LagAssist is a plugin that provides tools to prevent, analyse or resolve lag.
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package cx.sfy.LagAssist;
public class ExactTPS implements Runnable {
public static int TICK_COUNT = 0;
public static long[] TICKS = new long[600];
public static long LAST_TICK = 0L;
public static double getTPS() {
return getTPS(100);
public static double getTPS(int ticks) {
if (TICK_COUNT - 1 < ticks) {
return 20.0D;
int target = (TICK_COUNT - 1 - ticks) % TICKS.length;
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - TICKS[target];
return ticks / (elapsed / 1000.0D);
public static long getElapsed(int tickID) {
if (TICK_COUNT - tickID >= TICKS.length) {
long time = TICKS[(tickID % TICKS.length)];
return System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
public void run() {
TICKS[(TICK_COUNT % TICKS.length)] = System.currentTimeMillis();