This is a chess implementation in javascript and a fork of
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"use strict";
* Parser for chess moves in algebraic notation, e.g. "1. e4 c5 (comment here) 2. Nf3 d6".
* The idea is to parse a list of moves starting from the initial state, yielding a valid chess position.
* @constructor
* @see (Algebraic notation)
Chess.Parser = function() {
* Cleans uninteresting parts of a move string
* @param {string} text
* @return {string}
* @see (Dashes and hyphens)
Chess.Parser.clean = function(text) {
text = text.replace(/[\r\n\t]/gm, " "); // normalize whitespace to spaces
text = text.replace(/[\u002D\u05BE\u1806\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2015\u207B\u208B\u2212\u2E3A\u2E3B\uFE58\uFE63\uFF0D]/g, "-"); // normalize dashes
while (true) { // remove comments, i.e. (nested) parentheses and characters between them
var replaced = text.replace(/\([^()]*\)/g, "");
if (replaced === text) {
text = replaced;
text = text.replace(/[^ a-z0-9.=:\u00BD-]/gi, " "); // only keep interesting characters
text = text.replace(/ +/g, " "); // normalize whitespace to one space
return text;
* @param {!Chess.Position} chessPosition
* @param {string} text
* @return {?Array.<!Chess.Move>}
Chess.Parser.parseOneMove = function(chessPosition, text) {
var legalMoves = chessPosition.getMoves();
var castling = text.match(/0-0(?:-0)?|O-O(?:-O)?/i);
if (castling) {
var kind = (castling[0].length === 3) ? Chess.Move.Kind.KING_CASTLE : Chess.Move.Kind.QUEEN_CASTLE;
return legalMoves.filter(/** @param {!Chess.Move} move */function(move) { return move.getKind() === kind; });
var move = text.match(/([NBRQK])?([a-h])?([1-8])?-?([x:])?([a-h])([1-8])?(?:[=(]([NBRQ]))?/i);
if (move) {
var piece = move[1];
var fromFile = move[2];
var fromRank = move[3];
var capture = move[4];
var toFile = move[5];
var toRank = move[6];
var promotedPiece = move[7];
return legalMoves.filter(/** @param {!Chess.Move} move */function(move) {
if (piece !== undefined && Chess.PIECE_ALGEBRAIC_NAMES[move.getPiece()] !== piece) {
return false;
if (piece === undefined && move.getPiece() !== Chess.Piece.PAWN) {
return false;
if (fromFile !== undefined && Chess.FILE_CHARACTERS[Chess.getFile(move.getFrom())] !== fromFile) {
return false;
if (fromRank !== undefined && Chess.RANK_CHARACTERS[Chess.getRank(move.getFrom())] !== fromRank) {
return false;
if (capture !== undefined && !move.isCapture()) {
return false;
if (toFile !== undefined && Chess.FILE_CHARACTERS[Chess.getFile(move.getTo())] !== toFile) {
return false;
if (toRank !== undefined && Chess.RANK_CHARACTERS[Chess.getRank(move.getTo())] !== toRank) {
return false;
if (promotedPiece !== undefined && Chess.PIECE_ALGEBRAIC_NAMES[move.getPromotedPiece()] !== promotedPiece) {
return false;
return true;
return null;
* @param {string} text
* @return {!Chess.Position}
* @throws {Error}
Chess.Parser.parseMoves = function(text) {
var chessPosition = new Chess.Position;
Chess.Parser.clean(text).split(" ").every(/** @param {string} moveText */function(moveText) {
var moveNumber = moveText.match(/\d+\./);
if (moveNumber) {
return true;
var gameOver = moveText.match(/1-0|0-1|\u00BD-\u00BD/);
if (gameOver) {
return false;
var moves = Chess.Parser.parseOneMove(chessPosition, moveText);
if (!moves || moves.length !== 1) {
throw new Error("Parse error in '" + moveText + "'");
return true;
return chessPosition;