import discord from discord.ext import commands import requests class Timings(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): = bot # Use @commands.Cog.listener() instead of event and use @commands.command() for commands async def analyze_timings(self, message): enterless_message = message.content.replace("\n", " ") words = enterless_message.split(" ") timings_url = "" for word in words: if word.startswith("https://timings.") and "/?id=" in word: timings_url = word break if word.startswith("") or word.startswith( ""): embed_var = discord.Embed(title="Timings Analysis", color=0x55ffff) embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Spigot", value="Spigot timings have limited information. Switch to [Purpur]( for the best timings analysis.") embed_var.set_footer(text="Requested by " +, embed_var.url = timings_url await message.reply(embed=embed_var) return if timings_url == "": return if "#" in timings_url: timings_url = timings_url.split("#")[0] if "?id=" not in timings_url: return timings_host, timings_id = timings_url.split("?id=") timings_json = timings_host + "data.php?id=" + timings_id embed_var = discord.Embed(title="Timings Analysis", color=0x55ffff) embed_var.set_footer(text="Requested by " +, embed_var.url = timings_url r1 = requests.get(timings_json).json() if r1 is None: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid report", value="Create a new timings report.") await message.reply(embed=embed_var) return timings_url = timings_url + "&raw=1" r2 = requests.get(timings_url).json() if r2 is None: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid report", value="Create a new timings report.") await message.reply(embed=embed_var) return unchecked = 0 try: version = r1["timingsMaster"]["version"] if "1.16.4" not in version: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Legacy Build", value="You are using " + version + ". Update to 1.16.4.") using_yatopia = "yatopia" in r1["timingsMaster"]["config"] if using_yatopia: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Yatopia", value="Yatopia is prone to bugs. " "Consider using [Purpur](") elif "Paper" in version: embed_var.add_field(name="||❌ Paper||", value="||Purpur has more optimizations. Consider using [Purpur](||") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: online_mode = r1["timingsMaster"]["onlinemode"] bungeecord = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["settings"]["bungeecord"] velocity_online_mode = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["settings"]["velocity-support"]["online-mode"] velocity_enabled = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["settings"]["velocity-support"]["enabled"] if not online_mode and bungeecord == "false" and (velocity_online_mode == "false" or velocity_enabled == "false"): embed_var.add_field(name="❌ online-mode", value="Enable this in []( for security.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: timing_cost = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["system"]["timingcost"]) if timing_cost > 300: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Timingcost", value="Your timingcost is " + str(timing_cost) + ". Find a [better host](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: jvm_version = r1["timingsMaster"]["system"]["jvmversion"] if jvm_version.startswith("1.8.") or jvm_version.startswith("9.") or jvm_version.startswith("10."): embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Java Version", value="You are using Java " + jvm_version + ". Update to [Java 11](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: flags = r1["timingsMaster"]["system"]["flags"] if "-XX:+UseZGC" in flags: jvm_version = r1["timingsMaster"]["system"]["jvmversion"] java_version = jvm_version.split(".")[0] if int(java_version) < 14: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Java " + java_version, value="If you are going to use ZGC, you should also use [Java 14+](") elif "" in flags: if "-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem" not in flags: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Outdated Flags", value="Add `-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem` to flags") if "XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4" not in flags: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Outdated Flags", value="Add `-XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4` to flags") if "-Xmx" in flags: max_mem = 0 flaglist = flags.split(" ") for flag in flaglist: if flag.startswith("-Xmx"): max_mem = flag.split("-Xmx")[1] max_mem = max_mem.replace("G", "000") max_mem = max_mem.replace("M", "") max_mem = max_mem.replace("g", "000") max_mem = max_mem.replace("m", "") if int(max_mem) < 5400: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Low Memory", value="Allocate at least 6-10GB of ram to your server if you can afford it.") if "-Xms" in flags: min_mem = 0 flaglist = flags.split(" ") for flag in flaglist: if flag.startswith("-Xms"): min_mem = flag.split("-Xms")[1] min_mem = min_mem.replace("G", "000") min_mem = min_mem.replace("M", "") min_mem = min_mem.replace("g", "000") min_mem = min_mem.replace("m", "") if min_mem != max_mem: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Aikar's Flags", value="Your Xmx and Xms values should be equivalent when using Aikar's flags.") elif "" in flags: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Outdated Flags", value="Update [Aikar's flags](") else: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Aikar's Flags", value="Use [Aikar's flags](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: cpu = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["system"]["cpu"]) if cpu == 1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Threads", value="You have only " + str(cpu) + " thread. Find a [better host](") if cpu == 2: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Threads", value="You have only " + str(cpu) + " threads. Find a [better host](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: plugins = r1["timingsMaster"]["plugins"] if "ClearLag" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ ClearLag", value="Plugins that claim to remove lag actually cause more lag. " "Remove ClearLag.") if "LagAssist" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ LagAssist", value="LagAssist should only be used for analytics and preventative measures. " "All other features of the plugin should be disabled.") if "NoChunkLag" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ NoChunkLag", value="Plugins that claim to remove lag actually cause more lag. " "Remove NoChunkLag.") if "ServerBooster" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ ServerBooster", value="Plugins that claim to remove lag actually cause more lag. " "Remove ServerBooster.") if "MobLimiter" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ MobLimiter", value="You probably don't need MobLimiter as Bukkit already has its features. " "Remove MobLimiter.") if "BookLimiter" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ BookLimiter", value="You probably don't need BookLimiter as Paper already has its features. " "Remove BookLimiter.") if "LimitPillagers" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ LimitPillagers", value="You probably don't need LimitPillagers as Paper already adds its features. " "Remove LimitPillagers.") if "VillagerOptimiser" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ VillagerOptimiser", value="You probably don't need VillagerOptimiser as Paper already adds its features. " "See entity-activation-range in spigot.yml.") if "StackMob" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ StackMob", value="Stacking plugins actually cause more lag. " "Remove StackMob.") if "Stacker" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Stacker", value="Stacking plugins actually cause more lag. " "Remove Stacker.") if "MobStacker" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ MobStacker", value="Stacking plugins actually cause more lag. " "Remove MobStacker.") if "WildStacker" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ WildStacker", value="Stacking plugins actually cause more lag. " "Remove WildStacker.") if "SuggestionBlocker" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ SuggestionBlocker", value="You probably don't need SuggestionBlocker as Spigot already adds its features. " "Set tab-complete to -1 in [spigot.yml](") if "FastAsyncWorldEdit" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ FastAsyncWorldEdit", value="FAWE can corrupt your world. " "Consider replacing FAWE with [Worldedit](") if "CMI" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ CMI", value="CMI is a buggy plugin. " "Consider replacing CMI with [EssentialsX](") if "IllegalStack" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ IllegalStack", value="You probably don't need IllegalStack as Paper already has its features. " "Remove IllegalStack.") if "ExploitFixer" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ ExploitFixer", value="You probably don't need ExploitFixer as Paper already has its features. " "Remove ExploitFixer.") if "EntityTrackerFixer" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ EntityTrackerFixer", value="You don't need EntityTrackerFixer as Paper already has its features. ") if "Orebfuscator" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Orebfuscator", value="You don't need Orebfuscator as Paper already has its features.") if "ImageOnMap" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ ImageOnMap", value="This plugin has a [memory leak]( If it is not essential, you should remove it. " "Consider replacing it with [an alternative](") if "CrazyActions" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ CrazyAuctions", value="CrazyAuctions is a laggy plugin, even according to the developer. " "Consider replacing it with [AuctionHouse](") if "GroupManager" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ GroupManager", value="GroupManager is an outdated permission plugin. " "Consider replacing it with [LuckPerms](") if "PermissionsEx" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ PermissionsEx", value="PermissionsEx is an outdated permission plugin. " "Consider replacing it with [LuckPerms](") if "bPermissions" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ bPermissions", value="bPermissions is an outdated permission plugin. " "Consider replacing it with [LuckPerms](") if "DisableJoinMessage" in plugins and "Essentials" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ DisableJoinMessage", value="You probably don't need DisableJoinMessage because Essentials already has its features. ") for plugin in plugins: if "songoda" in r1["timingsMaster"]["plugins"][plugin]["authors"].casefold(): if plugin == "EpicHeads": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ EpicHeads", value="This plugin was made by Songoda. Songoda resources are poorly developed and often cause problems. You should find an alternative such as [HeadsPlus](»-1-8-1-16-4.40265/) or [HeadDatabase](") elif plugin == "UltimateStacker": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ UltimateStacker", value="Stacking plugins actually cause more lag. " "Remove UltimateStacker.") else: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ " + plugin, value="This plugin was made by Songoda. Songoda resources are poorly developed and often cause problems. You should find an alternative.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: using_purpur = "purpur" in r1["timingsMaster"]["config"] if using_purpur: plugins = r1["timingsMaster"]["plugins"] if "SilkSpawners" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ SilkSpawners", value="You probably don't need SilkSpawners as Purpur already has its features. " "Remove SilkSpawners.") if "MineableSpawners" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ MineableSpawners", value="You probably don't need MineableSpawners as Purpur already has its features. " "Remove MineableSpawners.") if "VillagerLobotomizatornator" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ LimitPillagers", value="You probably don't need VillagerLobotomizatornator as Purpur already adds its features. " "Enable villager.lobotomize.enabled in [purpur.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: plugins = r1["timingsMaster"]["plugins"] if "PhantomSMP" in plugins: phantoms_only_insomniacs = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"][ "phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs"] if phantoms_only_insomniacs == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ PhantomSMP", value="You probably don't need PhantomSMP as Paper already has its features. " "Remove PhantomSMP.") else: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ PhantomSMP", value="You probably don't need PhantomSMP as Paper already has its features. " "Enable phantoms-only-attack-insomniacs in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: network_compression_threshold = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"][""]["network-compression-threshold"]) bungeecord = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["settings"]["bungeecord"] if network_compression_threshold <= 256 and bungeecord == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ network-compression-threshold", value="Increase this in []( Recommended: 512.") if network_compression_threshold != -1 and bungeecord == "true": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ network-compression-threshold", value="Set this to -1 in []( for a bungee server like yours.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: using_ntvd = True worlds = r2["worlds"] for world in worlds: tvd = int(r2["worlds"][world]["ticking-distance"]) ntvd = int(r2["worlds"][world]["notick-viewdistance"]) if ntvd >= tvd >= 4: using_ntvd = False if not using_ntvd: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ no-tick-view-distance", value="Set a value in [paper.yml]( Recommended: " + str(tvd) + ". And reduce view-distance from default (" + str(tvd) + ") in [spigot.yml]( Recommended: 3.") except KeyError: print("KeyError") unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: spigot_view_distance = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["view-distance"] view_distance = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"][""]["view-distance"]) if view_distance >= 10 and spigot_view_distance == "default": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ view-distance", value="Decrease this from default (10) in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 3.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: chunk_gc_period = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["bukkit"]["chunk-gc"]["period-in-ticks"]) if chunk_gc_period >= 600: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ chunk-gc.period-in-ticks", value="Decrease this in [bukkit.yml](\nRecommended: 400.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: ticks_per_monster_spawns = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["bukkit"]["ticks-per"]["monster-spawns"]) if ticks_per_monster_spawns == 1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌", value="Increase this in [bukkit.yml](\nRecommended: 4.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: monsters_spawn_limit = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["bukkit"]["spawn-limits"]["monsters"]) if monsters_spawn_limit >= 70: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ spawn-limits.monsters", value="Decrease this in [bukkit.yml](\nRecommended: 15.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: water_ambient_spawn_limit = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["bukkit"]["spawn-limits"]["water-ambient"]) if water_ambient_spawn_limit >= 20: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ spawn-limits.water-ambient", value="Decrease this in [bukkit.yml](\nRecommended: 2.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: ambient_spawn_limit = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["bukkit"]["spawn-limits"]["ambient"]) if ambient_spawn_limit >= 15: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ spawn-limits.ambient", value="Decrease this in [bukkit.yml](\nRecommended: 1.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: animals_spawn_limit = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["bukkit"]["spawn-limits"]["animals"]) if animals_spawn_limit >= 10: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ spawn-limits.animals", value="Decrease this in [bukkit.yml](\nRecommended: 3.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: water_animals_spawn_limit = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["bukkit"]["spawn-limits"]["water-animals"]) if water_animals_spawn_limit >= 15: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ spawn-limits.water-animals", value="Decrease this in [bukkit.yml](\nRecommended: 2.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: mob_spawn_range = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mob-spawn-range"]) spigot_view_distance = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["view-distance"] if spigot_view_distance == "default": view_distance = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"][""]["view-distance"]) if mob_spawn_range >= 8 and view_distance <= 6: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ mob-spawn-range", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: " + str(view_distance - 1) + ".") elif mob_spawn_range >= 8 and int(spigot_view_distance) <= 6: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ mob-spawn-range", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: " + str(int(spigot_view_distance) - 1) + ".") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: animals_entity_activation_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "animals"]) if animals_entity_activation_range >= 32: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ entity-activation-range.animals", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 6.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: monsters_entity_activation_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "monsters"]) if monsters_entity_activation_range >= 32: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ entity-activation-range.monsters", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 16.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: raiders_entity_activation_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "raiders"]) except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: misc_entity_activation_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["misc"]) if misc_entity_activation_range >= 16: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ entity-activation-range.misc", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 4.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: water_entity_activation_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"]["water"]) if water_entity_activation_range >= 16: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ entity-activation-range.water", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 12.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: villagers_entity_activation_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "villagers"]) if villagers_entity_activation_range >= 32: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ entity-activation-range.villagers", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 16.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: flying_monsters_entity_activation_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "flying-monsters"]) except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: tick_inactive_villagers = \ r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "tick-inactive-villagers"] if tick_inactive_villagers == "true": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ tick-inactive-villagers", value="Disable this in [spigot.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: nerf_spawner_mobs = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["nerf-spawner-mobs"] if nerf_spawner_mobs == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ nerf-spawner-mobs", value="Enable this in [spigot.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_villagers_every = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["villagers-every"]) except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_villagers_for = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["villagers-for"]) if wake_up_inactive_villagers_for >= 100: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.villagers-for", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 20.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_flying_monsters_for = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["flying-monsters-for"]) if wake_up_inactive_flying_monsters_for >= 100: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-for", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 60.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_animals_every = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["animals-every"]) except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_villagers_max_per_tick = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["villagers-max-per-tick"]) if wake_up_inactive_villagers_max_per_tick >= 4: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.villagers-max-per-tick", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 1.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_animals_for = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["animals-for"]) if wake_up_inactive_animals_for >= 100: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.animals-for", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 40.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_monsters_max_per_tick = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["monsters-max-per-tick"]) if wake_up_inactive_monsters_max_per_tick >= 8: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.monsters-max-per-tick", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 4.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_flying_monsters_max_per_tick = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["flying-monsters-max-per-tick"]) if wake_up_inactive_flying_monsters_max_per_tick >= 8: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.flying-monsters-max-per-tick", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 1.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_flying_monsters_every = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["flying-monsters-every"]) except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_monsters_every = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["monsters-every"]) except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_animals_max_per_tick = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["animals-max-per-tick"]) if wake_up_inactive_animals_max_per_tick >= 4: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.animals-max-per-tick", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 2.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: wake_up_inactive_monsters_for = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["entity-activation-range"][ "wake-up-inactive"]["monsters-for"]) if wake_up_inactive_monsters_for >= 100: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ wake-up-inactive.monsters-for", value="Decrease this in spigot.yml. " "Recommended: 60.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: arrow_despawn_rate = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["arrow-despawn-rate"]) if arrow_despawn_rate >= 1200: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ arrow-despawn-rate", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 300.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: item_merge_radius = float( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["merge-radius"]["item"]) if item_merge_radius <= 2.5: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ merge-radius.item", value="Increase this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 4.0.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: exp_merge_radius = float( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["merge-radius"]["exp"]) if exp_merge_radius <= 3.0: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ merge-radius.exp", value="Increase this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 6.0.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: max_entity_collisions = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["spigot"]["world-settings"]["default"]["max-entity-collisions"]) if max_entity_collisions >= 8: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ max-entity-collisions", value="Decrease this in [spigot.yml]( " "Recommended: 2.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: max_auto_save_chunks_per_tick = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick"]) if max_auto_save_chunks_per_tick >= 24: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ max-auto-save-chunks-per-tick", value="Decrease this in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 6.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: optimize_explosions = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"][ "optimize-explosions"] if optimize_explosions == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ optimize-explosions", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: mob_spawner_tick_rate = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mob-spawner-tick-rate"]) if mob_spawner_tick_rate == 1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ mob-spawner-tick-rate", value="Increase this in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 2.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: disable_chest_cat_detection = \ r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["game-mechanics"][ "disable-chest-cat-detection"] if disable_chest_cat_detection == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ disable-chest-cat-detection", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: container_update_tick_rate = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["container-update-tick-rate"]) if container_update_tick_rate == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ container-update-tick-rate", value="Increase this in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 3.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: grass_spread_tick_rate = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["grass-spread-tick-rate"]) if grass_spread_tick_rate == 1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ grass-spread-tick-rate", value="Increase this in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 4") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: soft_despawn_range = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["despawn-ranges"]["soft"]) if soft_despawn_range >= 32: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ despawn-ranges.soft", value="Decrease this in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 28") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: hard_despawn_range = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["despawn-ranges"]["soft"]) if hard_despawn_range >= 128: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ despawn-ranges.hard", value="Decrease this in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 48") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: hopper_disable_move_event = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["hopper"][ "disable-move-event"] plugins = r1["timingsMaster"]["plugins"] if hopper_disable_move_event == "false" and "QuickShop" not in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ hopper.disable-move-event", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: non_player_arrow_despawn_rate = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["non-player-arrow-despawn-rate"]) if non_player_arrow_despawn_rate == -1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ non-player-arrow-despawn-rate", value="Set a value in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 60") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: creative_arrow_despawn_rate = int( r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["creative-arrow-despawn-rate"]) if creative_arrow_despawn_rate == -1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ creative-arrow-despawn-rate", value="Set a value in [paper.yml]( " "Recommended: 60") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: prevent_moving_into_unloaded_chunks = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"][ "prevent-moving-into-unloaded-chunks"] if prevent_moving_into_unloaded_chunks == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ prevent-moving-into-unloaded-chunks", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: eigencraft_redstone = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"][ "use-faster-eigencraft-redstone"] if eigencraft_redstone == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ use-faster-eigencraft-redstone", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: fix_climbing_bypass_gamerule = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["fix-climbing-bypassing-cramming-rule"] if fix_climbing_bypass_gamerule == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ fix-climbing-bypassing-cramming-rule", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: armor_stands_do_collision_entity_lookups = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["armor-stands-do-collision-entity-lookups"] if armor_stands_do_collision_entity_lookups == "true": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ armor-stands-do-collision-entity-lookups", value="Disable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: plugins = r1["timingsMaster"]["plugins"] armor_stands_tick = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["armor-stands-tick"] if armor_stands_tick == "true" and "PetBlocks" not in plugins and "BlockBalls" not in plugins and "ArmorStandTools" not in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ armor-stands-tick", value="Disable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: per_player_mob_spawns = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"][ "per-player-mob-spawns"] if per_player_mob_spawns == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ per-player-mob-spawns", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: alt_item_despawn_rate_enabled = \ r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["alt-item-despawn-rate"]["enabled"] if alt_item_despawn_rate_enabled == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ alt-item-despawn-rate.enabled", value="Enable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: enable_treasure_maps = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["enable-treasure-maps"] already_discovered_maps = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"]["treasure-maps-return-already-discovered"] if enable_treasure_maps == "true" and already_discovered_maps == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ enable-treasure-maps", value="Disable this in [paper.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: projectile_load_save = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["paper"]["world-settings"]["default"][ "projectile-load-save-per-chunk-limit"]) if projectile_load_save == -1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ projectile-load-save-per-chunk-limit", value="Set a value in [paper.yml]( Recommended: 8.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: use_alternate_keepalive = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["settings"]["use-alternate-keepalive"] plugins = r1["timingsMaster"]["plugins"] if use_alternate_keepalive == "false" and "TCPShield" not in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ use-alternate-keepalive", value="Enable this in [purpur.yml](") if use_alternate_keepalive == "true" and "TCPShield" in plugins: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ use-alternate-keepalive", value="Disable this in [purpur.yml]( It causes issues with TCPShield.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: dont_send_useless_entity_packets = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["settings"][ "dont-send-useless-entity-packets"] if dont_send_useless_entity_packets == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ dont-send-useless-entity-packets", value="Enable this in [purpur.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: disable_treasure_searching = \ r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["dolphin"][ "disable-treasure-searching"] if disable_treasure_searching == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ dolphin.disable-treasure-searching", value="Enable this in [purpur.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: brain_ticks = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["villager"]["brain-ticks"]) if brain_ticks == 1: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ villager.brain-ticks", value="Increase this in [purpur.yml]( " "Recommended: 4.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: iron_golem_radius = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["villager"]["spawn-iron-golem"]["radius"]) if iron_golem_radius == 0: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ spawn-iron-golem.radius", value="Set a value in [purpur.yml]( " "Recommended: 32.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: iron_golem_limit = int(r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["villager"]["spawn-iron-golem"]["limit"]) if iron_golem_limit == 0: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ spawn-iron-golem.limit", value="Set a value in [purpur.yml]( " "Recommended: 5.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: aggressive_towards_villager_when_lagging = \ r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["zombie"][ "aggressive-towards-villager-when-lagging"] if aggressive_towards_villager_when_lagging == "true": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ zombie.aggresive-towards-villager-when-lagging", value="Disable this in [purpur.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: entities_can_use_portals = \ r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["gameplay-mechanics"][ "entities-can-use-portals"] if entities_can_use_portals == "true": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ entities-can-use-portals", value="Disable this in [purpur.yml]( to prevent players from creating chunk anchors.") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: lobotomize_enabled = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["mobs"]["villager"][ "lobotomize"]["enabled"] if lobotomize_enabled == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ villager.lobotomize.enabled", value="Enable this in [purpur.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") try: teleport_if_outside_border = r1["timingsMaster"]["config"]["purpur"]["world-settings"]["default"]["gameplay-mechanics"]["player"]["teleport-if-outside-border"] if teleport_if_outside_border == "false": embed_var.add_field(name="❌ player.teleport-if-outside-border", value="Enable this in [purpur.yml](") except KeyError: unchecked = unchecked + 1 except: embed_var.add_field(name="❌ Invalid Configuration", value="At least one of your configuration files had an invalid data type.") if len(embed_var.fields) == 0: embed_var.add_field(name="✅ All good", value="Analyzed with no issues") await message.reply(embed=embed_var) return issue_count = len(embed_var.fields) if issue_count >= 25: embed_var.insert_field_at(index=24, name="Plus " + str(issue_count - 24) + " more recommendations", value="Create a new timings report after resolving some of the above issues to see more.") if unchecked > 0: embed_var.description = "||" + str(unchecked) + " unchecked configuration optimizations due to your server version. Use the latest version of [Purpur]( to resolve this.||" await message.reply(embed=embed_var) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Timings(bot))