teamSize", teamSize); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aTeam size has been setted. To §e" + teamSize + "§a."); break; case "setmaxgoals": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name10 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name10)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final int goals = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final File c11 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name10 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config11 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c11); config11.set("maxGoals", goals); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aMax goals has been setted. To §e" + goals + "§a."); break; case "setstartlife": if (!p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { p.sendMessage(plugin.getLang().get("messages.noPermission")); return true; } if (args.length < 3) { sendHelp(p); return true; } final String name11 = args[1]; if (!plugin.getFM().arenaExists(name11)) { p.sendMessage("§cThis arena doest exists."); return true; } final int lifes = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final File c12 = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/arenas", name11 + ".yml"); final YamlConfiguration config12 = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c12); config12.set("defaultLife", lifes); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } p.sendMessage("§aDefault lifes has been setted. To §e" + lifes + "§a."); break; } } return false; } public void sendHelp(Player p) { p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); new FancyMessage("§a§lPLAYER COMMANDS").tooltip("§bShow player commands. §7(Click here)").command("/bridges help player").send(p); if (p.hasPermission("bridges.admin")) { new FancyMessage("§a§lSETUP COMMANDS - ALL TYPES").tooltip("§bShow commands for all types. §7(Click here)").command("/bridges help all").send(p); new FancyMessage("§a§lSETUP COMMANDS - LOBBY").tooltip("§bShow commands for lobby. §7(Click here)").command("/bridges help lobby").send(p); new FancyMessage("§a§lSETUP COMMANDS - NORMAL").tooltip("§bShow commands for normal type. §7(Click here)").command("/bridges help normal").send(p); new FancyMessage("§a§lSETUP COMMANDS - FOUR").tooltip("§bShow commands for four type. §7(Click here)").command("/bridges help four").send(p); } p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); } public void sendLobbyCommands(Player p) { p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges settop {normal/four} {kills/wins/goals}").tooltip("§eSet tops location.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setstats").tooltip("§eSet stats location.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setkit").tooltip("§eSet default kit.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setmainlobby").tooltip("§eSet main lobby location.").send(p); p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); } public void sendPlayerCommands(Player p) { p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges join ").tooltip("§eJoin a game.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges menu").tooltip("§eOpen the arena selector.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges ach").tooltip("§eOpen the achievements menu.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges cages").tooltip("§eOpen the cages menu.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges random [normal/four]").tooltip("§eJoin a random and highest game.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges leave").tooltip("§eLeave the game.").send(p); p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); } public void sendAllTypesCommands(Player p) { p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges wand").tooltip("§eGives you the rod to select.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges create ").tooltip("§eCreate new arena in a empty World.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges settype NORMAL/FOUR").tooltip("§eSet type of Arena.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setstarting ").tooltip("§eSet starting time to arena.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setprestarting ").tooltip("§eSet prestarting time to arena.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setrestart ").tooltip("§eSet restart time to arena.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setspect ").tooltip("§eSet Spect location.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setlobby ").tooltip("§eSet Lobby location.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setteamsize ").tooltip("§eSet team size to arena.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setmin ").tooltip("§eSet min players to arena.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setbuild ").tooltip("§eSet build location. §c(You first need has selected MIN and MAX locations)").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges save ").tooltip("§eSave the sand in the Maps folder.").send(p); p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); } public void sendNormalTypeCommands(Player p) { p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setspawn BLUE/RED").tooltip("§eSet the spawn point of the cage.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setrespawn BLUE/RED").tooltip("§eSet the spawn point of respawn.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setportal BLUE/RED").tooltip("§eSet portal of team. §c(You need has selected MIN and MAX locations)").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setmaxgoals ").tooltip("§eSet max goals to arena.").send(p); p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); } public void sendFourTypeCommands(Player p) { p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setspawn BLUE/RED/GREEN/YELLOW").tooltip("§eSet the spawn point of the cage.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setrespawn BLUE/RED/GREEN/YELLOW").tooltip("§eSet the spawn point of respawn.").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setportal BLUE/RED/GREEN/YELLOW").tooltip("§eSet portal of team. §c(You need has selected MIN and MAX locations)").send(p); new FancyMessage("§b/bridges setstartlife ").tooltip("§eSet start lifes to arena.").send(p); p.sendMessage("§7§m---------------------------"); } public String getLocationString(Location loc){ final String world = loc.getWorld().getName(); final double x = loc.getX(); final double y = loc.getY(); final double z = loc.getZ(); final float yaw = loc.getYaw(); final float pitch = loc.getPitch(); return world + ";" + x + ";" + y + ";" + z + ";" + yaw + ";" + pitch; } }