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Kaj Björklund 12 years ago
  1. 66
  2. 20
  3. 3
  4. 2252
  5. 17
  6. 52
  7. 11
  8. 237
  9. 36
  10. BIN
  11. 28
  12. 400
  13. 504
  14. 237
  15. 36
  16. BIN
  17. 15
  18. 173
  19. 117
  20. 125
  21. 940
  22. 15
  23. 190
  24. 321
  25. 144


@ -1,2 +1,64 @@
# Javascript Chess
This program is a Javascript implementation of the board game [Chess](, with a computer player opponent. All move types are supported, including en passant, castling and promotion.
Try it out [here]( Usage is shown below the chessboard. At least Internet Explorer (8 or later), Chrome and Firefox should work.
# Code Structure
Source files are placed in the `src` directory. Minification and linting files are placed in the `build` directory. Source file contents:
* `chess.js`: Constants, utilities and the Chess namespace.
* `bitboard.js`: 64-bit bit twiddling tools.
* `zobrist.js`: Game state hash calculator. Currently unused, but will be used in the transposition table implementation.
* `move.js`: Piece movement representation.
* `position.js`: Chess game state and mutation.
* `parser.js`: Parser for various Chess notations.
* `ai.js`: Artificial intelligence, i.e. computer opponent. Basic alpha-beta pruned minimax with a simple evaluation function.
* `ui.js`: User interface code.
* `chess.include.js`: Includes all of the above files.
* `chess.css`: User interface style.
* `chess.ico`: Icon.
* `chess.html`: Main game file.
* `test.js`: Automated tests.
* `test.html`: Automated test runner.
# Building
To compile the minified version using `` in the `build` directory, you need [bash]( and the [Closure compiler]( You may need to adjust the `.jar` location in ``. Compiled files are placed in the top-level directory.
To lint using `` in the build directory, you need bash and [JavaScript Lint]( You may need to adjust lint's path in ``.
To run the tests, open `test.html` in the `src` directory.
* Static exchange evaluation
* Transposition table
* Iterative deepening
* Negamax formulation
* AI randomness
* Take game phase into account in evaluation
* Take mobility into account in evaluation
* Killer heuristic
* Late-check castling legality
* Tie-detection
* Move pieces without drag and drop
* Underpromotion
* Show captured pieces in the UI
* Don't hardcode board target div to UI
* UI for loading game state from parsable Chess notation(s)
* More tests
# License
The Chess implementation is distributed under the MIT license. See accompanying file LICENSE for details.
Third-party components are distributed/used under their respective license:
* jQuery: [MIT]( (used via jQuery CDN)
* jQuery UI: [MIT]( (used via jQuery CDN)
* jQuery UI Touch Punch: [MIT]( (used via CloudFlare CDN)
* Augment.js: [MIT]( (used via CloudFlare CDN)
* QUnit: [MIT]( (used via jQuery CDN)
* The jQuery extern file in the build directory: [Apache 2](


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
COMPILER_JAR="/c/Program Files/closure-compiler/compiler.jar"
src=`sed -E -n "s/^.*\"(\w+\.js)\".*$/--js ..\/src\/\1/p" ../src/chess.include.js`
java -jar "$COMPILER_JAR" \
--language_in ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT \
--compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS \
--output_wrapper "(function(){%output%})();" \
--use_types_for_optimization \
--summary_detail_level 3 \
--warning_level VERBOSE \
--js_output_file ../chess.min.js \
--process_jquery_primitives \
--externs extern-jquery-1.8.js \
--externs extern-jquery-ui.js \
$src \
--js export.js
cp ../src/chess.css ..
cp ../src/chess.ico ..
sed "s/chess\.include\.js/chess.min.js/" ../src/chess.html > ../chess.html


@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"use strict";
window["makeChessGame"] = makeChessGame;


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
/** @externs */
* @param {(string|Object.<string, *>)} x
* @param {*=} y
* @param {*=} z
* @return {(!jQuery|*)}
jQuery.prototype.draggable = function(x, y, z) {};
* @param {(string|Object.<string, *>)} x
* @param {*=} y
* @param {*=} z
* @return {(!jQuery|*)}
jQuery.prototype.droppable = function(x, y, z) {};


@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+no_return_value # function {0} does not always return a value
+duplicate_formal # duplicate formal argument {0}
+equal_as_assign # test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?{0}
+var_hides_arg # variable {0} hides argument
+redeclared_var # redeclaration of {0} {1}
+anon_no_return_value # anonymous function does not always return a value
+missing_semicolon # missing semicolon
+meaningless_block # meaningless block; curly braces have no impact
+comma_separated_stmts # multiple statements separated by commas (use semicolons?)
+unreachable_code # unreachable code
+missing_break # missing break statement
+missing_break_for_last_case # missing break statement for last case in switch
+comparison_type_conv # comparisons against null, 0, true, false, or an empty string allowing implicit type conversion (use === or !==)
+inc_dec_within_stmt # increment (++) and decrement (--) operators used as part of greater statement
+useless_void # use of the void type may be unnecessary (void is always undefined)
+multiple_plus_minus # unknown order of operations for successive plus (e.g. x+++y) or minus (e.g. x---y) signs
+use_of_label # use of label
+block_without_braces # block statement without curly braces
+leading_decimal_point # leading decimal point may indicate a number or an object member
+trailing_decimal_point # trailing decimal point may indicate a number or an object member
+octal_number # leading zeros make an octal number
+nested_comment # nested comment
+misplaced_regex # regular expressions should be preceded by a left parenthesis, assignment, colon, or comma
+ambiguous_newline # unexpected end of line; it is ambiguous whether these lines are part of the same statement
+empty_statement # empty statement or extra semicolon
+missing_option_explicit # the "option explicit" control comment is missing
+partial_option_explicit # the "option explicit" control comment, if used, must be in the first script tag
+dup_option_explicit # duplicate "option explicit" control comment
+useless_assign # useless assignment
+ambiguous_nested_stmt # block statements containing block statements should use curly braces to resolve ambiguity
+ambiguous_else_stmt # the else statement could be matched with one of multiple if statements (use curly braces to indicate intent)
+missing_default_case # missing default case in switch statement
+duplicate_case_in_switch # duplicate case in switch statements
+default_not_at_end # the default case is not at the end of the switch statement
+legacy_cc_not_understood # couldn't understand control comment using /*@keyword@*/ syntax
+jsl_cc_not_understood # couldn't understand control comment using /*jsl:keyword*/ syntax
+useless_comparison # useless comparison; comparing identical expressions
+with_statement # with statement hides undeclared variables; use temporary variable instead
+trailing_comma_in_array # extra comma is not recommended in array initializers
+assign_to_function_call # assignment to a function call
+parseint_missing_radix # parseInt missing radix parameter
+define window
+define document
+define $
+define alert


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
LINT="/c/Program Files (x86)/jsl-0.3.0/jsl.exe"
src=`sed -E -n "s/^.*\"(\w+\.js)\".*$/..\/src\/\1/p" ../src/chess.include.js`
echo "\"use strict\";" > chess.max.js
sed "s/^.use strict..$//g" $src >> chess.max.js
sed -i "/^$/N;/^\n$/D" chess.max.js
sed -i "s/\t/ /g" chess.max.js
"$LINT" -nologo -nofilelisting -conf jsl.conf -process chess.max.js
rm chess.max.js


@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
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#dim {
position: fixed;
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height: 100%;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
z-index: 10;
display: none;
cursor: wait;
#chessboard {
width: 700px;
height: 700px;
float: left;
padding: 0;
#moves {
border: 1px solid silver;
border-radius: 14px;
width: 138px;
/* max-width: 168px; */
padding: 5px;
padding-left: 15px;
float: right;
overflow: auto;
height: 688px;
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#clear {
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width: 0;
height: 0;
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padding: 14px;
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font-size: small;
font-weight: normal;
#chessboard table tr th.file {
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height: 30px;
#chessboard table tr th.rank {
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height: 80px;
#chessboard table tr:first-child th:first-child {
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#chessboard table tr:first-child th:last-child {
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#chessboard table tr:last-child th:first-child {
border-bottom-left-radius: 14px;
#chessboard table tr:last-child th:last-child {
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background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%, #808080), color-stop(100%, #000000));
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background: -o-linear-gradient(-45deg, #808080 0%, #000000 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(-45deg, #808080 0%, #000000 100%);
background: linear-gradient(135deg, gray, black);
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color: white;
#chessboard table tr {
color: black;
#chessboard table tr td.from {
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#chessboard table tr {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px 1px green;
#chessboard table tr {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px 1px red;
#chessboard table tr {
color: red;
content: "e.p.";
#chessboard table tr {
color: magenta;
content: "0-0";
#chessboard table tr {
color: magenta;
content: "0-0-0";
#chessboard table tr, #chessboard table tr {
color: gray;
content: "\2022";
#chessboard table tr td.turn {
cursor: move;
#chessboard table tr td div.turn:not(.can-move) {
cursor: not-allowed;
#chessboard table tr td.last-move {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px 1px yellow;
#moves a {
color: gray;
font-size: 8pt;
text-decoration: none;
#moves a.cannot {
color: silver;
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default;


@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="chess.css">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="chess.ico">
<div id="content">
<div id="chessboard" role="main"></div>
<div id="moves"></div>
<div id="clear"></div>
<div id="help">
<li>Moves can be made by dragging the pieces on the board, or by clicking the move links in the right panel.</li>
<li>Pawns dragged to the last rank are promoted to queens. Use the move links in the right panel to underpromote.</li>
<li>Castle by moving the king two squares towards a rook. The rook moves automatically.</li>
<div id="footer"></div>
<div id="dim"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]-->
<script src="chess.min.js"></script>


Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 22 KiB


@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
(function(){'use strict';var f=!0,j=null,m=!1,aa="pawn knight bishop rook queen king".split(" ");function ba(a,b){return"abcdefgh"[b]+"12345678"[a]}function ca(a){return"abcdefgh".indexOf(a[0])+8*"12345678".indexOf(a[1])}function q(a){return ba(a>>>3,a&7)};function da(a,b){this.a=a>>>0;this.b=b>>>0}function ea(a){a>>>=0;a-=a>>>1&1431655765;a=(a&858993459)+(a>>>2&858993459);return 16843009*(a+(a>>>4)&252645135)>>>24}function fa(a){a>>>=0;return(a&a-1)>>>0}function ga(a){a>>>=0;return ea((a&-a)-1)}function r(a){return ea(a.a)+ea(a.b)}function ha(a){return a.a?ga(a.a):32+ga(a.b)}function s(a){var b=ha(a);a.a?a.a=fa(a.a):a.b=fa(a.b);return b}function t(a){return!a.a&&!a.b}function u(a,b){b>>>=0;return 32>b?!(a.a&1<<b):!(a.b&1<<b-32)}
function ia(a,b){return!u(a,b)}function y(a,b){b>>>=0;32>b?a.a=(a.a|1<<b)>>>0:a.b=(a.b|1<<b-32)>>>0;return a}function ja(a,b){b>>>=0;32>b?a.a=(a.a&~(1<<b))>>>0:a.b=(a.b&~(1<<b-32))>>>0}function A(a,b){a.a=(a.a&b.a)>>>0;a.b=(a.b&b.b)>>>0;return a}function B(a,b){a.a=(a.a&~b.a)>>>0;a.b=(a.b&~b.b)>>>0;return a}function C(a,b){a.a=(a.a|b.a)>>>0;a.b=(a.b|b.b)>>>0;return a}function ka(a,b){a.a=(a.a^b.a)>>>0;a.b=(a.b^b.b)>>>0}function la(a){a.a=~a.a>>>0;a.b=~a.b>>>0;return a}
function D(a,b){b>>>=0;31<b?(a.b=a.a<<b-32>>>0,a.a=0):0<b&&(a.b=(a.b<<b|a.a>>>32-b)>>>0,a.a=a.a<<b>>>0);return a}function E(a,b){b>>>=0;31<b?(a.a=a.b>>>b-32,a.b=0):0<b&&(a.a=(a.a>>>b|a.b<<32-b)>>>0,a.b>>>=b);return a}function F(a,b){63<b||-63>b?a.a=a.b=0:0<b?D(a,b):0>b&&E(a,-b);return a}function ma(a,b){return a.a===b.a&&a.b===b.b}function G(a){return I(a.a,a.b)}function I(a,b){return new da(a,b)}function J(a){return y(I(0,0),a)}
function na(){var a=oa;return F(A(I(270549120,16909320),F(I(4294967295,4294967295),8*a)),a)}function pa(){var a=qa;return F(A(I(134480385,2151686160),F(I(4294967295,4294967295),8*-a)),a)}function ra(){var a=y(I(0,0),sa),b=B(E(G(a),1),K[7]),c=B(B(E(G(a),2),K[7]),K[6]),d=B(D(G(a),1),K[0]),a=B(B(D(G(a),2),K[0]),K[1]),c=C(c,a),b=C(b,d);return C(C(C(D(G(c),8),E(c,8)),D(G(b),16)),E(b,16))}
function ta(){var a=y(I(0,0),ua),b=C(B(E(G(a),1),K[7]),B(D(G(a),1),K[0])),c=E(C(G(a),b),8),a=D(C(G(a),b),8);return C(C(b,c),a)}for(var va=I(4294967295,4294967295),wa=I(1437226410,1437226410),xa=I(2857740885,2857740885),ya=[],za=0;8>za;++za)ya.push(D(I(16843009,16843009),za));for(var K=ya,L=[],Aa=0;8>Aa;++Aa)L.push(D(I(255,0),8*Aa));for(var Ba=[],oa=-7;8>oa;++oa)Ba.push(na());for(var Ca=[],qa=-7;8>qa;++qa)Ca.push(pa());for(var Da=[],sa=0;64>sa;++sa)Da.push(ra());for(var Ea=[],ua=0;64>ua;++ua)Ea.push(ta());function Fa(){this.a=this.b=0}for(var Ga=[],Ha=0;1586>Ha;++Ha)Ga.push(1+4294967295*Math.random()>>>0);function M(a,b){a.b=(a.b^Ga[b])>>>0;a.a=(a.a^Ga[b+1])>>>0}function N(a,b){0<=b&&M(a,1570+(b&7))};function Ia(a,b,c,d,g){this.a=b&63|(a&63)<<6|(c&15)<<12|(d&7)<<16|((g|0)&7)<<19}function O(a){return a.a>>>6&63}function P(a){return a.a>>>12&15}function Q(a){return a.a>>>16&7}function Ja(a){return 2===P(a)||3===P(a)}function Ka(a){return 5!==P(a)?a.a&63:(a.a&63)+(O(a)<(a.a&63)?-8:8)}function La(a){return!Ja(a)?" NBRQK".charAt(Q(a))+q(O(a))+(P(a)&4?"x":"-")+q(a.a&63)+(5===P(a)?"e.p.":"")+(P(a)&8?" NBRQK".charAt(P(a)&8?1+(P(a)&3):0):""):"0-0"+(3===P(a)?"-0":"")};function Ma(){this.c=new Fa;this.a=[C(G(L[1]),L[6]),C(C(C(J(1),J(6)),J(57)),J(62)),C(C(C(J(2),J(5)),J(58)),J(61)),C(C(C(J(0),J(7)),J(56)),J(63)),C(J(3),J(59)),C(J(4),J(60)),C(G(L[0]),L[1]),C(G(L[6]),L[7])];this.f=[];this.b=0;this.e=15;this.d=-1;this.h=0;this.g=[];this.i=[];for(var a=this.f.length=0;64>a;++a){var b;a:{for(b=0;5>=b;++b)if(!u(this.a[b],a))break a;b=j}this.f.push(b)}this.c=new Fa;this.b&&M(this.c,0);for(a=0;1>=a;++a)for(b=0;5>=b;++b)for(var c=this.c,d=b,g=a,e=R(this,b,a),e=G(e);!t(e);){var h=
s(e);M(c,2+d+6*g+12*h)}M(this.c,1538+this.e);N(this.c,this.d)}var S=[7,63,0,56],Na=[la(D(I(16843009,16843009),7)),va,la(D(I(16843009,16843009),0))];
function T(a,b,c){function d(a,b,c){for(;!t(b);){var d=s(b);u(ib,d)&&h.push(new Ia(a,d,!u(v,d)?4:0,c,H.f[d]))}}function g(a,b,c){e(G(a),b,c?15:11);e(G(a),b,c?14:10);e(G(a),b,c?13:9);e(G(a),b,c?12:8)}function e(a,b,c){for(;!t(a);){var d=s(a);h.push(new Ia(d-b,d,c,0,H.f[d]))}}c=!!c;var h=[],k=a.b,v=a.a[6+(k^1)],l=U(a),H=a,n=1-2*k,x=8*n,w=R(a,0,k),p=L[k?0:7];if(!c){var z=B(B(F(A(G(w),L[k?6:1]),2*x),l),F(G(l),x));e(z,2*x,1);z=B(F(G(w),x),l);e(B(G(z),p),x,0);g(A(G(z),p),x,m)}var Ra=K[k?7:0],z=x-n,Y=A(F(B(G(w),
Ra),z),v);e(B(G(Y),p),z,4);g(A(G(Y),p),z,f);var Y=K[k?0:7],x=x+n,Sa=A(F(B(G(w),Y),x),v);e(B(G(Sa),p),x,4);g(A(G(Sa),p),x,f);0<=a.d&&(p=F(B(A(J(a.d+n),w),Ra),z),e(p,z,5),n=F(B(A(J(a.d-n),w),Y),x),e(n,x,5));for(var ib=a.a[6+k],n=c?v:va,w=G(R(a,1,k));!t(w);)p=s(w),d(p,A(G(Da[p]),n),1);for(w=G(R(a,4,k));!t(w);)p=s(w),d(p,A(C(Oa(J(p),l),Pa(J(p),l)),n),4);for(w=G(R(a,2,k));!t(w);)p=s(w),d(p,A(Oa(J(p),l),n),2);for(w=G(R(a,3,k));!t(w);)p=s(w),d(p,A(Pa(J(p),l),n),3);l=ha(R(a,5,k));d(l,A(G(Ea[l]),n),5);c||
(Qa(a,k,f)&&h.push(new Ia(l,l+2,2,5,j)),Qa(a,k,m)&&h.push(new Ia(l,l-2,3,5,j)));c=h;return b?c:c.filter(Ma.prototype.j,a)}function R(a,b,c){return A(G(a.a[b]),a.a[6+c])}function U(a){return C(G(a.a[6]),a.a[7])}function V(a){return Ta(a,a.b^1,ha(R(a,5,a.b)))}function Ua(a,b){var c=0===a,d=F(B(G(b),K[0]),c?7:-9),c=F(B(G(b),K[7]),c?9:-7);return C(d,c)}function W(a,b,c,d){var g=I(0,0);c=8*c+d;d=Na[1+d];for(F(a,c);!t(A(a,d));F(B(a,b),c))C(g,a);return g}
function Oa(a,b){return C(C(C(W(G(a),b,1,1),W(G(a),b,1,-1)),W(G(a),b,-1,1)),W(G(a),b,-1,-1))}function Pa(a,b){return C(C(C(W(G(a),b,0,1),W(G(a),b,0,-1)),W(G(a),b,1,0)),W(G(a),b,-1,0))}function Ta(a,b,c){var d=R(a,0,b);if(ia(Ua(b,d),c))return f;d=R(a,1,b);if(!t(A(G(Da[c]),d)))return f;d=R(a,5,b);if(!t(A(G(Ea[c]),d)))return f;var d=U(a),g=R(a,4,b),e=C(G(R(a,2,b)),g);if(ia(Oa(e,d),c))return f;a=C(G(R(a,3,b)),g);return ia(Pa(a,d),c)?f:m}
function X(a,b,c){M(a.c,1538+a.e);a.e&=~(1<<b+(c?0:2));M(a.c,1538+a.e)}function Qa(a,b,c){if(0===(a.e&1<<b+(c?0:2)))return m;var d=c?1:-1,g=0===b?4:60,e=U(a);if(!(d=!u(e,g+d)||!u(e,g+2*d)||!c&&!u(e,g+3*d)))d=b^1,c=c?1:-1,b=0===b?4:60,d=!(!Ta(a,d,b)&&!Ta(a,d,b+c)&&!Ta(a,d,b+2*c));return d?m:f}function Va(a){if(!t(a.a[0])||!t(a.a[3])||!t(a.a[4]))return m;if(4>r(a.a[6])+r(a.a[7]))return f;if(!t(a.a[1]))return m;a=a.a[2];return ma(A(G(a),wa),a)||ma(A(G(a),xa),a)?f:m}
function Wa(a,b,c,d,g){var e=C(J(d),J(g));ka(a.a[b],e);ka(a.a[6+c],e);a.f[d]=j;a.f[g]=b;M(a.c,2+b+6*c+12*d);M(a.c,2+b+6*c+12*g)}function Xa(a,b,c,d,g){ja(a.a[b],g);y(a.a[c],g);a.f[g]=c;M(a.c,2+b+6*d+12*g);M(a.c,2+c+6*d+12*g)}function Ya(a,b){if(P(b)&4){var c=b.a>>>19&7,d=a.b^1,g=Ka(b);ja(a.a[c],g);ja(a.a[6+d],g);a.f[g]=j;M(a.c,2+c+6*d+12*g)}Ja(b)&&(c=a.b,d=2===P(b),g=S[c+(d?0:2)],Wa(a,3,c,g,g+(d?-2:3)));Wa(a,Q(b),a.b,O(b),b.a&63);P(b)&8&&Xa(a,0,P(b)&8?1+(P(b)&3):0,a.b,b.a&63)}
function Za(a,b){P(b)&8&&Xa(a,P(b)&8?1+(P(b)&3):0,0,a.b,b.a&63);Wa(a,Q(b),a.b,b.a&63,O(b));if(Ja(b)){var c=a.b,d=2===P(b),g=S[c+(d?0:2)];Wa(a,3,c,g+(d?-2:3),g)}P(b)&4&&(c=b.a>>>19&7,d=a.b^1,g=Ka(b),y(a.a[c],g),y(a.a[6+d],g),a.f[g]=c,M(a.c,2+c+6*d+12*g))}Ma.prototype.j=function(a){Ya(this,a);var b=V(this);Za(this,a);return!b};
function Z(a,b){Ya(a,b);if(V(a))return Za(a,b),m;a.g.push(b);a.i.push(a.d);a.i.push(a.e);a.i.push(a.h);N(a.c,a.d);a.d=1===P(b)?b.a&63:-1;N(a.c,a.d);var c=a.b;5===Q(b)?(X(a,c,f),X(a,c,m)):3===Q(b)&&(O(b)===S[c+0]?X(a,c,f):O(b)===S[c+2]&&X(a,c,m));c^=1;3===(b.a>>>19&7)&&(Ka(b)===S[c+0]?X(a,c,f):Ka(b)===S[c+2]&&X(a,c,m));P(b)&4||0===Q(b)?a.h=0:++a.h;a.b=c;M(a.c,0);return f}
function $a(a){if(a.g.length){var b=a.g.pop();a.b^=1;M(a.c,0);Za(a,b);a.i.pop();M(a.c,1538+a.e);a.e=a.i.pop();M(a.c,1538+a.e);N(a.c,a.d);a.d=a.i.pop();N(a.c,a.d)}};var ab=[100,300,300,500,900,2E4],bb=[[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,10,10,20,30,30,20,10,10,5,5,10,25,25,10,5,5,0,0,0,20,20,0,0,0,5,-5,-10,0,0,-10,-5,5,5,10,10,-20,-20,10,10,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[-50,-40,-30,-30,-30,-30,-40,-50,-40,-20,0,0,0,0,-20,-40,-30,0,10,15,15,10,0,-30,-30,5,15,20,20,15,5,-30,-30,0,15,20,20,15,0,-30,-30,5,10,15,15,10,5,-30,-40,-20,0,5,5,0,-20,-40,-50,-40,-30,-30,-30,-30,-40,-50],[-20,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-10,-20,-10,0,0,0,0,0,0,-10,-10,0,5,10,10,5,0,-10,-10,5,5,10,10,
-40,-40,-50,-50,-40,-40,-30,-30,-40,-40,-50,-50,-40,-40,-30,-20,-30,-30,-40,-40,-30,-30,-20,-10,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-10,20,20,0,0,0,0,20,20,20,30,10,0,0,10,30,20]],cb=ab[0]/2;function db(a,b){for(var c=0,d=0;5>d;++d)c+=r(R(a,d,b))*ab[d];1<r(R(a,2,b))&&(c+=cb);return c}function eb(a,b){for(var c=0,d=0;5>=d;++d)for(var g=G(R(a,d,b));!t(g);)var e=s(g),c=c+bb[d][b?e:56^e];return c}
function fb(a,b){var c=a.a[6+b],d=a.a[6+(b^1)],g=U(a),e=la(U(a)),h;h=0;var k,v=R(a,0,b),l=0===b;k=A(F(G(v),l?8:-8),e);e=A(A(F(A(G(v),L[l?1:6]),l?16:-16),e),F(G(e),l?8:-8));k=C(k,e);h=h+r(k);h+=r(A(Ua(b,R(a,0,b)),d));for(d=G(R(a,1,b));!t(d);)h+=r(B(G(Da[s(d)]),c));h+=r(B(G(Ea[ha(R(a,5,b))]),c));d=R(a,4,b);k=C(G(R(a,2,b)),d);h+=r(B(Oa(k,g),c));d=C(G(R(a,3,b)),d);h+=r(B(Pa(d,g),c));return h*ab[0]/100};function gb(){this.a=new Ma}function hb(){$("#chessboard table tr td, #chessboard table tr td div").removeClass("from to positional capture double-push en-passant promotion castle king-castle queen-castle")}function jb(){$("#chessboard table tr td div.ui-draggable").draggable("destroy");$("#chessboard table tr td.ui-droppable").droppable("destroy")}
function kb(a){$("#moves").html("");var b=$("#dim");b.fadeIn(function(){function c(a,b,e,h){if(1>b)return d(a,e,h);for(var p=g(T(a,f,m)),k=0===a.b,l=m,n=0;n<p.length;++n)if(Z(a,p[n])){var l=f,z=c(a,b-1,e,h);$a(a);k?e=z>e?z:e:h=z<h?z:h;if(h<=e)break}if(!l){if(!V(a))return 0;a=ab[5];return k?-a:a}return 100<=a.h||Va(a)?0:k?e:h}function d(a,b,c){if(100<=a.h||Va(a))return 0;var e=db(a,0)-db(a,1)+(eb(a,0)-eb(a,1));++k;var h=0===a.b;if(h){if(e>=c)return c;b=e>b?e:b}else{if(e<=b)return b;c=e<c?e:c}for(var e=
g(T(a,f,!V(a))),p=0;p<e.length;++p)if(Z(a,e[p])){var n=d(a,b,c);$a(a);if(h){if(n>=c)return c;b=n>b?n:b}else{if(n<=b)return b;c=n<c?n:c}}return h?b:c}function g(a){function b(a){var c=P(a)&4?(1+(a.a>>>19&7))/(1+Q(a)):0,c=6*c+Q(a),c=16*c+P(a),c=64*c+(a.a&63);return c=64*c+O(a)}a.sort(function(a,c){return b(c)-b(a)});return a}var e,h=a.a,k=0;e=j;for(var v=-Infinity,l=Infinity,H=g(T(h,f)),n=0;n<H.length;++n)if(Z(h,H[n])){var x=c(h,3,v,l);$a(h);0===h.b?x>v&&(v=x,e=H[n]):x<l&&(l=x,e=H[n])}window.console.log("Evaluations: "+
k+", result move: "+La(e)+", alpha: "+v+", beta: "+l);if(!e)throw Error("Move not found");Z(a.a,e);h=$("#"+q(O(e)));e=$("#"+q(e.a&63));var w=e.offset().left-h.offset().left,p=e.offset().top-h.offset().top,z=h.children("div");z.css({position:"relative",top:"0px",left:"0px"});b.fadeOut(function(){z.animate({top:p+"px",left:w+"px"},function(){lb(a)})})})}
function lb(a){window.console.log("Moves: "+a.a.g.length+", white material: "+db(a.a,0)+", black material: "+db(a.a,1)+", white mobility: "+fb(a.a,0)+", black mobility: "+fb(a.a,1)+", white location: "+eb(a.a,0)+", black location: "+eb(a.a,1));hb();jb();$("#chessboard table tr td div").remove();$("#chessboard table tr td").removeClass("white black turn last-move "+aa.join(" "));for(var b=a.a.a[6],c=a.a.a[7],d=0;64>d;++d)for(var g=$("#"+q(d)),e=0;5>=e;++e)if(!u(a.a.a[e],d)){var h=0===a.a.b?!u(b,d):
!u(c,d),k=$("<div>");k.attr("title",g.attr("title")+"\nPiece: "+aa[e]+"\nColor: "+(!u(b,d)?"white":"black"));k.text("\u2659\u265f\u2658\u265e\u2657\u265d\u2656\u265c\u2655\u265b\u2654\u265a".charAt(2*e+(!u(b,d)?0:1)));var v=k.add(g);v.addClass(aa[e]);v.toggleClass("white",!u(b,d));v.toggleClass("black",!u(c,d));v.toggleClass("turn",h);g.append(k);break}b=!a.a.g.length?j:a.a.g[a.a.g.length-1];b!==j&&($("#"+q(O(b))).addClass("last-move"),$("#"+q(b.a&63)).addClass("last-move"));b=!T(a.a).length?V(a.a)?
1:2:100<=a.a.h?3:Va(a.a)?5:0;if(0===b&&1===a.a.b)kb(a);else{var l=T(a.a);$("#moves").html('<a href="#" id="undo" class="'+(a.a.g.length?"can":"cannot")+'">undo</a><br/><a href="#" id="auto" class="'+(0<l.length?"can":"cannot")+'">auto</a><br/>',b){return'<a href="#" id="'+b+'">'+La(a)+"</a><br/>"}).join(""));$("#chessboard table tr td, #chessboard table tr td div").removeClass("can-move");l.forEach(function(a){a=$("#"+q(O(a)));a.add(a.children()).addClass("can-move")});var H=m;$("#chessboard table tr td div.can-move").mouseenter(function(){if(!H){var b=
$(this),c=b.parent(),d=ca(""+c.attr("id")),c=c.add(b);c.toggleClass("from",l.some(function(a){return O(a)===d}));c.hasClass("from")&&(l.forEach(function(a){if(O(a)===d){var b=$("#"+q(a.a&63)),b=b.add(b.children());b.addClass("to");b.addClass(0===P(a)?"positional":"");b.addClass(P(a)&4?"capture":"");b.addClass(1===P(a)?"double-push":"");b.addClass(5===P(a)?"en-passant":"");b.addClass(P(a)&8?"promotion":"");b.addClass(Ja(a)?"castle":"");b.addClass(2===P(a)?"king-castle":"");b.addClass(3===P(a)?"queen-castle":
"")}}),jb(),$("#chessboard table tr").droppable({drop:function(){var b=ca(""+$(this).attr("id")),c=l.filter(function(a){return O(a)===d&&(a.a&63)===b});0<c.length?(Z(a.a,c[0]),lb(a)):(hb(),jb())}}),b.draggable({start:function(){H=f},stop:function(){H=m},containment:"#chessboard table",zIndex:10,revert:"invalid"}))}}).mouseleave(function(){H||hb()});$("#moves a").click(function(){var b=$(this).attr("id");"undo"===b?($a(a.a),$a(a.a),lb(a)):"auto"===b?kb(a):(Z(a.a,l[parseInt(b,10)]),lb(a))});$("#dim").css({display:"none"});
1===b?$("#moves").append("&#35;<br/>"+(a.a.b?"1-0":"0-1")):0!==b&&$("#moves").append("&frac12;-&frac12;")}};window.makeChessGame=function(){var a=$("<table>"),b="<tr><th></th>"+"abcdefgh".split("").map(function(a){return'<th class="file">'+a+"</th>"}).join("")+"<th></th></tr>";a.append(b);for(var c=0;8>c;++c){var d=7-c,g=$("<tr>");a.append(g);var e='<th class="rank">'+(8-c)+"</th>";g.append(e);for(var h=0;8>h;++h){var k=$("<td>"),v=(d+h)%2?"light":"dark";k.attr("id",ba(d,h));k.attr("title","Algebraic: "+ba(d,h)+"\nRank: "+d+"\nFile: "+h+"\nIndex: "+(h+8*d)+"\nColor: "+v);k.addClass(v);g.append(k)}g.append(e)}a.append(b);
$("#chessboard").append(a);lb(new gb)};})();


@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
"use strict";
* AI (artificial intelligence) is a computer player for chess.
* The implementation is an alpha-beta pruned minimax with a simple evaluation function.
* AI takes a chess position, evaluates possible moves up to a certain depth, and returns the move it considers best (or null if the game is lost).
* @constructor
* TODO: add some sort of randomness; per side so that two computers playing against each other act differently (and don't know how the other is acting).
* TODO: static exchange evaluation (see)
* TODO: transposition table
* TODO: iterative deepening
* TODO: negamax formulation
Chess.AI = function() {
* @const
* @type {!Array.<number>}
* @see (Chess piece relative value)
Chess.AI.PIECE_VALUES = [100, 300, 300, 500, 900, 20000];
* @const
* @type {!Array.<!Array.<number>>}
* @see (Simplified evaluation function)
// pawn
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
10, 10, 20, 30, 30, 20, 10, 10,
5, 5, 10, 25, 25, 10, 5, 5,
0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0,
5, -5, -10, 0, 0, -10, -5, 5,
5, 10, 10, -20, -20, 10, 10, 5,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// knight
-50, -40, -30, -30, -30, -30, -40, -50,
-40, -20, 0, 0, 0, 0, -20, -40,
-30, 0, 10, 15, 15, 10, 0, -30,
-30, 5, 15, 20, 20, 15, 5, -30,
-30, 0, 15, 20, 20, 15, 0, -30,
-30, 5, 10, 15, 15, 10, 5, -30,
-40, -20, 0, 5, 5, 0, -20, -40,
-50, -40, -30, -30, -30, -30, -40, -50
// bishop
-20, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -20,
-10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10,
-10, 0, 5, 10, 10, 5, 0, -10,
-10, 5, 5, 10, 10, 5, 5, -10,
-10, 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, -10,
-10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, -10,
-10, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, -10,
-20, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -20
// rook
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5,
-5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,
-5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,
-5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,
-5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,
-5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,
0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0
// queen
-20, -10, -10, -5, -5, -10, -10, -20,
-10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10,
-10, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -10,
-5, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -5,
0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -5,
-10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, -10,
-10, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, -10,
-20, -10, -10, -5, -5, -10, -10, -20
// king middle game
-30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30,
-30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30,
-30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30,
-30, -40, -40, -50, -50, -40, -40, -30,
-20, -30, -30, -40, -40, -30, -30, -20,
-10, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -20, -10,
20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20,
20, 30, 10, 0, 0, 10, 30, 20
// king end game
-50, -40, -30, -20, -20, -30, -40, -50,
-30, -20, -10, 0, 0, -10, -20, -30,
-30, -10, 20, 30, 30, 20, -10, -30,
-30, -10, 30, 40, 40, 30, -10, -30,
-30, -10, 30, 40, 40, 30, -10, -30,
-30, -10, 20, 30, 30, 20, -10, -30,
-30, -30, 0, 0, 0, 0, -30, -30,
-50, -30, -30, -30, -30, -30, -30, -50
* @const
* @type {number}
* @see (Bishop pair)
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @param {!Chess.PieceColor} color
* @return {number}
Chess.AI.getMaterialValue = function(chessPosition, color) {
var value = 0;
for (var piece = Chess.Piece.PAWN; piece < Chess.Piece.KING; ++piece) {
value += chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(piece, color).popcnt() * Chess.AI.PIECE_VALUES[piece];
if (chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(Chess.Piece.BISHOP, color).popcnt() > 1) {
value += Chess.AI.BISHOP_PAIR_VALUE;
return value;
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @return {number}
Chess.AI.evaluateMaterial = function(chessPosition) {
return Chess.AI.getMaterialValue(chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.WHITE) - Chess.AI.getMaterialValue(chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.BLACK);
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @param {!Chess.PieceColor} color
* @return {number}
* TODO: game phase
Chess.AI.getPieceSquareValue = function(chessPosition, color) {
var value = 0;
for (var piece = Chess.Piece.PAWN; piece <= Chess.Piece.KING; ++piece) {
var pieces = chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(piece, color).dup();
while (!pieces.isEmpty()) {
var index = pieces.extractLowestBitPosition();
value += Chess.AI.PIECE_SQUARE_TABLES[piece][color ? index : (56 ^ index)];
return value;
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @return {number}
Chess.AI.evaluateLocations = function(chessPosition) {
return Chess.AI.getPieceSquareValue(chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.WHITE) - Chess.AI.getPieceSquareValue(chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.BLACK);
* @param {!Chess.PieceColor} color white = attacks by white pieces
* @param {!Chess.Bitboard} pawns
* @param {!Chess.Bitboard} empty
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard}
Chess.AI.makePawnPositionalMask = function(color, pawns, empty) {
var white = (color === Chess.PieceColor.WHITE);
var positional = pawns.dup().shiftLeft(white ? 8 : -8).and(empty);
var doublePush = pawns.dup().and(Chess.Bitboard.RANKS[white ? 1 : 6]).shiftLeft(white ? 16 : -16).and(empty).and(empty.dup().shiftLeft(white ? 8 : -8));
return positional.or(doublePush);
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @param {!Chess.PieceColor} color
* @return {number}
* TODO: it's easy to give bonuses for attack and defend here by and(us) or and(opponent)
* TODO: legality
* TODO: does not count all moves; e.g. two pawns can capture the same square, ditto two rooks, two queens
Chess.AI.getMobilityValue = function(chessPosition, color) {
var us = chessPosition.getColorBitboard(color);
var opponent = chessPosition.getColorBitboard(Chess.getOtherPieceColor(color));
var occupied = chessPosition.getOccupiedBitboard();
var empty = chessPosition.getEmptyBitboard();
var mobility = 0;
mobility += Chess.AI.makePawnPositionalMask(color, chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(Chess.Piece.PAWN, color), empty).popcnt();
mobility += Chess.Position.makePawnAttackMask(color, chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(Chess.Piece.PAWN, color)).and(opponent).popcnt();
var knights = chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(Chess.Piece.KNIGHT, color).dup();
while (!knights.isEmpty()) {
mobility += Chess.Bitboard.KNIGHT_MOVEMENTS[knights.extractLowestBitPosition()].dup().and_not(us).popcnt();
mobility += Chess.Bitboard.KING_MOVEMENTS[chessPosition.getKingPosition(color)].dup().and_not(us).popcnt();
var queens = chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(Chess.Piece.QUEEN, color);
var bq = chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(Chess.Piece.BISHOP, color).dup().or(queens);
mobility += Chess.Position.makeBishopAttackMask(bq, occupied).and_not(us).popcnt();
var rq = chessPosition.getPieceColorBitboard(Chess.Piece.ROOK, color).dup().or(queens);
mobility += Chess.Position.makeRookAttackMask(rq, occupied).and_not(us).popcnt();
return mobility * Chess.AI.PIECE_VALUES[Chess.Piece.PAWN] / 100;
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @return {number}
Chess.AI.evaluate = function(chessPosition) {
return Chess.AI.evaluateMaterial(chessPosition) + Chess.AI.evaluateLocations(chessPosition);
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @return {?Chess.Move}
*/ = function(chessPosition) {
* @param {!Array.<!Chess.Move>} moves
* @return {!Array.<!Chess.Move>}
function sortMoves(moves) {
* @param {!Chess.Move} move
* @return {number}
* TODO: killer heuristic, history, etc
function scoreMove(move) {
var score = move.isCapture() ? ((1 + move.getCapturedPiece()) / (1 + move.getPiece())) : 0;
score = 6 * score + move.getPiece();
score = 16 * score + move.getKind();
score = 64 * score + move.getTo();
score = 64 * score + move.getFrom();
return score;
* @param {!Chess.Move} a
* @param {!Chess.Move} b
* @return {number}
function compareMoves(a, b) {
return scoreMove(b) - scoreMove(a);
return moves;
var evaluations = 0;
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @param {number} alpha
* @param {number} beta
* @return {number}
function quiescenceSearch(chessPosition, alpha, beta) {
if (chessPosition.isDraw()) {
// always assume the draw will be claimed
return 0;
var standPatValue = Chess.AI.evaluate(chessPosition);
var white = (chessPosition.getTurnColor() === Chess.PieceColor.WHITE);
if (white) {
if (standPatValue >= beta) {
return beta;
alpha = (standPatValue > alpha) ? standPatValue : alpha;
} else {
if (standPatValue <= alpha) {
return alpha;
beta = (standPatValue < beta) ? standPatValue : beta;
var moves = sortMoves(chessPosition.getMoves(true, !chessPosition.isKingInCheck()));
for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; ++i) {
if (chessPosition.makeMove(moves[i])) {
var value = quiescenceSearch(chessPosition, alpha, beta);
if (white) {
if (value >= beta) {
return beta;
alpha = (value > alpha) ? value : alpha; // max player (white)
} else {
if (value <= alpha) {
return alpha;
beta = (value < beta) ? value : beta; // min player (black)
return /** @type {number} */(white ? alpha : beta);
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @param {number} depth
* @param {number} alpha
* @param {number} beta
* @return {number}
function alphaBeta(chessPosition, depth, alpha, beta) {
if (depth < 1) {
return quiescenceSearch(chessPosition, alpha, beta);
var moves = sortMoves(chessPosition.getMoves(true, false));
var white = (chessPosition.getTurnColor() === Chess.PieceColor.WHITE);
var legal = false;
for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; ++i) {
if (chessPosition.makeMove(moves[i])) {
legal = true;
var value = alphaBeta(chessPosition, depth - 1, alpha, beta);
if (white) {
alpha = (value > alpha) ? value : alpha; // max player (white)
} else {
beta = (value < beta) ? value : beta; // min player (black)
if (beta <= alpha) {
if (!legal) {
// no legal moves
if (!chessPosition.isKingInCheck()) {
// stalemate, draw
return 0;
// checkmate, the player in turn loses
var mate = Chess.AI.PIECE_VALUES[Chess.Piece.KING];// - chessPosition.getMadeMoveCount(); TODO: punish longer games
return white ? -mate : mate;
// TODO: avoid the search above before checking this, just check for checkmate
if (chessPosition.isDraw()) {
// always assume the draw will be claimed
return 0;
return /** @type {number} */(white ? alpha : beta);
var bestMove = null;
var alpha = -Infinity;
var beta = Infinity;
var moves = sortMoves(chessPosition.getMoves(true));
for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; ++i) {
if (chessPosition.makeMove(moves[i])) {
var value = alphaBeta(chessPosition, 3, alpha, beta);
if (chessPosition.getTurnColor() === Chess.PieceColor.WHITE) {
// max player (white)
if (value > alpha) {
alpha = value;
bestMove = moves[i];
} else {
// min player (black)
if (value < beta) {
beta = value;
bestMove = moves[i];
// Notice that alpha is always smaller than beta here, because we only update one one them
// at the main level, the other stays infinite (+ or -)
window.console.log("Evaluations: " + evaluations + ", result move: " + bestMove.getString() + ", alpha: " + alpha + ", beta: " + beta);
return bestMove;


@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
"use strict";
* Chess.Bitboard is an unsigned 64 bit integer, each bit representing a boolean value on the corresponding chessboard square.
* The boolean values represent existence of a piece on the square.
* The 64 bit unsigned integer is implemented as combination of two 32 bit unsigned integers.
* @constructor
* @param {number} low Lower 32 bits of the 64 bit value
* @param {number} high Upper 32 bits of the 64 bit value
* TODO: test using three numbers here instead of two: 31 bit integers are faster than 32 bit ones in chrome (
Chess.Bitboard = function(low, high) {
* Lower 32 bits of the 64 bit value
* @type {number}
this.low = low >>> 0;
* Upper 32 bits of the 64 bit value
* @type {number}
this.high = high >>> 0;
* @see (Bit Twiddling Hacks)
* @see (Bit-peeking bits of Javascript)
* @param {number} v 32 bit integer
* @return {number} 0-32 number of bits set in v
Chess.Bitboard.popcnt32 = function(v) {
v >>>= 0;
v -= (v >>> 1) & 0x55555555;
v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >>> 2) & 0x33333333);
return ((v + (v >>> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >>> 24;
* @param {number} v 32 bit integer
* @return {number} v with its lowest bit cleared
Chess.Bitboard.popLowestBit32 = function (v) {
v >>>= 0;
return (v & (v - 1)) >>> 0;
* @param {number} v 32 bit integer, non-zero. Undefined behavior if v is zero.
* @return {number} 0-31 Position of first set bit
Chess.Bitboard.getLowestBitPosition32 = function(v) {
v >>>= 0;
return Chess.Bitboard.popcnt32((v & -v) - 1);
/** @return {number} 0-64 number of bits set in this Chess.Bitboard */
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.popcnt = function() {
return Chess.Bitboard.popcnt32(this.low) + Chess.Bitboard.popcnt32(this.high);
* Clears the lowest set bit.
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this with the lowest bit cleared
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.popLowestBit = function() {
if (this.low) {
this.low = Chess.Bitboard.popLowestBit32(this.low);
} else {
this.high = Chess.Bitboard.popLowestBit32(this.high);
return this;
/** @return {number} 0-63 position of the first set bit. Undefined behavior if this Chess.Bitboard is empty. */
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.getLowestBitPosition = function() {
if (this.low) {
return Chess.Bitboard.getLowestBitPosition32(this.low);
return 32 + Chess.Bitboard.getLowestBitPosition32(this.high);
* Clears the lowest set bit and returns its position.
* @return {number} 0-63 position of the first set bit. Undefined behavior if this Chess.Bitboard is empty.
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.extractLowestBitPosition = function() {
var index = this.getLowestBitPosition();
return index;
/** @return {boolean} true if all the bits in this Chess.Bitboard are zero */
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return !this.low && !this.high;
* @param {number} index 0-63
* @return {boolean} true if the bit at index is 0
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.isClear = function(index) {
index >>>= 0;
if (index < 32) {
return !(this.low & (1 << index));
return !(this.high & (1 << (index - 32)));
* @param {number} index 0-63
* @return {boolean} true if the bit at index is 1
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.isSet = function(index) {
return !this.isClear(index);
* @param {number} index 0-63
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this or 1 << index
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.setBit = function(index) {
index >>>= 0;
if (index < 32) {
this.low = (this.low | (1 << index)) >>> 0;
} else {
this.high = (this.high | (1 << (index - 32))) >>> 0;
return this;
* @param {number} index 0-63
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this and not 1 << index
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.clearBit = function(index) {
index >>>= 0;
if (index < 32) {
this.low = (this.low & ~(1 << index)) >>> 0;
} else {
this.high = (this.high & ~(1 << (index - 32))) >>> 0;
return this;
* @param {!Chess.Bitboard} other
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this and other
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.and = function(other) {
this.low = (this.low & other.low) >>> 0;
this.high = (this.high & other.high) >>> 0;
return this;
* @param {!Chess.Bitboard} other
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this and not other
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.and_not = function(other) {
this.low = (this.low & ~other.low) >>> 0;
this.high = (this.high & ~other.high) >>> 0;
return this;
* @param {!Chess.Bitboard} other
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this or other
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.or = function(other) {
this.low = (this.low | other.low) >>> 0;
this.high = (this.high | other.high) >>> 0;
return this;
* @param {!Chess.Bitboard} other
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this xor other
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.xor = function(other) {
this.low = (this.low ^ other.low) >>> 0;
this.high = (this.high ^ other.high) >>> 0;
return this;
/** @return {!Chess.Bitboard} not this */
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.not = function() {
this.low = (~this.low) >>> 0;
this.high = (~this.high) >>> 0;
return this;
* Shifts this Chess.Bitboard left v bits. Undefined behavior if v is not in 0-63.
* @param {number} v 0-63 number of bits to shift
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this << v
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.shl = function(v) {
v >>>= 0;
if (v > 31) {
this.high = (this.low << (v - 32)) >>> 0;
this.low = 0 >>> 0;
} else if (v > 0) {
this.high = ((this.high << v) | (this.low >>> (32 - v))) >>> 0;
this.low = (this.low << v) >>> 0;
return this;
* Shifts this Chess.Bitboard right v bits. Undefined behavior if v is not in 0-63.
* @param {number} v 0-63 number of bits to shift
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this >>> v
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.shr = function(v) {
v >>>= 0;
if (v > 31) {
this.low = this.high >>> (v - 32);
this.high = 0 >>> 0;
} else if (v > 0) {
this.low = ((this.low >>> v) | (this.high << (32 - v))) >>> 0;
this.high >>>= v;
return this;
* Shifts this Chess.Bitboard left v bits, where v can be negative for right shift.
* @param {number} v number of bits to shift
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard} this << v
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.shiftLeft = function(v) {
if (v > 63 || v < -63) {
this.low = this.high = 0 >>> 0;
} else if (v > 0) {
} else if (v < 0) {
return this;
* @param {!Chess.Bitboard} other
* @return {boolean} 'this' equals 'other'
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.isEqual = function(other) {
return this.low === other.low && this.high === other.high;
/** @return {!Chess.Bitboard} copy of this */
Chess.Bitboard.prototype.dup = function() {
return Chess.Bitboard.make(this.low, this.high);
* @param {number} low Lower 32 bits of the 64 bit value
* @param {number} high Upper 32 bits of the 64 bit value
* @return {!Chess.Bitboard}
Chess.Bitboard.make = function(low, high) {
return new Chess.Bitboard(low, high);
/** @return {!Chess.Bitboard} bitboard of all zeros */
Chess.Bitboard.makeZero = function() {
return Chess.Bitboard.make(0, 0);