forked from elliot/TimingsBot
committed by
1 changed files with 358 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ |
import os |
import discord |
import requests |
import json |
import asyncio |
import aiohttp |
import logging |
from discord.ext import commands, tasks |
from discord.ext.commands import has_permissions, MissingPermissions |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = ".", intents=discord.Intents.all(), chunk_guilds_at_startup=True) |
load_dotenv() |
token = os.getenv('token') |
crabwings_role_id = int(os.getenv('crabwings_role_id')) |
duckfeet_role_id = int(os.getenv('duckfeet_role_id')) |
client_role_id = int(os.getenv('client_role_id')) |
subuser_role_id = int(os.getenv('subuser_role_id')) |
verified_role_id = int(os.getenv('verified_role_id')) |
guild_id = int(os.getenv('guild_id')) |
verification_channel = int(os.getenv('verification_channel')) |
verification_message = int(os.getenv('verification_message')) |
@bot.event |
async def on_ready(): |
# Marks bot as running |
logger = logging.getLogger('discord') |
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) |
handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='discord.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') |
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s')) |
logger.addHandler(handler) |
|||'I am running yay') |
print('I am running.') |
@bot.event |
async def on_message(message): |
if != bot.user and message.guild == None: |
channel = |
# Potential API key, so tries it out |
if len(message.content) == 48: |
url = "" |
cookies = { |
'pterodactyl_session': 'eyJpdiI6InhIVXp5ZE43WlMxUU1NQ1pyNWRFa1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiQTNpcE9JV3FlcmZ6Ym9vS0dBTmxXMGtST2xyTFJvVEM5NWVWbVFJSnV6S1dwcTVGWHBhZzdjMHpkN0RNdDVkQiIsIm1hYyI6IjAxYTI5NDY1OWMzNDJlZWU2OTc3ZDYxYzIyMzlhZTFiYWY1ZjgwMjAwZjY3MDU4ZDYwMzhjOTRmYjMzNDliN2YifQ%3D%3D', |
} |
headers = { |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + message.content, |
} |
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) |
# If API token is verified to be correct: |
if str(response) == "<Response [200]>": |
# Formats response of account in JSON format |
json_response = response.json() |
# Loads contents of users.json |
file = open('users.json', 'r') |
data = json.load(file) |
file.close() |
# Checks if user exists. If so, skips adding them to users.json |
client_id_already_exists = False |
discord_id_already_exists = False |
for user in data['users']: |
if user['client_id'] == json_response['attributes']['id']: |
client_id_already_exists = True |
print("User already exists") |
if user['discord_id'] == |
discord_id_already_exists = True |
print("User already exists") |
if client_id_already_exists == False and discord_id_already_exists == False: |
data['users'].append({ |
'discord_id':, |
'client_id': json_response['attributes']['id'], |
'client_api_key': message.content |
}) |
json_dumps = json.dumps(data, indent = 2) |
# Adds user to users.json |
file = open('users.json', 'w') |
file.write(json_dumps) |
file.close() |
guild = bot.get_guild(guild_id) |
member = guild.get_member( |
if member: |
url = "" |
cookies = { |
'pterodactyl_session': 'eyJpdiI6InhIVXp5ZE43WlMxUU1NQ1pyNWRFa1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiQTNpcE9JV3FlcmZ6Ym9vS0dBTmxXMGtST2xyTFJvVEM5NWVWbVFJSnV6S1dwcTVGWHBhZzdjMHpkN0RNdDVkQiIsIm1hYyI6IjAxYTI5NDY1OWMzNDJlZWU2OTc3ZDYxYzIyMzlhZTFiYWY1ZjgwMjAwZjY3MDU4ZDYwMzhjOTRmYjMzNDliN2YifQ%3D%3D', |
} |
headers = { |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + message.content, |
} |
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) |
# If API token is verified to be correct, continues |
if str(response) == "<Response [200]>": |
# Formats response for servers in JSON format |
servers_json_response = response.json() |
user_client = False |
user_subuser = False |
user_crabwings = False |
user_duckfeet = False |
for server in servers_json_response['data']: |
server_owner = server['attributes']['server_owner'] |
if server_owner == True: |
user_client = True |
elif server_owner == False: |
user_subuser = True |
server_node = server['attributes']['node'] |
if server_node == "Crabwings - NYC": |
user_crabwings = True |
elif server_node == "Duckfeet - EU": |
user_duckfeet = True |
if user_client == True: |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=client_role_id) |
await member.add_roles(role) |
if user_subuser == True: |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=subuser_role_id) |
await member.add_roles(role) |
if user_crabwings == True: |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=crabwings_role_id) |
await member.add_roles(role) |
if user_duckfeet == True: |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=duckfeet_role_id) |
await member.add_roles(role) |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=verified_role_id) |
await member.add_roles(role) |
await channel.send ('Your Discord account has been linked to your panel account! You may unlink your Discord and panel accounts by reacting in the #verification channel or by deleting your Verification API key.') |
print("Success message sent to " + + "#" + str( + " (" + str( + ")" + ". User linked to API key " + message.content + " and client_id " + str(json_response['attributes']['id'])) |
elif client_id_already_exists: |
await channel.send('Sorry, your panel account is already linked to a Discord account. If you would like to link your panel account to a different Discord account, please unlink your panel account first by deleting its Verification API key and waiting up to 10 minutes.') |
print("Duplicate panel message sent to " + + "#" + str( + " (" + str( + ")" + " for using API key " + message.content + " linked to client_id " + str(json_response['attributes']['id'])) |
elif discord_id_already_exists: |
await channel.send('Sorry, your Discord account is already linked to a panel account. If you would like to link your Discord account to a different panel account, please unlink your Discord account first by reacting in the #verification channel.') |
print("Duplicate Discord message sent to " + + "#" + str( + " (" + str( + ")" + " for using API key " + message.content + " linked to client_id " + str(json_response['attributes']['id'])) |
# Makes json pretty with indentations and stuff, then writes to file |
# json_dumps = json.dumps(json_response, indent = 2) |
# file = open("data.json", "w") |
# file.write(json_dumps) |
# file.close() |
# linked_servers = {} |
# linked_servers['server'] = [] |
# for server in json_response['data']: |
# server_owner = server['attributes']['server_owner'] |
# server_uuid = server['attributes']['uuid'] |
# server_name = server['attributes']['name'] |
# server_node = server['attributes']['node'] |
# message_sender = |
# info = str(server_owner) + server_uuid + server_name + server_node + str(message_sender) |
# print(info) |
# file = open('/home/container/data/' + str( + '.json', "a") |
# file.write(info + '\n') |
# file.close() |
else: |
#Says if API key is the corect # of characters but invalid |
await channel.send("Sorry, that appears to be an invalid API key.") |
print('invalid sent to ' + + "#" + str( + " (" + str( + ")") |
else: |
#Says this if API key is incorrect # of characters |
await channel.send('Sorry, that doesn\'t appear to be an API token. An API token should be a long string resembling this: ```yQSB12ik6YRcmE4d8tIEj5gkQqDs6jQuZwVOo4ZjSGl28d46```') |
print("obvious incorrect sent to " + + "#" + str( + " (" + str( + ")") |
elif len(message.attachments) > 0: |
if message.attachments[0].url.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.mp4', '.mov', '.avi', '.gif', '.image')) == False: |
download = message.attachments[0].url |
r = requests.get(download, allow_redirects=True) |
text = r.text |
text = "\n".join(text.splitlines()) |
if '�' not in text: # If it's not an image/gif |
truncated = False |
if len(text) > 100000: |
text = text[:99999] |
truncated = True |
req ='', data=text) |
key = json.loads(req.content)['key'] |
response = "" |
response = response + "" + key |
response = response + "\nRequested by " + |
if truncated: |
response = response + "\n(file was truncated because it was too long.)" |
embed_var = discord.Embed(title="Please use a paste service", color=0x1D83D4) |
embed_var.description = response |
await |
await bot.process_commands(message) |
@bot.event |
async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload): |
global verification_message |
global verification_channel |
if payload.message_id != verification_message: |
return |
if payload.user_id == |
return |
# Remove the reaction |
guild = discord.utils.get(bot.guilds, id=guild_id) |
verification_channel_obj = await bot.fetch_channel(verification_channel) |
verification_message_obj = await verification_channel_obj.fetch_message(verification_message) |
member = guild.get_member(payload.user_id) |
await verification_message_obj.remove_reaction(payload.emoji, member) |
if str(payload.emoji) == "✅": |
await member.send("Hey there! It looks like you'd like to verify your account. I'm here to help you with that!\n\nIf you're confused at any point, see for a tutorial including images.\n\nWith that said, let's get started! You'll want to start by grabbing some API credentials for your account by signing into Head over to the **Account** section in the top right, then click on the **API Credentials tab**. You'll want to create an API key with description `Verification` and `` in the **Allowed IPs section**.\n\nWhen you finish entering the necessary information, hit the blue **Create **button.\n\nNext, you'll want to copy your API credentials. After clicking **Create**, you'll receive a long string. Copy it with `ctrl+c` (`cmnd+c` on Mac) or by right-clicking it and selecting **Copy**.\n\nIf you click on the **Close **button before copying the API key, no worries! Delete your API key and create a new one with the same information.\n\nFinally, direct message your API key to Botflop: that's me!\n\nTo verify that you are messaging the key to the correct user, please ensure that the my ID is `Botflop#2403` and that my username is marked with a blue **BOT** badge. Additionally, the only server under the **Mutual Servers** tab should be Birdflop Hosting.\n\nAfter messaging me your API key, you should receive a success message. If you do not receive a success message, please create a ticket in the Birdflop Discord's #support channel.") |
print("sent verification challenge to " + + "#" + str(member.discriminator) + " (" + str( + ")") |
else: |
file = open('users.json', 'r') |
data = json.load(file) |
file.close() |
i = 0 |
j = -1 |
for client in data['users']: |
j += 1 |
if client['discord_id'] == |
data['users'].pop(j) |
i = 1 |
if i == 1: |
json_dumps = json.dumps(data, indent = 2) |
file = open('users.json', 'w') |
file.write(json_dumps) |
file.close() |
await member.edit(roles=[]) |
await member.send("Your Discord account has successfully been unlinked from your Panel account!") |
print('successfully unlinked ' + + "#" + str(member.discriminator) + " (" + str( + ")") |
@bot.command() |
async def ping(ctx): |
await ctx.send(f'Your ping is {round(bot.latency * 1000)}ms') |
@bot.command(name="react", pass_context=True) |
@has_permissions(administrator=True) |
async def react(ctx, url, reaction): |
channel = await bot.fetch_channel(int(url.split("/")[5])) |
message = await channel.fetch_message(int(url.split("/")[6])) |
await message.add_reaction(reaction) |
print('reacted to ' + url + ' with ' + reaction) |
@tasks.loop(minutes=10) |
async def update_servers(): |
print("synchronizing roles") |
file = open('users.json', 'r') |
data = json.load(file) |
file.close() |
guild = bot.get_guild(guild_id) |
i=-1 |
for client in data['users']: |
i+=1 |
member = guild.get_member(client['discord_id']) |
if member: |
api_key = client['client_api_key'] |
url = "" |
cookies = { |
'pterodactyl_session': 'eyJpdiI6InhIVXp5ZE43WlMxUU1NQ1pyNWRFa1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiQTNpcE9JV3FlcmZ6Ym9vS0dBTmxXMGtST2xyTFJvVEM5NWVWbVFJSnV6S1dwcTVGWHBhZzdjMHpkN0RNdDVkQiIsIm1hYyI6IjAxYTI5NDY1OWMzNDJlZWU2OTc3ZDYxYzIyMzlhZTFiYWY1ZjgwMjAwZjY3MDU4ZDYwMzhjOTRmYjMzNDliN2YifQ%3D%3D', |
} |
headers = { |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + api_key, |
} |
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies) |
# If API token is verified to be correct, continues |
if str(response) == "<Response [200]>": |
# Formats response for servers in JSON format |
servers_json_response = response.json() |
user_client = False |
user_subuser = False |
user_crabwings = False |
user_duckfeet = False |
for server in servers_json_response['data']: |
server_owner = server['attributes']['server_owner'] |
if server_owner == True: |
user_client = True |
elif server_owner == False: |
user_subuser = True |
server_node = server['attributes']['node'] |
if server_node == "Crabwings - NYC": |
user_crabwings = True |
elif server_node == "Duckfeet - EU": |
user_duckfeet = True |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=client_role_id) |
if user_client == True: |
await member.add_roles(role) |
else: |
await member.remove_roles(role) |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=subuser_role_id) |
if user_subuser == True: |
await member.add_roles(role) |
else: |
await member.remove_roles(role) |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=crabwings_role_id) |
if user_crabwings == True: |
await member.add_roles(role) |
else: |
await member.remove_roles(role) |
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=duckfeet_role_id) |
if user_duckfeet == True: |
await member.add_roles(role) |
else: |
await member.remove_roles(role) |
else: |
data['users'].pop(i) |
json_dumps = json.dumps(data, indent = 2) |
file = open('users.json', 'w') |
file.write(json_dumps) |
file.close() |
await member.edit(roles=[]) |
print("removed discord_id " + str(client['discord_id']) + " with client_id " + str(client['client_id']) + " and INVALID client_api_key " + client['client_api_key']) |
else: |
# file = open('oldusers.json', 'r') |
# olddata = json.load(file) |
# file.close() |
# Checks if user exists. If so, skips adding them to users.json |
# already_exists = False |
# for olduser in olddata['users']: |
# if olduser['discord_id'] == json_response['attributes']['id']: |
# |
# if already_exists == False: |
# olddata['users'].append({ |
# 'discord_id':, |
# 'client_id': json_response['attributes']['id'], |
# 'client_api_key': message.content |
# }) |
# json_dumps = json.dumps(olddata, indent = 2) |
# file = open('oldusers.json', 'w') |
# file.write(json_dumps) |
# file.close() |
data['users'].pop(i) |
json_dumps = json.dumps(data, indent = 2) |
file = open('users.json', 'w') |
file.write(json_dumps) |
file.close() |
print("removed discord_id " + str(client['discord_id']) + " with client_id " + str(client['client_id']) + " and client_api_key " + client['client_api_key']) |
@update_servers.before_loop |
async def before_update_servers(): |
print('waiting to enter loop') |
await bot.wait_until_ready() |
update_servers.start() |
||| |
# full name: + "#" + str( + " (" + str( + ")" |
Reference in new issue