package com.entryrise.afkguard.antiafk.captcha; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.SplittableRandom; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import com.entryrise.afkguard.Main; import com.entryrise.afkguard.mineutils.ItemBuilder; public class CaptchaCategory { private static SplittableRandom sr = new SplittableRandom(); private static List categories = new ArrayList(); public static void Enabler(boolean reload) { if (!reload) { Main.p.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new CaptchaGUI(), Main.p); } for (String stg : Main.config.getConfigurationSection("settings.captcha.categories").getKeys(false)) { categories.add(new CaptchaCategory(stg)); } Bukkit.getLogger().info(" §e[§a✔§e] §fCategories Added"); } public static CaptchaCategory getCategory(CaptchaCategory exception) { // For safety if the random randomly breaks out of some reason or another. // Will render plugin kind of unsafe but still usable and won't crash server. int i = 50; CaptchaCategory categ; do { categ = categories.get(sr.nextInt(categories.size())); } while (categ.equals(exception) && --i > 0); return categ; } public List getShuffledFiller() { List raw = new ArrayList(); for (CaptchaCategory cat : categories) { if (cat.equals(this)) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { raw.addAll(cat.members); } } Collections.shuffle(raw); return raw; } // This is where objective stuff starts and no more statics roam the land. private List members = new ArrayList(); private String name; private CaptchaCategory(String name) { String loc = "settings.captcha.categories." + name; = name; for (String stg : Main.config.getStringList(loc)) { members.add(new ItemBuilder(Main.config, "settings.captcha.gui.item").setType(stg).build()); } } public ItemStack getRandom(ItemStack exception) { // For safety if the random randomly breaks out of some reason or another. // Will render plugin kind of unsafe but still usable and won't crash server. List items = new ArrayList<>(members); items.remove(exception); return items.get(sr.nextInt(items.size())); } public String getName() { return name; } public List getAllowed() { return members; } }