2 changed files with 466 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ |
# ---> AltiumDesigner |
# For PCBs designed using Altium Designer |
# Website: |
# Directories containing cache data |
History |
__Previews |
# Directories containing logs and generated outputs |
Project\ Logs* |
Project\ Outputs* |
# Misc files generated by altium |
debug.log |
Status\ Report.txt |
*.PcbDoc.htm |
*.SchDocPreview |
*.PcbDocPreview |
# Lock files sometimes left behind |
.~lock.* |
# ---> Android |
# Built application files |
*.apk |
*.aar |
*.ap_ |
*.aab |
# Files for the ART/Dalvik VM |
*.dex |
# Java class files |
*.class |
# Generated files |
bin/ |
gen/ |
out/ |
# Uncomment the following line in case you need and you don't have the release build type files in your app |
# release/ |
# Gradle files |
.gradle/ |
build/ |
# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc) |
| |
# Proguard folder generated by Eclipse |
proguard/ |
# Log Files |
*.log |
# Android Studio Navigation editor temp files |
.navigation/ |
# Android Studio captures folder |
captures/ |
# IntelliJ |
*.iml |
.idea/workspace.xml |
.idea/tasks.xml |
.idea/gradle.xml |
.idea/assetWizardSettings.xml |
.idea/dictionaries |
.idea/libraries |
.idea/jarRepositories.xml |
# Android Studio 3 in .gitignore file. |
.idea/caches |
.idea/modules.xml |
# Comment next line if keeping position of elements in Navigation Editor is relevant for you |
.idea/navEditor.xml |
# Keystore files |
# Uncomment the following lines if you do not want to check your keystore files in. |
#*.jks |
#*.keystore |
# External native build folder generated in Android Studio 2.2 and later |
.externalNativeBuild |
.cxx/ |
# Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase) |
# google-services.json |
# Freeline |
| |
freeline/ |
freeline_project_description.json |
# fastlane |
fastlane/report.xml |
fastlane/Preview.html |
fastlane/screenshots |
fastlane/test_output |
fastlane/ |
# Version control |
vcs.xml |
# lint |
lint/intermediates/ |
lint/generated/ |
lint/outputs/ |
lint/tmp/ |
# lint/reports/ |
# Android Profiling |
*.hprof |
# ---> Anjuta |
# Local configuration folder and symbol database |
/.anjuta/ |
/.anjuta_sym_db.db |
# ---> Ansible |
*.retry |
# ---> AppEngine |
# Google App Engine generated folder |
appengine-generated/ |
# ---> AppceleratorTitanium |
# Build folder and log file |
build/ |
build.log |
# ---> ArchLinuxPackages |
*.tar |
*.tar.* |
*.jar |
*.exe |
*.msi |
*.zip |
*.tgz |
*.log |
*.log.* |
*.sig |
pkg/ |
src/ |
# ---> Archives |
# It's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source because |
# git has its own built in compression methods. |
*.7z |
*.jar |
*.rar |
*.zip |
*.gz |
*.gzip |
*.tgz |
*.bzip |
*.bzip2 |
*.bz2 |
*.xz |
*.lzma |
*.cab |
*.xar |
# Packing-only formats |
*.iso |
*.tar |
# Package management formats |
*.dmg |
*.xpi |
*.gem |
*.egg |
*.deb |
*.rpm |
*.msi |
*.msm |
*.msp |
*.txz |
# ---> AtmelStudio |
## Ignore Atmel Studio temporary files and build results |
# |
# Atmel Studio is powered by an older version of Visual Studio, |
# so most of the project and solution files are the same as VS files, |
# only prefixed by an `at`. |
#Build Directories |
[Dd]ebug/ |
[Rr]elease/ |
#Build Results |
*.o |
*.d |
*.eep |
*.elf |
*.hex |
*.map |
*.srec |
#User Specific Files |
*.atsuo |
# ---> Autotools |
# |
| |
/ar-lib |
/mdate-sh |
/py-compile |
/test-driver |
/ylwrap |
.deps/ |
.dirstamp |
# |
autom4te.cache |
/autoscan.log |
/autoscan-*.log |
/aclocal.m4 |
/compile |
/config.cache |
/config.guess |
/ |
/config.log |
/config.status |
/config.sub |
/configure |
/configure.scan |
/depcomp |
/install-sh |
/missing |
/stamp-h1 |
# |
/ |
# |
/texinfo.tex |
# |
m4/libtool.m4 |
m4/ltoptions.m4 |
m4/ltsugar.m4 |
m4/ltversion.m4 |
m4/lt~obsolete.m4 |
# Generated Makefile |
# (meta build system like autotools, |
# can automatically generate from config.status script |
# (which is called by configure script)) |
Makefile |
# ---> Backup |
*.bak |
*.gho |
*.ori |
*.orig |
*.tmp |
# ---> Bazaar |
.bzr/ |
.bzrignore |
# ---> Bazel |
# gitignore template for Bazel build system |
# website: |
# Ignore all bazel-* symlinks. There is no full list since this can change |
# based on the name of the directory bazel is cloned into. |
/bazel-* |
# ---> Bitrix |
# gitignore template for 1C-Bitrix, a PHP-based CMS |
# website: |
#Exclude all of core files |
/bitrix/* |
#But not the templates and non bitrix components |
!/bitrix/templates |
!/bitrix/components |
/bitrix/components/bitrix |
#Exclude bitrix gadgets |
!/bitrix/gadgets |
/bitrix/gadgets/bitrix |
#User can use that directory to store some stuff, but it's not really recommended, just use /local instead of this |
!/bitrix/php_interface/ |
#Exclude database configs |
/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php |
#Exclude default file storage directory |
/upload/ |
# ---> BricxCC |
# Bricx Command Center IDE |
# |
*.bak |
*.sym |
# ---> C |
# Prerequisites |
*.d |
# Object files |
*.o |
*.ko |
*.obj |
*.elf |
# Linker output |
*.ilk |
*.map |
*.exp |
# Precompiled Headers |
*.gch |
*.pch |
# Libraries |
*.lib |
*.a |
*.la |
*.lo |
# Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs) |
*.dll |
*.so |
*.so.* |
*.dylib |
# Executables |
*.exe |
*.out |
*.app |
*.i*86 |
*.x86_64 |
*.hex |
# Debug files |
*.dSYM/ |
*.su |
*.idb |
*.pdb |
# Kernel Module Compile Results |
*.mod* |
*.cmd |
.tmp_versions/ |
modules.order |
Module.symvers |
Mkfile.old |
dkms.conf |
# ---> C++ |
# Prerequisites |
*.d |
# Compiled Object files |
*.slo |
*.lo |
*.o |
*.obj |
# Precompiled Headers |
*.gch |
*.pch |
# Compiled Dynamic libraries |
*.so |
*.dylib |
*.dll |
# Fortran module files |
*.mod |
*.smod |
# Compiled Static libraries |
*.lai |
*.la |
*.a |
*.lib |
# Executables |
*.exe |
*.out |
*.app |
# ---> CFWheels |
# unpacked plugin folders |
plugins/**/* |
# files directory where uploads go |
files |
# DBMigrate plugin: generated SQL |
db/sql |
# AssetBundler plugin: generated bundles |
javascripts/bundles |
stylesheets/bundles |
# ---> CMake |
CMakeLists.txt.user |
CMakeCache.txt |
CMakeFiles |
CMakeScripts |
Testing |
Makefile |
cmake_install.cmake |
install_manifest.txt |
compile_commands.json |
CTestTestfile.cmake |
_deps |
# ---> CUDA |
*.i |
*.ii |
*.gpu |
*.ptx |
*.cubin |
*.fatbin |
# ---> CVS |
/CVS/* |
**/CVS/* |
.cvsignore |
*/.cvsignore |
# ---> CakePHP |
# CakePHP 3 |
/vendor/* |
/config/app.php |
/tmp/cache/models/* |
!/tmp/cache/models/empty |
/tmp/cache/persistent/* |
!/tmp/cache/persistent/empty |
/tmp/cache/views/* |
!/tmp/cache/views/empty |
/tmp/sessions/* |
!/tmp/sessions/empty |
/tmp/tests/* |
!/tmp/tests/empty |
/logs/* |
!/logs/empty |
# CakePHP 2 |
/app/tmp/* |
/app/Config/core.php |
/app/Config/database.php |
/vendors/* |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
# Kamal |
<a href=""> best sexologist in panipat</a> |
Reference in new issue