AFKGuard allows you to detect even the most tricky AFK machines and cheats, by being fully configurable and accessible!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package com.entryrise.afkguard.antiafk;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.entryrise.afkguard.Main;
import com.entryrise.afkguard.utils.MathUtils;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
public class AFKPlayer {
private double score;
private int afkcycles;
public AFKPlayer() {
score = Main.config.getInt("settings.afk-detection.counter.start-score");
afkcycles = 0;
* Returns -1 = Decrease Returns +1 = Increase Returns 0 = Stays still. (No
* usage yet)
* It also sets the afkcycles and makes sure it doesn't go under 0.
private int calculateCycles(Player p) {
afkcycles = score > 0 ? afkcycles + 1 : Math.max(0, afkcycles - Main.config.getInt("settings.afk-detection.counter.decrease-amount"));
return score > 0 ? 1 : -1;
public void addScore(double increment) {
score -= increment;
public boolean isAfk(Player p) {
// If the player was found to be AFK, it means there was a change in cyclecount.
// This means we should check for actions to run.
if (calculateCycles(p) == 1) {
for (String stg : Main.config.getStringList("settings.afk-detection.punishment-table." + afkcycles)) {
String[] result = stg.split(":");
int reset = MathUtils.isInt(result[result.length - 1]) ? Integer.valueOf(result[result.length - 1])
: -1;
if (result[0].equalsIgnoreCase("cmd") && result.length >= 2 && !p.hasPermission("afkguard.bypass.cmd")) {
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), result[1].replace("%player%", p.getName()));
AFKManager.setScore(p, reset);
} else if (result[0].equalsIgnoreCase("payment") && !p.hasPermission("afkguard.bypass.payment")) {
double payment = MathUtils.isInt(result[1]) ? Integer.valueOf(result[1]) : 0;
Main.penalizePlayer(p, payment, reset);
} else if (result[0].equalsIgnoreCase("captcha") && !p.hasPermission("afkguard.bypass.captcha")) {
Main.openCapcha(p, reset);
score = Main.config.getDouble("settings.afk-detection.counter.start-score");
return false;