package cx.sfy.TheBridge.fanciful; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable; import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public abstract class TextualComponent implements Cloneable { static { ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(TextualComponent.ArbitraryTextTypeComponent.class); ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(TextualComponent.ComplexTextTypeComponent.class); } @Override public String toString() { return getReadableString(); } public abstract String getKey(); public abstract String getReadableString(); @Override public abstract TextualComponent clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException; public abstract void writeJson(JsonWriter writer) throws IOException; static TextualComponent deserialize(Map map) { if (map.containsKey("key") && map.size() == 2 && map.containsKey("value")) { return ArbitraryTextTypeComponent.deserialize(map); } else if (map.size() >= 2 && map.containsKey("key") && !map.containsKey("value")) { return ComplexTextTypeComponent.deserialize(map); } return null; } static boolean isTextKey(String key) { return key.equals("translate") || key.equals("text") || key.equals("score") || key.equals("selector"); } static boolean isTranslatableText(TextualComponent component) { return component instanceof ComplexTextTypeComponent && ((ComplexTextTypeComponent) component).getKey().equals("translate"); } private static final class ArbitraryTextTypeComponent extends TextualComponent implements ConfigurationSerializable { public ArbitraryTextTypeComponent(String key, String value) { setKey(key); setValue(value); } @Override public String getKey() { return _key; } public void setKey(String key) { Preconditions.checkArgument(key != null && !key.isEmpty(), "The key must be specified."); _key = key; } public String getValue() { return _value; } public void setValue(String value) { Preconditions.checkArgument(value != null, "The value must be specified."); _value = value; } private String _key; private String _value; @Override public TextualComponent clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return new ArbitraryTextTypeComponent(getKey(), getValue()); } @Override public void writeJson(JsonWriter writer) throws IOException {; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public Map serialize() { return new HashMap() {{ put("key", getKey()); put("value", getValue()); }}; } public static ArbitraryTextTypeComponent deserialize(Map map) { return new ArbitraryTextTypeComponent(map.get("key").toString(), map.get("value").toString()); } @Override public String getReadableString() { return getValue(); } } private static final class ComplexTextTypeComponent extends TextualComponent implements ConfigurationSerializable { public ComplexTextTypeComponent(String key, Map values) { setKey(key); setValue(values); } @Override public String getKey() { return _key; } public void setKey(String key) { Preconditions.checkArgument(key != null && !key.isEmpty(), "The key must be specified."); _key = key; } public Map getValue() { return _value; } public void setValue(Map value) { Preconditions.checkArgument(value != null, "The value must be specified."); _value = value; } private String _key; private Map _value; @Override public TextualComponent clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return new ComplexTextTypeComponent(getKey(), getValue()); } @Override public void writeJson(JsonWriter writer) throws IOException {; writer.beginObject(); for (Map.Entry jsonPair : _value.entrySet()) {; } writer.endObject(); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public Map serialize() { return new java.util.HashMap() {{ put("key", getKey()); for (Map.Entry valEntry : getValue().entrySet()) { put("value." + valEntry.getKey(), valEntry.getValue()); } }}; } public static ComplexTextTypeComponent deserialize(Map map) { String key = null; Map value = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry valEntry : map.entrySet()) { if (valEntry.getKey().equals("key")) { key = (String) valEntry.getValue(); } else if (valEntry.getKey().startsWith("value.")) { value.put(((String) valEntry.getKey()).substring(6), valEntry.getValue().toString()); } } return new ComplexTextTypeComponent(key, value); } @Override public String getReadableString() { return getKey(); } } public static TextualComponent rawText(String textValue) { return new ArbitraryTextTypeComponent("text", textValue); } public static TextualComponent localizedText(String translateKey) { return new ArbitraryTextTypeComponent("translate", translateKey); } private static void throwUnsupportedSnapshot() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This feature is only supported in snapshot releases."); } public static TextualComponent objectiveScore(String scoreboardObjective) { return objectiveScore("*", scoreboardObjective); } public static TextualComponent objectiveScore(String playerName, String scoreboardObjective) { throwUnsupportedSnapshot(); return new ComplexTextTypeComponent("score", ImmutableMap.builder() .put("name", playerName) .put("objective", scoreboardObjective) .build()); } public static TextualComponent selector(String selector) { throwUnsupportedSnapshot(); return new ArbitraryTextTypeComponent("selector", selector); } }