# Plugin config # ______ _ _______ _ # /\ | ____| |/ / ____| | | # / \ | |__ | ' / | __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __| | # / /\ \ | __| | <| | |_ | | | |/ _` | '__/ _` | # / ____ \| | | . \ |__| | |_| | (_| | | | (_| | # /_/ \_\_| |_|\_\_____|\__,_|\__,_|_| \__,_| # # By EntryRise S.R.L - https://www.entryrise.com # # Support at: # - https://www.entryrise.com/discord # - Stefatorus#9382 # settings: # The AFK detection system of AFKGuard uses a score system # to allow you to have complete control on the way AFKGuard # checks if players are actually AFK or just less active. # # (!) We recommend testing once you change settings here, # as not to affect normal players. afk-detection: # The punishment table allows you to run actions when a player is found to be afk-ing. # # This allows you to discourage AFK-ing without outright kicking players. # # Current actions: # cmd:: - Run a command # payment:: - Force player to pay money to stay AFK. If he pays, the punishment value will not increment. Useful for charging for chunk loading bots. # captcha: - Send the player a captcha he will need to complete to reset his punishment value. # # If there are multiple counters, it will reset to the last counter in the action chain. punishment-table: 5: # The player will have to run a captcha. If he does, the counter will reset to 3. If not, the counter will keep ticking. - "captcha:3" 6: # Force player to pay 3000 if he wants the counter not to increment. Useful for regulating AFK farms. - "payment:3000:5" # If the player fails to complete the captcha or pay, kick the player out, and set his counter to 0. 10: - "cmd:kick %player% AFK-ing too much!:0" # # The counter is based on scores to allow better management of what is considered AFK or just low activity from the player. # The calculation is done the following way: # # Each counter cycle (configurable timer), the score will reset to the starting score you configure. Each action they do will # slowly reduce the score, until it reaches 0. If the score is above 0, the player is considered to be AFK at that minute. # If the player is AFK, we increase counter by one. Otherwise, we decrease by one. counter: # 1200 ticks = 1 minute timer: 1200 # What should be the starting score. Larger = easier to get flagged as AFK. start-score: 100 # How much should we decrease the afk score when player proves not to be AFK? # # (!) Setting it to a smaller amount (eg: 1) will allow for activity checkup, meaning # even small amounts of inactivity will get punished. decrease-amount: 5 # What actions should reduce the score. Larger values here = harder to get flagged as AFK. actions: # What should we reduce the score by each chat message chat: 15 # People can afk and block break, but for sanity purposes, we gave block breaking a minimal value. # This should allow people to mine normally, but not AFK at generators. block-break: 1 # Placing blocks is harder to do while AFK, so we give it a higher value. block-place: 5 # The movement check multiplies blocks moved by the value underlined here. I recommend as smaller value, as # people can AFK in minecarts to move larger distances. # # (!) This also accounts for teleportation, which will almost never be done by AFK bots. # Please note this uses the movement*movement, so for 10 blocks moved, the value will actually be 100 blocks * location-movement. location-movement: 0.07 # Movement riding something. This should be set low to account for minecart afk machines. riding-movement: 0.01 # Mouse movement multiplies by the angle difference between player's current looking angle, and his previous # angle. # # (!) Non-hacking afk farms will have this always equal to 0, as the mouse is not moved. # # Example: Looking the opposite way, your movement would be 180 * 0.2 = 36 (YAW) + 30 * 0.2 = 6 (PITCH) mouse-movement: 0.01 # World change is rarely done by AFK actors, meaning that we can assign a high value to it. world-movement: 75 # Picking up items can be done by bots, so we will actually reduce the score by a slight amount on item pickup. # # Example: Picking 5 stacks = -5 pickup-item: -1.0 # Generally, players will sprint when they need to move around. We can reduce the score when player toggles sprinting on. toggle-sprint: 5.0 # Flight is rarely implemented by cheats, so it can be a good check for creative servers. toggle-flight: 15.0 # Bots are often used for fishing. Penalize players when they are fishing. fishing: -5.0 # # The captcha tool is used to verify if people are AFK-ing or if they are properly in game. It is intrusive, so players will definetly see # it and have time to react. captcha: # What should we do on failed attempt. fail-command: "kick %player% You failed the AFK Captcha" # What should we run on success attempt. success-command: "bc %player% You sucessfully finished the afk captcha" # The categories for validating if player is afk. # # (!) THESE ARE VERSION DEPENDANT. USING INVALID VALUES WILL LEAD TO ERRORS. gui: title: "&0&lCaptcha: &8&l%category%" glass-pane: material: "LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" name: "&7" lore: - "" shiny: false example: # Material will get replaced during execution. material: "PAPER" name: "&e&lAnswer Example" lore: - "" - "&7This is an example of a" - "&7correct answer" - "" shiny: false item: # Material will get replaced during execution. material: "PAPER" name: "&c&lChoose Answer" lore: - "" - "&7Click here if you feel" - "&7this is the correct answer" - "" shiny: false categories: Stairs: - "PURPUR_STAIRS" - "OAK_STAIRS" - "COBBLESTONE_STAIRS" - "BRICK_STAIRS" - "STONE_BRICK_STAIRS" - "SANDSTONE_STAIRS" Fence: - "OAK_FENCE" - "SPRUCE_FENCE" - "BIRCH_FENCE" - "JUNGLE_FENCE" - "ACACIA_FENCE" - "DARK_OAK_FENCE" Log: - "OAK_LOG" - "SPRUCE_LOG" - "BIRCH_LOG" - "JUNGLE_LOG" - "ACACIA_LOG" - "DARK_OAK_LOG" Sapling: - "OAK_SAPLING" - "SPRUCE_SAPLING" - "BIRCH_SAPLING" - "JUNGLE_SAPLING" - "ACACIA_SAPLING" - "DARK_OAK_SAPLING" Wool: - "WHITE_WOOL" - "ORANGE_WOOL" - "MAGENTA_WOOL" - "LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL" - "YELLOW_WOOL" - "LIME_WOOL" - "PINK_WOOL" - "GRAY_WOOL" - "LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL" - "CYAN_WOOL" Spawnegg: - "BAT_SPAWN_EGG" - "BLAZE_SPAWN_EGG" - "CHICKEN_SPAWN_EGG" - "COD_SPAWN_EGG" - "COW_SPAWN_EGG" - "CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG" - "DOLPHIN_SPAWN_EGG" - "DONKEY_SPAWN_EGG" - "DROWNED_SPAWN_EGG" # Version is used for future updates version: 1