This is a chess implementation in javascript and a fork of
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# Javascript Chess
This program is a Javascript implementation of the board game [Chess](, with a computer player opponent. All move types are supported, including en passant, castling and promotion.
Try it out [here]( Usage is shown below the chessboard. At least Internet Explorer (8 or later), Chrome and Firefox should work.
# Code Structure
Source files are placed in the `src` directory. Minification and linting files are placed in the `build` directory. Source file contents:
* `chess.js`: Constants, utilities and the Chess namespace.
* `bitboard.js`: 64-bit bit twiddling tools.
* `zobrist.js`: Game state hash calculator. Currently unused, but will be used in the transposition table implementation.
* `move.js`: Piece movement representation.
* `position.js`: Chess game state and mutation.
* `parser.js`: Parser for various Chess notations.
* `ai.js`: Artificial intelligence, i.e. computer opponent. Basic alpha-beta pruned minimax with a simple evaluation function.
* `ui.js`: User interface code.
* `chess.include.js`: Includes all of the above files.
* `chess.css`: User interface style.
* `chess.ico`: Icon.
* `chess.html`: Main game file.
* `test.js`: Automated tests.
* `test.html`: Automated test runner.
# Building
To compile the minified version using `` in the `build` directory, you need [bash]( and the [Closure compiler]( You may need to adjust the `.jar` location in ``. Compiled files are placed in the top-level directory.
To lint using `` in the build directory, you need bash and [JavaScript Lint]( You may need to adjust lint's path in ``.
To run the tests, open `test.html` in the `src` directory.
* Static exchange evaluation
* Transposition table
* Iterative deepening
* Negamax formulation
* AI randomness
* Take game phase into account in evaluation
* Take mobility into account in evaluation
* Killer heuristic
* Late-check castling legality
* Tie-detection
* Move pieces without drag and drop
* Underpromotion
* Show captured pieces in the UI
* Don't hardcode board target div to UI
* UI for loading game state from parsable Chess notation(s)
* More tests
# License
The Chess implementation is distributed under the MIT license. See accompanying file LICENSE for details.
Third-party components are distributed/used under their respective license:
* jQuery: [MIT]( (used via jQuery CDN)
* jQuery UI: [MIT]( (used via jQuery CDN)
* jQuery UI Touch Punch: [MIT]( (used via CloudFlare CDN)
* Augment.js: [MIT]( (used via CloudFlare CDN)
* QUnit: [MIT]( (used via jQuery CDN)
* The jQuery extern file in the build directory: [Apache 2](