--- # raiders_entity_activation_range = int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["raiders"]) # flying_monsters_entity_activation_range = int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["flying-monsters"]) # wake_up_inactive_villagers_every = int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["villagers-every"]) # wake_up_inactive_animals_every = int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["animals-every"]) # wake_up_inactive_flying_monsters_every = int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["flying-monsters-every"]) # wake_up_inactive_monsters_every = int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["monsters-every"]) version: "1.17.1" servers: - name: "Yatopia" prefix: "❌" value: |- Yatopia is prone to bugs and is no longer in development. Consider using [Purpur](https://ci.pl3x.net/job/Purpur/), [Airplane](https://ci.tivy.ca/), or [Airplane-Purpur](https://ci.tivy.ca/view/Purpur/) for the closest replacements. plugins: paper: LagAssist: prefix: "✅" value: |- Thank you for using LagAssist. We reccomending configuring the plugin with our assistance as most of the features are disabled by default. ClearLag: prefix: "⚠️" value: |- The auto-removal feature of ClearLag can actually cause more lag, especially when used to clear mobs that will try to re-spawn once they are cleared. Removing projectiles is unnecessary and may break minigames, so please remove that from your config. Clearing items, primed-tnt, falling-blocks, and experience orbs may cause player confusion and anger. Please disable. NoMobLag: prefix: "❌" value: |- The plugin is currently abandoned. We recommend looking into alternatives. ServerBooster: prefix: "⚠️" value: |- Disable automatic chunk optimization as it may cause more bad than good. Mob limiter can actually be useful, so look into it. Take care with it's custom AI behaviour changer as it's not something a plugin should handle (use Airplane or other spigot forks that do that instead) AntiLag: prefix: "❌" value: |- Completely redundant plugin. It's item removal feature is already handled better, and more efficiently by spigot (no plugins needed), without annoying players in the process. BookLimiter: prefix: "❌" value: |- You don't need BookLimiter as Paper already fixes all crash bugs. LimitPillagers: prefix: "❌" value: |- LimitPillagers is not useful in 1.15 and above. VillagerOptimiser: prefix: "❌" value: |- VillagerOptimiser is not useful in 1.15 and above. StackMob: prefix: "⚠️" value: |- Stacking mobs can often cause more lag than good, as it will prompt more mobs to spawn. Please couple with an entity limiter. Additionally, traditional stacker plugins use an unefficient stacking algorithm that can cause performance issues by itself. Stacker: prefix: "❌" value: |- Stacking mobs can often cause more lag than good, as it will prompt more mobs to spawn. Please couple with an entity limiter. Additionally, traditional stacker plugins use an unefficient stacking algorithm that can cause performance issues by itself. MobStacker: prefix: "❌" value: |- Stacking mobs can often cause more lag than good, as it will prompt more mobs to spawn. Please couple with an entity limiter. Additionally, traditional stacker plugins use an unefficient stacking algorithm that can cause performance issues by itself. WildStacker: prefix: "❌" value: |- Stacking mobs can often cause more lag than good, as it will prompt more mobs to spawn. Please couple with an entity limiter. Additionally, traditional stacker plugins use an unefficient stacking algorithm that can cause performance issues by itself. FastAsyncWorldEdit: prefix: "⚠️" value: |- FAWE has been known to cause issues. However, it is way more efficient. Consider replacing FAWE with [Worldedit](https://enginehub.org/worldedit/#downloads). IllegalStack: prefix: "❌" value: |- You probably don't need IllegalStack as Paper already fixes all dupe and crash bugs. ExploitFixer: prefix: "⚠️" value: |- ExploitFixer is known not to tackle zero days and as such is not extremely useful. Please use good server management policies, and other plugins for fixing zero days. EntityTrackerFixer: prefix: "❌" value: |- You don't need EntityTrackerFixer as Paper already has its features. Orebfuscator: prefix: "❌" value: |- You don't need Orebfuscator as [Paper](https://gist.github.com/stonar96/ba18568bd91e5afd590e8038d14e245e) already has its features. GroupManager: prefix: "❌" value: |- GroupManager is an outdated permission plugin. Consider replacing it with [LuckPerms](https://luckperms.net/download). PermissionsEx: prefix: "❌" value: |- PermissionsEx is an outdated permission plugin. It also has performance issues! Consider replacing it with [LuckPerms](https://luckperms.net/download). bPermissions: prefix: "❌" value: |- bPermissions is an outdated permission plugin. Consider replacing it with [LuckPerms](https://luckperms.net/download). PhantomSMP: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: |- You probably don't need PhantomSMP as Paper already has its features and you've enabled it. - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs"] == "true" prefix: "❌" value: |- You probably don't need PhantomSMP as Paper already has its features. Enable phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs in paper.yml. tuinity: PacketLimiter: prefix: "❌" value: |- You don't need PacketLimiter as Tuinity already has its features. purpur: SilkSpawners: prefix: "❌" value: |- You probably don't need SilkSpawners as Purpur already has its features. MineableSpawners: prefix: "❌" value: |- You probably don't need MineableSpawners as Purpur already has its features. VillagerLobotomizatornator: prefix: "❌" value: |- You probably don't need VillagerLobotomizatornator as Purpur already adds its features. Enable villager.lobotomize.enabled in purpur.yml. config: server.properties: online-mode: - expressions: - not server_properties["online-mode"] - spigot["settings"]["bungeecord"] == "false" - paper["settings"]["velocity-support"]["online-mode"] == "false" or paper["settings"]["velocity-support"]["enabled"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in server.properties for security." network-compression-threshold: - expressions: - int(server_properties["network-compression-threshold"]) <= 256 - spigot["settings"]["bungeecord"] == "false" prefix: "⚠️" value: "Network compression means the threshold at which the server will compress packets. Less means less CPU usage at the cost of network usage for both you and your player. Recommended: 256 (DEFAULT), 512 (BETTER CPU USAGE)" network-compression-threshold-bungee: - expressions: - int(server_properties["network-compression-threshold"]) <= 0 - spigot["settings"]["bungeecord"] == "true" prefix: "⚠️" value: "Despite community consensus, disabling network compression on bungee can cause major performance issues, especially when gaining many players on multiple dedicated servers. Recommended: 512." bukkit: chunk-gc.period-in-ticks: - expressions: - int(bukkit["chunk-gc"]["period-in-ticks"]) >= 600 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in bukkit.yml.\nRecommended: 300." ticks-per.monster-spawns: - expressions: - int(bukkit["ticks-per"]["monster-spawns"]) == 1 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in bukkit.yml.\nRecommended: 4." spawn-limits.monsters: - expressions: - int(bukkit["spawn-limits"]["monsters"]) >= 70 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in bukkit.yml.\nRecommended: 15." spawn-limits.water-ambient: - expressions: - int(bukkit["spawn-limits"]["water-ambient"]) >= 20 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in bukkit.yml.\nRecommended: 5." spawn-limits.ambient: - expressions: - int(bukkit["spawn-limits"]["ambient"]) >= 15 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in bukkit.yml.\nRecommended: 1." spawn-limits.animals: - expressions: - int(bukkit["spawn-limits"]["animals"]) >= 10 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in bukkit.yml.\nRecommended: 5." spawn-limits.water-animals: - expressions: - int(bukkit["spawn-limits"]["water-animals"]) >= 15 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in bukkit.yml.\nRecommended: 5." spigot: view-distance: - expressions: - int(server_properties["view-distance"]) >= 10 - spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["view-distance"] == "default" prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this from default (10) in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 4." entity-activation-range.animals: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["animals"]) >= 32 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 16." entity-activation-range.monsters: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["monsters"]) >= 32 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 16." entity-activation-range.misc: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["misc"]) >= 16 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 12." entity-activation-range.water: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["water"]) >= 16 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 12." entity-activation-range.villagers: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["villagers"]) >= 32 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 16." entity-activation-range.tick-inactive-villagers: - expressions: - spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["tick-inactive-villagers"] == "true" prefix: "❌" value: "Disable this in spigot.yml." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.villagers-for: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["villagers-max-per-tick"]) >= 1 - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["villagers-for"]) >= 100 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 20." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-for: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["flying-monsters-max-per-tick"]) >= 1 - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["flying-monsters-for"]) >= 100 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 60." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.villagers-max-per-tick: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["villagers-max-per-tick"]) >= 4 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 1." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-for: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["animals-max-per-tick"]) >= 1 - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["animals-for"]) >= 100 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 40." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-max-per-tick: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["monsters-max-per-tick"]) >= 8 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 4." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-max-per-tick: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["flying-monsters-max-per-tick"]) >= 8 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 1." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.animals-max-per-tick: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["animals-max-per-tick"]) >= 4 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 2." entity-activation-range.wake-up-inactive.monsters-for: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["monsters-max-per-tick"]) >= 1 - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["wake-up-inactive"]["monsters-for"]) >= 100 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 60." arrow-despawn-rate: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["arrow-despawn-rate"]) >= 1200 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 1200." merge-radius.item: - expressions: - float(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["merge-radius"]["item"]) <= 2.5 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 4.0." merge-radius.exp: - expressions: - float(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["merge-radius"]["exp"]) <= 3.0 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 6.0." max-entity-collisions: - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["max-entity-collisions"]) >= 8 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: 2." mob-spawn-range: - expressions: - spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["view-distance"] == "default" - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["mob-spawn-range"]) >= 8 - int(server_properties["view-distance"]) <= 6 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: {int(server_properties[\"view-distance\"]) - 1}." - expressions: - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["mob-spawn-range"]) >= 8 - spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["view-distance"] != "default" - int(spigot["world-settings"]["default"]["view-distance"]) <= 6 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in spigot.yml.\nRecommended: {int(spigot[\"world-settings\"][\"default\"][\"view-distance\"]) - 1}." paper: max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick"]) >= 24 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 6." optimize-explosions: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["optimize-explosions"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in paper.yml." mob-spawner-tick-rate: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["mob-spawner-tick-rate"]) == 1 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 2." game-mechanics.disable-chest-cat-detection: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["game-mechanics"]["disable-chest-cat-detection"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in paper.yml" container-update-tick-rate: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["container-update-tick-rate"]) == 1 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 3." grass-spread-tick-rate: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["grass-spread-tick-rate"]) == 1 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 4." despawn-ranges.soft: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["despawn-ranges"]["soft"]) >= 32 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 28." despawn-ranges.hard: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["despawn-ranges"]["hard"]) >= 128 prefix: "❌" value: "Decrease this in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 96." hopper.disable-move-event: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["hopper"]["disable-move-event"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in paper.yml" non-player-arrow-despawn-rate: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["non-player-arrow-despawn-rate"]) == -1 prefix: "❌" value: "Set a value in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 60" creative-arrow-despawn-rate: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["creative-arrow-despawn-rate"]) == -1 prefix: "❌" value: "Set a value in paper.yml.\nRecommended: 60" prevent-moving-into-unloaded-chunks: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["prevent-moving-into-unloaded-chunks"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in paper.yml." use-faster-eigencraft-redstone: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["use-faster-eigencraft-redstone"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in paper.yml." fix-climbing-bypassing-cramming-rule: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["fix-climbing-bypassing-cramming-rule"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in paper.yml." armor-stands-do-collision-entity-lookups: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["armor-stands-do-collision-entity-lookups"] == "true" prefix: "❌" value: "Disable this in paper.yml." armor-stands-tick: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["armor-stands-tick"] == "true" - '"PetBlocks" not in plugins' - '"BlockBalls" not in plugins' - '"ArmorStandTools" not in plugins' prefix: "❌" value: "Armor stands rarely need ticking. It's recommended to disable it in paper.yml." per-player-mob-spawns: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["per-player-mob-spawns"] == "false" prefix: "⚠️" value: "This makes mob spawning configuration more intuitive." alt-item-despawn-rate.enabled: - expressions: - paper["world-settings"]["default"]["alt-item-despawn-rate"]["enabled"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in paper.yml." entity-per-chunk-save-limit.experience_orb: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-per-chunk-save-limit"]["experience_orb"]) == -1 prefix: "❌" value: "Set a value in paper.yml. Recommended: 16." entity-per-chunk-save-limit.snowball: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-per-chunk-save-limit"]["snowball"]) == -1 prefix: "❌" value: "Set a value in paper.yml. Recommended: 16." entity-per-chunk-save-limit.ender_pearl: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-per-chunk-save-limit"]["ender_pearl"]) == -1 prefix: "❌" value: "Set a value in paper.yml. Recommended: 16." entity-per-chunk-save-limit.arrow: - expressions: - int(paper["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-per-chunk-save-limit"]["arrow"]) == -1 prefix: "❌" value: "Set a value in paper.yml. Recommended: 16." purpur: settings.use-alternate-keepalive: - expressions: - purpur["settings"]["use-alternate-keepalive"] == "false" - '"TCPShield" not in plugins' prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in purpur.yml." - expressions: - purpur["settings"]["use-alternate-keepalive"] == "true" - '"TCPShield" in plugins' prefix: "❌" value: "Disable this in purpur.yml. It can cause issues with TCPShield" settings.dont-send-useless-entity-packets: - expressions: - purpur["settings"]["dont-send-useless-entity-packets"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in purpur.yml." mobs.villager.brain-ticks: - expressions: - int(purpur["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["villager"]["brain-ticks"]) == 1 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in purpur.yml.\nRecommended: 4." mobs.villager.spawn-iron-golem.radius: - expressions: - int(purpur["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["villager"]["spawn-iron-golem"]["radius"]) == 0 prefix: "❌" value: "Increase this in purpur.yml.\nRecommended: 5." mobs.zombie.aggressive-towards-villager-when-lagging: - expressions: - purpur["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["zombie"]["aggressive-towards-villager-when-lagging"] == "true" prefix: "❌" value: "Disable this in purpur.yml." gameplay-mechanics.player.teleport-if-outside-border: - expressions: - purpur["world-settings"]["default"]["gameplay-mechanics"]["player"]["teleport-if-outside-border"] == "false" prefix: "❌" value: "Enable this in purpur.yml."