"use strict"; // TODO: extract anonymous functions to Chess.UI member functions where it makes sense (e.g. drag&drop handlers) // TODO: receive the div id as an argument // TODO: implement getters for the most common selectors (which are now constants) // TODO: show captured pieces next to the board // TODO: tablet drag&drop // TODO: click-click moving (=no drag&drop) /** * Chess user interface implementation. A chessboard is created as a html table. * Chess pieces are created as html divs, and placed as children of the chessboard tds. * Dragging and dropping is implemented with jQuery UI's draggable. * Chess game state (position.js) and computer player (ai.js) are wired to the pieces. Computer is the black player. * @constructor */ Chess.UI = function() { /** @type {!Chess.Position} */ this.chessPosition = new Chess.Position; /** @type {!Chess.AI} */ this.ai = new Chess.AI; }; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_ID = "#chessboard"; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_TABLE = Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_ID + " table"; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_SQUARE = Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_ID + " table tr td"; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECE = Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_SQUARE + " div"; /** * @const * @type {string} */ Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECES_AND_SQUARES = Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_SQUARE + ", " + Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECE; /** * Creates a new chessboard table under an element with id="chessboard" */ Chess.UI.makeBoard = function() { var table = $(""); var filesRow = '' + "abcdefgh".split("").map(/** @param {string} x @return {string} */ function(x) { return '"; }).join("") + ""; table.append(filesRow); for (var row = 0; row < Chess.RANKS; ++row) { var rank = Chess.LAST_RANK - row; var tr = $(""); table.append(tr); var rankCell = '"; tr.append(rankCell); for (var file = 0; file < Chess.FILES; ++file) { var td = $("
' + x + "
' + (Chess.RANKS - row) + ""); var color = Chess.isLight(rank, file) ? "light" : "dark"; td.attr("id", Chess.getAlgebraic(rank, file)); td.attr("title", "Algebraic: " + Chess.getAlgebraic(rank, file) + "\nRank: " + rank + "\nFile: " + file + "\nIndex: " + Chess.getIndex(rank, file) + "\nColor: " + color); td.addClass(color); tr.append(td); } tr.append(rankCell); } table.append(filesRow); $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_ID).append(table); }; /** * Clears move related classes from chessboard table cells */ Chess.UI.clearMoving = function() { $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECES_AND_SQUARES).removeClass("from to positional capture double-push en-passant promotion castle king-castle queen-castle"); }; /** * Removes dragging and dropping capabilities from chessboard table cells */ Chess.UI.clearDragging = function() { $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECE + ".ui-draggable").draggable("destroy"); $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_SQUARE + ".ui-droppable").droppable("destroy"); }; /** Adds chess pieces to the chessboard */ Chess.UI.prototype.updatePieces = function() { $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECE).remove(); $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_SQUARE).removeClass("white black turn last-move " + Chess.PIECE_NAMES.join(" ")); var whites = this.chessPosition.getColorBitboard(Chess.PieceColor.WHITE); var blacks = this.chessPosition.getColorBitboard(Chess.PieceColor.BLACK); for (var index = 0; index < Chess.RANKS * Chess.FILES; ++index) { var td = $("#" + Chess.getAlgebraicFromIndex(index)); for (var piece = Chess.Piece.PAWN; piece <= Chess.Piece.KING; ++piece) { if (this.chessPosition.getPieceBitboard(piece).isSet(index)) { var isTurn = (this.chessPosition.getTurnColor() === Chess.PieceColor.WHITE) ? whites.isSet(index) : blacks.isSet(index); var div = $("
"); div.attr("title", td.attr("title") + "\nPiece: " + Chess.PIECE_NAMES[piece] + "\nColor: " + (whites.isSet(index) ? "white" : "black")); div.text(Chess.getPieceCharacter(piece, whites.isSet(index) ? Chess.PieceColor.WHITE : Chess.PieceColor.BLACK)); var elements = div.add(td); elements.addClass(Chess.PIECE_NAMES[piece]); elements.toggleClass("white", whites.isSet(index)); elements.toggleClass("black", blacks.isSet(index)); elements.toggleClass("turn", isTurn); td.append(div); break; } } } var lastMove = this.chessPosition.getLastMove(); if (lastMove !== null) { $("#" + Chess.getAlgebraicFromIndex(lastMove.getFrom())).addClass("last-move"); $("#" + Chess.getAlgebraicFromIndex(lastMove.getTo())).addClass("last-move"); // TODO: en passant, castling } }; /** * Adds chessboard cell hover, and chess piece dragging and dropping capabilities to the chessboard */ Chess.UI.prototype.updateMoves = function() { var moves = this.chessPosition.getMoves(); $("#moves").html( 'undo
' + 'auto
' + moves.map( /** * @param {!Chess.Move} move * @param {number} index * @return {string} */ function(move, index) { return '' + move.getString() + "
"; }).join("")); $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECES_AND_SQUARES).removeClass("can-move"); moves.forEach(/** @param {!Chess.Move} move */ function(move) { var td = $("#" + Chess.getAlgebraicFromIndex(move.getFrom())); var elements = td.add(td.children()); elements.addClass("can-move"); }); /** @type {boolean} */ var dragging = false; var ui = this; $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_PIECE + ".can-move").mouseenter(/** @this {!Element} */ function(event) { if (dragging) { return; } var div = $(this); var td = div.parent(); var from = Chess.getIndexFromAlgebraic("" + td.attr("id")); var fromElements = td.add(div); fromElements.toggleClass("from", moves.some(/** @param {!Chess.Move} move @return {boolean} */ function(move) { return move.getFrom() === from; })); if (fromElements.hasClass("from")) { moves.forEach(/** @param {!Chess.Move} move */ function(move) { if (move.getFrom() === from) { var toElements = $("#" + Chess.getAlgebraicFromIndex(move.getTo())); toElements = toElements.add(toElements.children()); toElements.addClass("to"); toElements.addClass(move.getKind() === Chess.Move.Kind.POSITIONAL ? "positional" : ""); toElements.addClass(move.isCapture() ? "capture" : ""); toElements.addClass(move.getKind() === Chess.Move.Kind.DOUBLE_PAWN_PUSH ? "double-push" : ""); toElements.addClass(move.getKind() === Chess.Move.Kind.EN_PASSANT_CAPTURE ? "en-passant" : ""); toElements.addClass(move.isPromotion() ? "promotion" : ""); toElements.addClass(move.isCastle() ? "castle" : ""); toElements.addClass(move.getKind() === Chess.Move.Kind.KING_CASTLE ? "king-castle" : ""); toElements.addClass(move.getKind() === Chess.Move.Kind.QUEEN_CASTLE ? "queen-castle" : ""); } }); Chess.UI.clearDragging(); // Quote "drop", "start", "stop", etc to prevent the closure compiler from removing them $(Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_SQUARE + ".to").droppable({ "drop": /** @this {!Element} */ function() { var to = Chess.getIndexFromAlgebraic("" + $(this).attr("id")); var makeMoves = moves.filter(/** @param {!Chess.Move} move */ function(move) { return move.getFrom() === from && move.getTo() === to; }); if (makeMoves.length > 0) { // TODO: it's possible that there is more than one move (promotions). Either ask the user here or have a droplist somewhere ("promote to") ui.chessPosition.makeMove(makeMoves[0]); ui.updateChessPosition(); } else { // Dropped to an invalid square Chess.UI.clearMoving(); Chess.UI.clearDragging(); } } }); div.draggable({ "start": function() { dragging = true; }, "stop": function() { dragging = false; }, "containment": Chess.UI.CHESSBOARD_TABLE, "zIndex": 10, "revert": "invalid" }); } }).mouseleave(function() { if (!dragging) { Chess.UI.clearMoving(); } }); $("#moves a").click(function() { var id = $(this).attr("id"); if (id === "undo") { ui.chessPosition.unmakeMove(); // computer (black) move ui.chessPosition.unmakeMove(); // user (white) move ui.updateChessPosition(); } else if (id === "auto") { ui.doComputerMove(); } else { ui.chessPosition.makeMove(moves[parseInt(id, 10)]); ui.updateChessPosition(); } }); }; /** * @throws {Error} */ Chess.UI.prototype.doComputerMove = function() { $("#moves").html(""); var ui = this; var dim = $("#dim"); dim.fadeIn(function() { var move = ui.ai.search(ui.chessPosition); if (!move) { // Mates should have been checked in updateChessPosition throw new Error("Move not found"); } ui.chessPosition.makeMove(move); var from = $("#" + Chess.getAlgebraicFromIndex(move.getFrom())); var to = $("#" + Chess.getAlgebraicFromIndex(move.getTo())); var dx = (to.offset().left - from.offset().left); var dy = (to.offset().top - from.offset().top); var piece = from.children("div"); piece.css({"position": "relative", "top": "0px", "left": "0px" }); dim.fadeOut(function() { piece.animate({"top": dy + "px", "left": dx + "px"}, function() { ui.updateChessPosition(); }); }); }); }; /** * Updates the chessboard according to the current chess position */ Chess.UI.prototype.updateChessPosition = function() { window.console.log("Moves: " + this.chessPosition.getMadeMoveCount() + ", white material: " + Chess.AI.getMaterialValue(this.chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.WHITE) + ", black material: " + Chess.AI.getMaterialValue(this.chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.BLACK) + ", white mobility: " + Chess.AI.getMobilityValue(this.chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.WHITE) + ", black mobility: " + Chess.AI.getMobilityValue(this.chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.BLACK) + ", white location: " + Chess.AI.getPieceSquareValue(this.chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.WHITE) + ", black location: " + Chess.AI.getPieceSquareValue(this.chessPosition, Chess.PieceColor.BLACK)); Chess.UI.clearMoving(); Chess.UI.clearDragging(); this.updatePieces(); var status = this.chessPosition.getStatus(); if (status === Chess.Position.Status.NORMAL && this.chessPosition.getTurnColor() === Chess.PieceColor.BLACK) { this.doComputerMove(); } else { this.updateMoves(); $("#dim").css({"display": "none"}); if (status === Chess.Position.Status.CHECKMATE) { $("#moves").append("#
" + (this.chessPosition.getTurnColor() ? "1-0" : "0-1")); } else if (status !== Chess.Position.Status.NORMAL) { $("#moves").append("½-½"); } } }; /** * Creates a new chessboard and sets up the game at the standard chess initial position. */ function makeChessGame() { Chess.UI.makeBoard(); var ui = new Chess.UI; ui.updateChessPosition(); }