LagAssist is a plugin that provides tools to prevent, analyse or resolve lag.
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package com.entryrise.lagassist.gui;
4 years ago
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import com.entryrise.lagassist.Main;
import com.entryrise.lagassist.client.ClientMain;
import com.entryrise.lagassist.utils.VersionMgr;
4 years ago
public class DataGUI {
// Glass Items
protected static ItemStack gp;
protected static ItemStack anp;
protected static ItemStack optp;
protected static ItemStack agp;
// Analyse Items
protected static ItemStack bnchie;
protected static ItemStack lagmap;
protected static ItemStack chkanalyse;
protected static ItemStack ping;
// Optimise Items
protected static ItemStack physics;
protected static ItemStack mobspawning;
protected static ItemStack spawners;
// Energise Items
protected static ItemStack rcull;
protected static ItemStack mobcull;
// ClientGUI Items
protected static ItemStack tnt;
protected static ItemStack sand;
protected static ItemStack particle;
protected static ItemStack piston;
// ClientGUI Toggles
protected static ItemStack toggleon;
protected static ItemStack toggleoff;
public static void Enabler(boolean reload) {
if (!reload) {
Main.p.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new AdminGUI(), Main.p);
Main.p.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new ClientGUI(), Main.p);
Main.p.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new HopperGUI(), Main.p);
Bukkit.getLogger().info(" §e[§a✔§e] §fGUI.");
private static void setItems() {
ItemStack[] pnes = VersionMgr.getStatics();
gp = pnes[0];
anp = pnes[1];
optp = pnes[2];
agp = pnes[3];
bnchie = pnes[4];
chkanalyse = pnes[5];
lagmap = pnes[6];
ping = pnes[7];
physics = pnes[8];
rcull = pnes[9];
mobspawning = pnes[10];
spawners = pnes[11];
mobcull = pnes[12];
tnt = pnes[13];
sand = pnes[14];
particle = pnes[15];
piston = pnes[16];
toggleon = pnes[17];
toggleoff = pnes[18];
customizeItem(gp, "&f", false);
customizeItem(anp, "&5&lAnalyse", false, Arrays.asList("&f", "&dAnalysis tools provide a good way",
"&dof finding lag-sources and checking performance.", "&f"));
customizeItem(optp, "&6&lOptimise", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&eOptimisation tools offer ways of improving performance by",
"&echanging how the game works and behaves.", "&f"));
customizeItem(agp, "&4&lEnergise", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&cEnergyser tools are made to jolt performance, and will aggresively",
"&cget rid of lag-sources.", "&f"));
customizeItem(bnchie, "&dBenchmark System", false, Arrays.asList("&f", "&fGet a benchmark of your system",
"&fthat can highly help you approximate", "&fthe capabilities of your system,", "&f"));
customizeItem(lagmap, "&dLag Map", false, Arrays.asList("&f", "&fGet a higly accurate map",
"&fthat graphs the amount of TPS", "&fyour server has.", "&f"));
customizeItem(chkanalyse, "&dAnalyse chunks", false, Arrays.asList("&f", "&fGet a higly accurate map",
"&fthat graphs the amount of TPS", "&fyour server has.", "&f"));
customizeItem(ping, "&dPing Statistics", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&fGet statistics of the Player's ping values.",
"&fThis is highly helpful for finding the optimal location", "&fwhere to host your server",
customizeItem(physics, "&eToggle Physics", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&fToggle Physics that have been enabled in the config.",
"&fPhysics might be a large cause of lag, even though",
"&fthey are not essential for the server.", "&f"));
customizeItem(mobspawning, "&eToggle Mob Spawning", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&fToggle the creation of new mobs.",
"&fThis may help in some situations, but should only be", "&fused as a last resort.", "&f"));
customizeItem(spawners, "&eOptimise Spawners", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&fToggle the Spawner Optimizations.",
"&fThis may highly help in situations where mobs from.",
"&fMob-Spawners cause lag on the server.", "&f"));
customizeItem(rcull, "&cCull Redstone", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&fCull active redstone machines.",
"&fThis will highly help with redstone lag-machines, and can even",
"&fhelp prevent lag-machines from starting.", "&f"));
customizeItem(mobcull, "&cCull Mobs", false,
Arrays.asList("&f", "&fClear Mobs.", "&fThis may help when you have a lot of issues with mobs,",
"&fbut if you need this it usually means", "&fthat the server has been misconfigured", "&f"));
// Do the Clientside stuff.
ClientMain.configureIcon(tnt, "tnt");
ClientMain.configureIcon(sand, "sand");
ClientMain.configureIcon(particle, "particle");
ClientMain.configureIcon(piston, "piston");
ClientMain.configureIcon(toggleon, "toggleon");
ClientMain.configureIcon(toggleoff, "toggleoff");
public static void setBorders(Inventory inv) {
for (int i = 4; i <= 49; i += 9) {
inv.setItem(i - 4, gp);
inv.setItem(i + 4, gp);
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
inv.setItem(i, gp);
inv.setItem(i + 45, gp);
public static void customizeItem(ItemStack s, String raw, boolean shining) {
customizeItem(s, raw, shining, null);
public static void customizeItem(ItemStack s, String raw, boolean shining, List<String> rlore) {
setShine(s, shining);
String name = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', raw);
ItemMeta smeta = s.getItemMeta();
if (rlore != null) {
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String stg : rlore) {
lore.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', stg));
public static void setShine(ItemStack s, boolean shining) {
ItemMeta smeta = s.getItemMeta();
if (shining) {
smeta.addEnchant(Enchantment.DURABILITY, 1, true);
smeta.addItemFlags(ItemFlag.HIDE_ENCHANTS, ItemFlag.HIDE_ATTRIBUTES);
public static ItemStack getToggler(boolean bl) {
return (bl) ? toggleoff : toggleon;